Raid Breaker

< [Chapter 84] Grade 9 dimensional door (1) >

Grade @ 9 dimensions.

“That's why you'd rather go than me. ”

It's been a long time since Ancient Mountain came to Soohyuk. The reason he came was simple. At the moment, he was asked for official assistance by John Lane, the World Knights Association, to be exact.

“But it's a request for help from the commander, not me. ”

Honestly, Suhyuk was interested as soon as he heard about the Grade 9 Dimensional Gate. He conquered the Grade 8 Dungeon perfectly and now he has to be interested in the Grade 9 Dungeon. But just because I was interested, I couldn't help but want to participate.

“That's because they don't know what you're good at. I heard from John that the situation is so serious that he's rounding up every talent in the world. In this situation, he chose me as the representative of the Republic of Korea...... Actually, if you are the representative of the Republic of Korea, you are not me. ”

“Well, you have a reputation, but you're right to go. ”

“Hey, what's the matter with you guys? It's a gathering of talented people from all over the world, and we can't just sell them out. ”

“Why are you being like this? You're a factor! ”

“Thank you for saying that, but at least our members of Hell know exactly who is the first in Korea. So don't make him look like a stranger. Just go. ”

It seemed that the ancient mountains had already made a decision and had come to Soohyuk.

“Then why don't you come with me? ”

“John has already done the proper setup. Several elites had the advantage and offered exactly 30 superhero knights. I'm guessing at least 20 people will respond to the proposal, but I'm guessing the association has set them up accordingly. Well, if you talk to John, he'll make you a seat...... but I don't want to do that. ”

“But……. ”

“If you keep bouncing, you give the order with the authority of the leader. The reason I gave you a concession is because this is your chance to show me the true state of the Korean Knights. Honestly, I've had a really bad feeling about Europe and America and China and India and ignoring our country. So make sure you show South Korea there's a true world's finest knight. ”

Zhao Tai San has been recognized as Korea's best night for more than a decade, but has not been recognized much in any other country. I could barely fit into the World Class Night Top 30.

This was always a complaint from the ancient mountains. Although the absolute number of knights itself was small, there were many knights in South Korea that were likely to grow. However, I had no choice but to complain as I was ignored because of the fact that my level is falling.

“And crucially, there's one more reason why you should go. ”

“What's that? ”

“John finally got his Mystery Egg out. ”

“Mystery egg? What's that?”

“John has a dimensional artifact that emits a more powerful presence than any dimensional artifact on Earth. ”

“If that's the case, shouldn't you unseal it and use it yourself? ”

“If it were possible, I would have done it. Why does the word" mystery "come to mind? The energy it felt was so intense, but there was no known way to break its identity or seal. I didn't know John had it until five years ago…… at the time John said that if he could break the seal, he could go beyond superhero status. ”

“That's pretty impressive, huh? ”

“Amazing. I had a chance to feel something once, but it was amazing. To give you an idea of what it's like to feel...... ten times the daemon slayer you have? No, it felt a hundred times more intense. ”

“Wow... was that it? ”

“I'd feel the pressure of John's possession, sealing it deep in an underground vault that no one knows about. This stuff is huge. ”

“But did you just hand it out as a carrot? ”

“Hehe, John finally realized. ”


“It could be a waste of time.... ”

Ancient Mountain once told John that you would eventually save a mysterious egg and make it poop. John seemed to be obsessed with mystery eggs at the time.

“Give it to me before it turns to shit. But do the other knights want what John Lane put out there to be poop? ”

“You want it! You want it no matter what! John said he was afraid it would be poop, but in fact, he's probably feeling pretty bad about it now. In fact, I never would have given it to you if this hadn't happened. ”

“Something doesn't feel right. ”

“Hehe, if only I could see it for myself later…… you would understand clearly why I'm saying this. ”

“I'm excited to hear you say that. ”

“Anyway, I want you to bring me a mystery egg. Honestly, if I were you... I'd be able to unseal it and use it somehow. ”

Zhao Tai San was vaguely aware that Soohyuk had a very special ability, much different from other knights. Of course, I didn't realize Suhyuk wasn't a knight at all. It was just a knight. I expected him to have a very special night soul.

“Hmmm... So I really have to go? ”

Honestly, Suhyuk was curious about the Grade 9 dungeon. For Suhyuk, who was aiming for the transcendent, the Class 9 dungeon was naturally like a mountain to be crossed. So, if I could go, I would definitely want to go.

“Go and show me who Kang Woon-hyuk really is. And whatever you need, I'm here to support you on a team level. You're not just participating as a personal part of the all-master revolution, you're participating on behalf of all the knights in South Korea. ”


Suhyuk nods. Even in a time when national concepts were weakened, there was still some sort of national pride. That's not why Suhyuk said that he would respond to the summons without thinking.

To go beyond the best of Korea and become the best in the world... … Soohyuk was going to prepare everything he could.

John Lane and his deputy Rommel conveyed a summoning order to all the most powerful knights in the world. It was more of an offer than an order, but after all, the night was 32 and 24 responded to the offer, with the exception of eight who were forced to refuse it under unfortunate circumstances.

Here, three of the seven best knights of the Seven Nations joined, adding four to the World Knights Society itself.

So 24 external personnel and 4 members of the association. A total of 28 people completed the Grade 9 Emergency Expedition.

Of course, John Lane was the commander of the expedition. No one complained about it, of course, because he was the person who organized the expedition and the person who provided the greatest power for the expedition to be maintained.

Once the exact date of the summoning was ten days later, the rally was the Shanghai Colony Night Association of China.

Even though the situation was so urgent, giving ten days of spare time also meant that it was not easy for superhero knights to get together this time. It was a minimum of ten days for them to close their schedule at least.

Those who were more than that were forced to refuse the offer. Some of them, of course, were free, but most of them were not. In that regard, Suhyuk belonged to the free side.

So he began to make sure he had everything he could for ten days.

* * * *

Soohyuk never ignored Grade 9 dungeons and the Grade 9 monsters expected to be in them. He had already fought an existence similar to that of Grade 9, so he knew better than anyone how strong the opponent was.

So he planned to upgrade his abilities to the 1.7 billion he currently has and then go to China.

Of course, Suhyuk only upgraded a few of his main skills. The majority of the skills are now enhanced, consuming several billion dimensions to enhance one. Therefore, Suhyuk carefully selected only four skills and strengthened them.

The four skills chosen by Suhyuk were 'Deng Chao's Dead Pretend’, ‘Lee Hyung-jun's Thaw Sword’, ‘Space Whirlpool Sword’ and finally ‘The Door and Door of Dark Blood’.

Once Deng Chao played dead, it was a necessary ability to survive. Although there are many dimensions of 200 million, a passive ability was created after investing in those dimensions and completing the third enhancement.

Is he dead or alive? ’This rather peculiar passive ability,' was a great passive ability to reduce all damage by 10% in normal time.

222 million was not too bad reinforcement. Suhyuk, who was somewhat satisfied with the first enhancement, subsequently used a 125M dimensional force to enhance the thawing sword. The Thawing Slash was also enhanced by the inclusion of all seven brothers as a 'black inspection'.

This was also a satisfactory result of more than 80%, although not 100%. However, even though the last Great Sword was used for primary enhancement with 15 million dimensions and secondary enhancement with 75 million dimensions, the power was slightly improved and the consumption dimension was reduced. Even the cooldown time remained the same.

This was a disappointing result that was less than 10% satisfied. However, there was nothing Su-hyuk could do as long as he had already completed the enhancement. The third enhancement of the skill core was disappointing, but Soohyuk made sure to try to enhance the last four.

The fourth skill core chosen by Soohyuk was the 'Door and Door of Darkblood’, which required 225 million dimensional force to ultimately reinforce it. Door and Door was a very popular skill used by Soohyuk.

So Soohyuk used dimensional power to pray for the ultimate reinforcement of the door and door. And the result is…….

It was great!

Everything else was unchanged and there was only one additional skill, but I really liked Soohyuk.

It was an additional skill called 'Door and Room' which was simply…… a four-dimensional space connected to the door. It was also not just a space of bags or warehouse concepts, but a virtual space where people could enter and exist.

It was only about five metres wide and about 20 square feet tall, but the important thing was to be able to stack things here and take a break.

Of course, it could not last forever, but it would take 1,000 dimensional forces per minute to exist in this space, but it could last as long as it only had enough dimensional power.

Although the door to the door and room only opened once an hour, it was possible to come out whenever I wanted. Especially since the conditions of the exit were the same as those of the door and door, the use of the master door allowed it to exit at any time.

Soohyuk liked the door and room so much. This was the skill Su-hyuk wanted. I didn't understand that this was just an additional skill. Thanks to this, he was able to forget the results of the enhancement of the very bad Space Throw Sword.

This resulted in Suhyuk using a huge amount of dimensional power totaling 640 million to strengthen the four skill cores. There were still more than a billion dimensions left, but he decided it was best to save this just in case.

While Soohyuk was enhancing his skills, Eunhyuk made everything he was asked to do. And I left the choir to the interest series that kept bothering me.

Interest, of course, poured out complaints, but when he promised to fight enough to help the performance grow, he quickly closed his mouth and showed his aggressiveness to the choir first.

The struggle against Suhyuk was important to her.

Since the preparation time had been ten days, Soohyuk was able to prepare everything perfectly. As soon as I was ready, I flew straight to Shanghai colony on an airplane prepared by the World Association of Nights.

< [Chapter 84] Grade 9 Dimensional Door (1) > End


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