Raid Breaker

< [Chapter 85] Shadow Puppet (1) >

@ Shadow puppet.

At a time when everyone was nervous, Suhyuk had come to an area far beyond the imagination of the other knights. Soohyuk had various means of escaping the crisis, so he did not feel the crisis because he came this far.

Soohyuk had already felt one strange thing about this dungeon as he passed through the forest. That is...... the number of horses is less than common sense.

In a grade 8 dungeon, there was a lot of real water coming out. However, there were very few beasts or beasts here while leaving the jungle.

It was like someone was deliberately controlling the beast and the beast. Of course, I didn't tell John Lane. I didn't have to talk about it to confuse the command system because it was just my feeling, not a clear reason.

Instead, Suhyuk came a little far from the base camp looking for evidence to support his feelings as he became able to hunt individually.

Once near Base Camp, the mountainous terrain had nothing better to do with the forest. There were rare beasts and beasts that looked like they were being raised by someone, and all they could do was confirm that this place was a dungeon.

However, Suhyuk was not looking for this domesticated beast or monster, so Soohyuk calmly looked around and began to find out what this dungeon really looks like.

While Soohyuk was doing so, the other knights of expedition A were gradually expanding their territory and were clearly attacking the dungeon.

If Suhyuk was looking for the fundamental warp in the dungeon, they were attacking the dungeon on a regular basis. At the moment, we could not figure out who was moving in the right direction.

If Suhyuk could find the fundamental warp, he could say it was the right direction, but finding it was not as easy as it sounds.

“Jan, how many are there? ”

Forty-nine in total.

Soohyuk glanced at the red dots in front and asked Yan for the exact numbers.

“Is it... finally coming?" ”

The red dots were all grade 5 monsters. Up until now, the majority of grade 4 and below monsters have appeared unusual, but suddenly a group of grade 5 monsters suddenly crossed a line.

- As you suspected, something absolute is controlling this entire dungeon. I think all the grade 5 monsters are different kinds of monsters, but they are moving towards you frantically.

“My movements are starting to get in the way. ”

- What do we do? Or should I prepare the demolition?

Jan was just pretending now.

“I heard you have to wait to catch a real big fish... … Try catching it lightly with a HyperFlame. ”

Waves of this magnitude could be swept away in an instant by an Inferno without the need for a Hellfire, but now it's more time to draw out the opposition than that.

Huff, puff.

Of course, eliminating 49 grade 5 monsters was not too difficult by HyperFlame alone. Grade 5 monsters were no threat to Suhyuk anyway. Even though Su-hyuk was riding Sun Blade 2, which changed his appearance again instead of Crow, the result was the same.

Soohyuk eliminated all 49 grade 5 monsters over approximately 20 minutes. Soohyuk caught all the grade 5 monsters and gained even more confidence in his expectations.

The fifth-grade monsters here were bound to something definite. Otherwise, this kind of fighting would not have been possible.

Soohyuk wanted to confirm the taboo, but that was impossible. Instead, Suhyuk finds one interesting fact while catching them. And that made the hypothesis that Soohyuk was thinking more plausible.

“Jan, how's the perimeter? Any other movement? ”

Suhyuk shoved four consecutive feet into the head of the last 49th grade 5th monster and asked Yan.

- No movement.

“Hmm, so this is just a glimpse of the liver? ”

- Seems more likely.

“By the way, they weren't just regular grade 5 monsters, right? I'm not the only one, am I? ”

- Not the average level of a class five monster, I'd say. It definitely felt like there was something else going on.

“I don't know exactly what it is, but these guys were definitely drawn to something powerful. If we can figure out what's holding these guys back, we'll know for sure about this dungeon... Let's wait a little longer. ”

Su-hyuk thought that we should go a little further tomorrow, but that's all for today. In the meantime, Jan was working hard on a map of the dungeon, but clearly the size of the grade 9 dungeon was beyond imagination, so the map's work rate was only 5%.

In the beginning, John Lane was looking at the time needed for the raid for at least six months. And this was part of what the other superheroes agreed to.

No one complained about the loot because it was all settled, even though they had already decided to distribute it during the dungeon raid.

But until now, superhero knights have complained about…… John Lane's overly cautious approach.

At this rate, I thought that I would not be able to attack the dungeon for a year, not six months. The knights said that no matter how long the dungeon lasts, it must be finished within a year. I came prepared when I was already here, but it was too long to spend more than a year here.

Six months may be difficult, but in 8-10 months, they wanted to finish the dungeon raid.

Almost all the night's thoughts were like this: John Lane couldn't hold on to the National Guard's offensive for long, but eventually he decided to move the base camp a little deeper into the dungeon.

On the other hand, when the other knights pressed John Lane like this to speed up the attack, Soohyuk advanced to an extent that they had no idea.

Suhyuk was part of the expedition A, but in fact, he didn't share much with the expedition A. Suhyuk didn't want to play this privately from the beginning either.

He was also trying to share something at first, but the problem was the attitude of the other knights. They didn't listen to the words of Soohyuk or try to do anything with Soohyuk because they thought he was just a rookie who brought him to keep track of numbers.

No one cared about Soohyuk. John Lane took care of Suhyuk, but he also managed to coordinate the different groups of controversies that existed in expedition A and targeted the dungeon, so he had no time to take care of Suhyuk.

In other words, Su-hyuk was very comfortable with this situation. It was so uncomfortable for Soohyuk to work with people he didn't even know anyway, so solving everything by himself in this way was better with Soohyuk.

Soohyuk caught more monsters and got more information than the other knights. Soohyuk surpassed expectations as other knights were showing predictable reactions and was showing the movement of entering the pine properly.

And this movement of succession posed a great threat to someone.

* * * *

“What the hell is this guy? ”

Dark was frowning at the top of Shadow Castle, wondering how to manipulate his puppets and eat their new prey.

He thought he wanted someone to explain the situation clearly. But there was no one around to explain it.

He had many puppets, but none of them thought and moved.

“I knew very strong Humans had come in...... but this one is not like them...... I don't think he's a special one called Nights..." ”

Dark knew very well that expedition A had entered his dungeon. No, actually, it was the dark one who lured the very powerful humans into the dungeon.

“Whatever it is, we need to get rid of this guy fast. ”


Darhk gets up from his seat and slowly walks down to the large square. His highly developed survival instincts were shouting to get rid of the variables immediately.

“It's a shame to use it already...... but I don't like how it feels.... ”


Dark flicks his fingers lightly into the air. Then, a dim light similar to the moonlight appeared in the dark place.

The things that fill the whole square.... They were surprisingly what humans called Titans.

Titans were coiled together in black cocoons. It was called Shadow Fixing, and it was, of course, dark-wrapped. The Shadow Fixer slowly infiltrates the host and completely overwhelms the host. And he called them Shadow Hosts.

Until recently, Darhk's abilities were only available at this stage. Making an enemy into a host of shadows, moving on his own command... That was the Dark's ability.

But Darhk recently woke up one more time and as a result, his abilities were also upgraded. Now he can insert his Shadow Shard into the host's body and turn it into a Shadow Puppet.

The difference between a Shadow Host and a Shadow Puppet lies in their ability to fight. The Shadow Host was a creature that fought as if it were simply using its power to fight according to Dark's command, not only its own, but also its own life force.

Of course, the puppet side was much stronger than the host side.

If you turn a host into a puppet, the puppet exerts more power than it had before it was subdued. Not only that, unlike the host who was completely overwhelmed and moved like a corpse, the puppet was able to act based on living memories, even if not perfectly.

With this, Darhk was able to catch the Black Straw, and as a result, he was able to turn any human who entered the dungeon into his puppet. Titan, in particular, belonged to the humans, was a great gift to Dark.

You can make a whole host of knights on Titan and then a puppet...... and you can make an incredibly powerful puppet.

The reason why the dark has drawn stronger humans into the dungeon is also to make this more powerful puppet.

“Hmm, you seem a little strong...... Better be sure to send the strongest ones. ”

The biggest reason that Dark has survived so far has been that he has not had a dangerous adventure. So he also pulled out the most powerful hand he could use this time.

The hand he pulled out.

It was the Black Strait leader, the Black Warrior's name, and another superhero, Dragon Soul Meishun, who belonged to the Black Strait.

Of course, there were not just two of them, but the fourth generation of Titan, the 'Dragon Huang Huang', which was only two in the world where the two people were riding, was also tied in a set with them.

In fact, the Jingee Nam and Mayhem on the Jin Huanglong were all shadow puppets, but they had already become one with Titan in the process of becoming shadow puppets.

And now, on Dark's orders, we begin to move again.

< [Chapter 85] Shadow Puppet (1) > End


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