Raid Breaker

< [Chapter 87] Dark's Ability (2) >

‘He's mimicking my skills and moves anyway. That said...... It also means I can predict his movements as much as I want. Jan! From now on, use my skills and moves on him to keep predicting his movements. I need to find the moment of truth and give him the right punch. ’

Normally, it was impossible to predict an opponent's attack by fighting so intensely. But Soohyuk had Yan.

And Darhk had no yarn.

Suhyuk was going to use this difference to create a critical opportunity.

Of course, Jan could not have perfectly predicted Dark's movements right away. That's why Suhyuk was going to drive Darhk hard as he did for at least 10 minutes and let him continue to follow himself without thinking.

* * * *

Yann's analysis took longer than expected. Dark copied and used Soohyuk's ability to do much better than Soohyuk expected. That's why it took Jan 20 minutes to do a full analysis.

Thanks to this, Suhyuk had to work hard for 20 minutes, but at least he was not tired from this. Anyway, it took some time, but Jan eventually analyzed the dark pattern. The expected hit rate was approximately 90% or more, and this was definitely the number that would give Darhk a good shot.

The preparations are done. Now it's really a timing fight.

Even though Su-hyuk was taking everything into consideration and dealing with Darhk moderately, the struggle was inevitably exhausting.

That's why Suhyuk was going to destroy the following pattern by taking advantage of the opportunity as soon as possible and giving Darhk a good big shot.

After that, it was a sword battle again. It's true that the opponent is strong, but the first half of the attack was successful, and if even one strike can succeed, even a grade 9 monster would be worth it.

Jan, you know the timing I want? You only get one shot at this. ’

Suhyuk asked Yan to check the timing, swinging the daemon slayer hard. In this situation, there was no way Soohyuk could catch the timing. That's why, after leaving everything about timing to Yan, Suhyuk only prepared to put one room in the timing Yan calls.

- Leave it to me!

Jan also knew the importance of his role, so he tried to use all his abilities to find the perfect timing.

Ta-da, ta, ta!

Crowe swings the daemon slayer like crazy, and Darhk blocks the daemon slayer like crazy. Dark used Soohyuk's ability delicately in his own way, so he couldn't tell if he was copying him.

For now, the Dark Power used was the energy of the Black Chamber and the cosmic sphere of the Great Sword of Space, but when we divided it among the two Shadow Swords and used it delicately, it appeared to be his unique power. Even the shadow mirror ignored the attributes. Suhyuk had already used light attributes and fire attributes with a slightly dim and polar nature, but he even defended against them.

It seemed that this much could also be done according to the technique of light attributes. However, he seems to be really using his unique abilities to hide the fact that he is copying and using them, focusing more on defense than on attacking.

Since Suhyuk's concentration is almost transcendent, he imitates his ability so secretly that he would be hard to find if he hadn't discovered that he copied it.

After all, Suhyuk continues to pour his attack quickly and vigorously, even though he knows that Darhk can almost copy his abilities and prevent his attacks without any risk.

If you don't do this, you may notice something strange about the opponent, and then his plan to turn Soohyuk's crisis into an opportunity could be detected.

The situation was really bad, so it was important to make sure you didn't notice. That's why Suhyuk knew it was a waste, but kept pushing Darhk away.

It was a bad decision to save my strength here because it was a one-shot battle anyway.

‘This time, please.... ’

Suhyuk was determined to succeed in this one decisive attack that he had to fold at the last moment in the first raid. That's why he was working hard to get Crowe ready to put it all into the one time Yann was looking for him.

Soohyuk focused on the whole mind.

How long has it been?

The moment the Dark inertia uses two swords to spill the daemon slayer! Finally, Jan found the best timing he could think of.

- Now!

When Jan shouted at Suhyuk loudly, Suhyuk immediately devoted all his strength to the daemon slayer and unlocked all the power that had been accumulated so far.

Wheelick, percussion.

Jan predicts Dark's reaction correctly, and Soohyuk twists his wrist on the daemon slayer that flowed down with two shadow swords, turning it lightly in the air again, and catching it upside down straight away. He then pushes the daemon slayer firmly into the dark chest.


Darhk was unable to stop or avoid this attack because the timing, intensity and speed were all perfectly aligned.


Darhk was furious at the unexpected counterattack of Suhyuk. He was trying to use the mobile technology when Soohyuk used it frequently to escape this crisis…… but the problem was that Soohyuk hadn't used it at any point.

The limit of the Shadow Mirror is to copy and use the move used by the target holding the Shadow Mirror in less than 5 minutes. That's why we haven't been able to follow that technique since 20 minutes ago, when we haven't used Shadow Movement at all.

All Darhk could do was imitate a flash or like the wind, but the problem was that Soohyuk knew them better than anyone else.


Guava light!

Suhyuk bursts with the power of a black sword slayer, even the energy that was piled up in the daemon slayer. In the meantime, Darhk is as close to the wind as he can get to Crowe by imitating flashes and flashes.

With almost 100 metres of trembling power, Dark leans against one wall of the spire and trembles.

This counterattack was definitely strong.

The Shadow Mirror is a great ability to mimic all the abilities and movements of the other person, but the problem was that when the Dark One was using the Shadow Mirror, none of its unique abilities could be used except the Shadow Sword that had already been drawn. The condition was not to use his power, but Darhk's only ability to use it in this situation was to copy it from Soohyuk.

Of course, Suhyuk did not know this correctly. However, after continuing to analyze Darhk's movements with Jan, we found that he could only use his abilities and only mimic his recent abilities.

The current counterattack was a highly calculated strike, all in consideration. Even Suhyuk expected that Darhk would be as far away as possible.

Is that why?

Crowe's hands were caught with hyperflames, not daemon slayers.

- Extinction Bomb ( ‭ ⁄ 28357; ’ 24392;) is Loaded!

With Yan's shout, Soohyuk pulls the trigger of the Hyperflame without foolishness.


At that moment, two feet from each of the two Supernatural Hyperlays, a total of four rounds of Satan flies towards the dark, staggering backwards.

Darhk's body was now in chaos, but Darhk was still fully aware of the situation. A few moments ago, it was clear that you had suffered heavy damage, but it was hard to say that one shot was fatal.

What is this ridiculous attack? Did you predict my counterattack? It can't be... ’

Darhk tilts his head slightly toward the four-foot devil shot by Suhyuk. No matter how much I think about it, now was not the time to shoot him so casually.

If Darhk was in Suhyuk's position, it was normal for him to come in with more swords, closing the streets together. Even Darhk anticipated that Soohyuk would move that way, and as soon as Soohyuk came in, he unwrapped the shadow mirror and once again used the ‘Shadow sickle’ to aim for the incoming Soohyuk.

Darhk tries to strike back. However, the opposing team does not move as he intended.

Darhk could not understand Suhyuk's judgment. But one thing was clear: Darhk had a little bit of time left, thanks to Suhyuk not coming in.

Dark's body is already recovering rapidly at this moment. I think I can recover most of the damage I took just a few minutes ago.

‘You will regret missing this opportunity. ’

Dark was preparing for a counterattack, but Soohyuk decided that he should have seized the opportunity and pushed himself away. But Darhk had no idea how much he was missing.

A four-legged devil, completely ignored by the dark. Darhk thought it could just be a rough body, but in fact...... this was the real room Soohyuk prepared.

I originally tried to use it as a finishing touch with the Hellfire during the first raid, but at the critical moment, the demolition crashed and was unable to use it.

Open the bomb shells! ’

Soohyuk opened the seal of the bomb at the right time.

Extinction bombs, that is…….

It was a massive reduction in ammunition containing almost nuclear explosive energy to the size of a mortar.

The person who made this, of course, was a silver letter. The Silver Book harnessed its newly acquired Mana Gae technology to create thousands of Mana Gae seals containing powerful explosive energy and superimposed them on top of each other to greatly amplify its power. Of course, because there were so many mana engravings, the size itself grew very large, but a large tan over 20 meters in length was able to contain them all.

The Eunuch called this' mana nuclear warhead ’, and she made only five rounds and gave them to Soohyuk using almost all the resources she had. Suhyuk reduced 4 out of 5 shots received from the silver letter to absolute reductions and named the shells extinction.

A four-foot annihilation grenade swells to its original size and spills straight into the dark. The Dark have not cared much about four-legged demons, so of course, they have not been able to cope well with this crazy attack.

Quaguaguaguagua fruit fruit fruit fruit fruit fruit fruit fruit!

The moment the blast's seal was lifted, they all went straight into the Dark's body and triggered a massive explosion.

The explosion was so powerful that Suhyuk, who fired the bomb, immediately prepared to withstand the energy of the explosion by using 'Play Dead’.

Kuku ku ku ku ku kung ng!

When the four big bombs exploded at the same time, the shadow spire, which was practically a single mountain peak, started to crumble.

In fact, it was like four nuclear bombs exploded at the same time, so it was not enough to fly a mountain peak.

However, even in the midst of this sudden rush, the Shadow Mirror is lifted momentarily, using the Shadow Prison again and absorbing considerable explosive energy, the spire does not collapse completely.

But more than half of them collapsed. Of course, the spire collapsed, and the shadow troops within it were destroyed by the rubble of the spire that collapsed in vain.

As a dark man, it was a time of tears, but the Phantom Army was no longer important. The biggest problem at the moment was the Dark Self. The Phantom Army was able to regroup as long as the Dark were intact.

Even if the Dark absorbed most of the explosive energy with the Shadow Shield, one of the two abilities of the Shadow Prison at a moment's notice, it was impossible for Dark to cope with them all because of its huge explosive energy.

As a result, the Dark Shadow Shield is broken. As soon as the shield breaks, the explosive energy wraps around Dark's body in an instant. The Dark Body itself was a high concentration of energy crystals.

The Dark Body was created by the shadows that Darhk had eaten. Of course, the essence contained in the shadow was gathered in the Dark Core, but the body that gathered the power of the shadow was very important to the dark.

But now...... that body has disappeared because of the explosive energy of nearly 20%. It was unbearable for Darhk. Especially now that the Shadow Squads are lost in the spire, Dark's fury has risen to its limit.

Is that why? He rushes towards Crowe, forgetting his original prudence.

The energy of the sticky shadow that surrounds Crowe's body after enduring the aftermath of the explosion by pretending to be dead. It was at the moment when Dark's final absolute power, Shadow Prison, was fully activated.

< [87] Dark Power (2) > End


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