Raid Breaker

< [Chapter 89] Mystery Eggs (2) >

* * * *

Mine dragons used to be a prominent member of the Jin-ryong clan, but they are now at most the best summoned. As a true dragon, you used to have many powers as a great high life form, but now you're just a summoner with a powerful energy.

Is that why? Soohyuk slashed the mineral dragon all he wanted, and as a result, it became completely obedient to Soohyuk.

Taming the Mine Dragon absorbed him into Suhyuk's right hand.

Although there were no special markings on the right hand that absorbed the minerals, Soohyuk could clearly feel the minerals sleeping in his right hand.

Soohyuk, who absorbed the mineral dragon, could figure out how to use it at once.

‘So this is it……. ’

Soohyuk steps down from Titan and carefully looks down at his right hand. Then he reached out to the front.

"Gwang-ryong sprint!"

When Soohyuk used the brand skill of the Summoner Mineral Dragon, Mineral Dragon sprint, one Mineral Dragon popped out of Soohyuk's right hand.

Fruit. Fruit. Fruit.

A powerful explosion that rocks the four dimensional space itself. However, this was a photo sprint that Suhyuk controlled at least 30% of its power. If you use real power to sprint photodragons, you can get much bigger and brighter shining photodragons.

“Wow... ”

Suhyuk had to be satisfied with the power of photodragon springiness.

I used it because I lowered my power by less than 30%. If I deployed it with full power or amplified it through Titan, I would be able to use it with real power.

But what was even more interesting here was that not only did this‘ pygmy sprint ’take over the skill core, but it also enhanced it through dimensional strength.

Mine Dragon itself was just a summoner of Suhyuk, but Mine Dragon sprinting was treated as a 'skill core’. This was more good than bad.

Especially the fact that it could be enhanced through dimensional power was inevitable for Soohyuk.

“This is going to be really useful. ”

At this moment, Suhyuk remembered a combination of several techniques that could be unfolded using photodragons.

“Jan, are these summoners common in the Great World or something? ”

- Low-grade Summoners are common, but the top Summoners, such as the Mine Dragons you now receive, are never common.

“Well, if these guys are common, that's a real scam. However, once you get used to it, it will really be useful in many ways. ”

Suhyuk nodded, expressing his satisfaction.

Soohyuk, who left the door and room, ordered Darhk to stay back in the door and room. Dark has also not fully recovered all the damage taken in the battle against Suhyuk, so it is better to recover quietly in it.

Suhyuk, who put Darhk in the door and room, let go of his fatigue while sleeping for a moment. Although there was a 'Tesaran's sleeping eye patch’, it rested much more efficiently than other knights, and the fatigue accumulated was similar because Soohyuk was wandering much more restlessly than other knights.

However, Suhyuk was able to rest in his sleep for a while, and during that time, Yilsan's laboratory was accompanied by Hye Ri and Ancient Mountain.

“I thought it would be good... but it's too good, isn't it? John asks, where did such a skilled person like you suddenly come from? ”

He smiled joyfully and spoke to Suhyuk.

“Did you know there's an extra title for" The Best in the World "in front of the title" All Master "? You're a dragon. ”

Hye Ri also smiled with a similar look as the ancient mountains.

“Stop teasing both of you. ”

“I really admire your teasing. I knew you were great, but I didn't know you were this good. ”

“Thought I'd do it myself... I didn't think I'd be able to do it all by myself." ”

Zhao Taisan and Choi Hye-Ri were the ones who knew more about Su-hyuk than anyone else, and they never expected that Soo-hyuk would act like this.

“Just ashes……. ”

“I'm sick of saying you had a good day, so don't miss out on the Grade 8 Dungeon Team Raid this time. Of course you would, but we still need your help. ”

Hye quickly hung up on Suhyuk.

“Of course it's Team Raid. But do you think we could get another grade eight dungeon apart from the one our team was going to raid? ”

“Hmmm, these days the atmosphere of a Grade 8 dungeon is reserved for the knights of its own country...... Maybe I should get it from my country, but it won't be easy. ”

“Phew, that's too bad. ”

Suhyuk nodded, expressing his regrets. Clearing dungeons below grade 7 was not very effective for Suhyuk.

The best part was also to clear a Grade 8 dungeon, but the problem was that it was not easy to obtain a Grade 8 dungeon.

“I'll call you as soon as I can find it. Oh, by the way, did you unseal the mystery egg? ”

“Oh, it's still there. ”

Soohyuk thought that there was no need to talk about the existence of the Mine Dragon, even if it was the same colleagues. He considers it a good many ways to say that the mystery egg is intact.

“You can't break the seal either? ”

Zhao Taisan looks sad about something.

He thought Soohyuk might be able to unseal the mystery egg.

“I'm looking hard every time I have time, so I'll be able to solve it someday. Even knights like John Lane can't be easily unsealed because they haven't been unsealed in years. ”

Soohyuk hides the existence of the mystery egg, even with a false thumb. I knew the best way to keep a secret, so I wasn't going to tell anyone about the dragons.

“The mystery egg is yours now anyway, so solve it yourself. If we can get it out, we'll be able to run far enough away that no one can follow us. ”

Soohyuk, who unsealed the egg, knew very well that the mysterious egg was a great object, just like the Ancient Mountain said. However, he didn't intend to disclose this amazing item to anyone, so he was just completely conserving his words about it.

* * * *

Suhyuk remained silently attacking grade 6-7 dungeons until a new Crow was created. In the process, Tim Raid, who talked about Koh Tae-san and Hye-ri, also participated and finished the Raid neatly.

Because the next dimension level had to raise the maximum dimensional force close to 2.5 billion, it was difficult to raise the dimensional level through something like a dungeon strike right away.

Ultimately, the answer was the Awakening Tower, and Crowe had to be there to challenge it. Suhyuk had no choice but to buy a Grade 6-7 Dimensional Gate and solo clear them until a new Crow was created.

Soohyuk got used to the newly acquired mineral dragons and attacked the dungeons in grades 6-7 with a comfortable mind. For Suhyuk, the dungeons were really only at the dessert level after supper.

Despite the fact that there were many knights who had not yet invaded Grade 7 and Grade 6, Soohyuk was in a completely different way from them in the beginning.

Suhyuk gained the maximum dimensional force of 250 million in that approximately four months. At least Hye Ri got a grade 8 dungeon in the middle. If it weren't for that, she wouldn't have filled 200 million.

The maximum dimensional power of Suhyuk was now more than 4.25 billion. I still needed 2.3 billion more dimensions to reach the next level, but it was definitely great that Soohyuk came up here.

Currently, the dimensional level of Suhyuk is 46. Just one more step and it becomes 47. Dimension level 47 was about halfway through the transcendent phase.

Since Suhyuk has been strengthened so far with the help system, he has to continue to grow like this up the stairs. However, if Suhyuk came to this stage without the transcendence system (level 47), he can reach level 51, which is the transcendent's hardship, if he only gets a real realization once.

The dimensional level 47 was enormous. Especially considering that Suhyuk was nothing but dust just a few years ago, we could see how fast the growth rate of Suhyuk was.

However, Suhyuk himself was still not satisfied. I don't know why, but he's been trying ever since to get stronger. To be honest, it was usually the case that when it became strong to some extent, it became lazy or satisfied and a little loose.

No, most of the time. Especially if it got to the level of Suhyuk, it was good to see it as unconditional. But Soohyuk didn't.

What was interesting was that Soohyuk couldn't think of anything strange about this. He made it very clear that he was trying to be strong.

Greed has no end to this‘ strength ’of Suhyuk, which is so different from others…… The fun secret hidden in it was not only Soohyuk, but Jan had not even noticed it yet.

124 days to be exact.

It was the time it took for the Silver Book to form a new Crow. It was the first time a silver book known for its fast pace had been hung only on one Titan for more than 100 days. It also meant that the new Crow was a great Titan.

“I made it by actually reducing my sleep and not going to the bathroom well. You're gonna be thanking me for the rest of your life. ”

Instead of trying to be colorful, Eun-suh sincerely spent 124 days making all the heartache.

I didn't even look at anything else. Even Hel's other colleagues asked him to repair Titan, and for a while he focused on making a new Crow.

“I'm always thankful to you. ”

“It's not just that level. So where should I start...... First of all, this is different from all of Titan's existing roots, and in the simplest possible way, I think it's sixth-generation Titan that hasn't even been designed yet. ”

“Sixth generation Titan? Not only has Titan been properly propagated in the fourth generation, but Titan in the fifth generation hasn't even been built into a prototype. Wasn't Titan the only proper fifth generation I ever rode? ”

“Yes, that's the world. Since the sixth generation of Titan suddenly appeared in such a world...... You can see how great this is, right? ”

“I honestly can't feel it. Has it changed that much with Crowe in the past? ”

“Yes, I changed everything. Once you've converted all the Mana circuits into Mana engines, even the core there has been upgraded to Triple Core Mana engines, not dual cores. Many other things have changed, but the biggest change is these two. ”

“Did these two changes make Crowe grow from fifth generation to sixth generation Titan? ”

“Of course. You don't seem to know how big these two changes are, but just so we're clear, the heroic night has come to a new realization, even a new night soul. Which means you're a superhero. Do you understand?”

“Are you strong enough? ”

“Yeah, you can probably feel it when you get on it. Of course, I'm still not sure I can handle your demonic booster mode, but at least it won't break to the big wave level. ”

“That's enough. ”

Suhyuk, who heard the words of the silver, nodded with a pleasant look. For him, Crowe was like a part of his body.

That's why Crowe was upgraded, which means that Soohyuk became stronger.

Of course, I had to be happy.

‘Even the 1st Floor of the Awakening Tower wouldn't be a problem, would it? ’

Suhyuk thought that he would not have to suffer as much as before on the first floor of the Awakening Tower, which he also got and had been greatly upgraded to Crowe.

“I'll take care of Demolition and the rest of the weapons from now on. Don't worry, they can be done in a week. ”

“Isn't that too much? Get some rest. ”

“That's it. I'm going to finish what I started and get some rest. ”

The Silver Book was not a person who would rest until he left something to do in his nature. There were a lot of things that put Crowe away, but it was the most urgent thing for her to do right now to keep all of Crowe's external equipment tidy.

< [Chapter 89] Mystery Egg (2) > End


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