Raid Breaker

< [Chapter 91] The Charm of Eternity (Chapter 21049) (1) >

@ youngwon (21049; xxx).

How many Kronos did we think existed, or existed, or finally existed, based on all the dimensional systems?

The answer to this question was infinite.

The closer the dimensional number is to infinity, the closer the number of Jean Kronos is to infinity.

In particular, Gene Kronos was still born at this moment because the Earth was the most representative multidimension that was rapidly dividing at this moment.

Is that why? Suhyuk's consciousness was of a different magnitude than that of ordinary people. Especially with the help of the mind-revolution that dominates space-time, he was able to have a complete awareness dream that allowed him to have an experience that was truly unimaginable.

Basically, the contents of the dream itself were almost the same as the one I had before. The reckoning of experiencing Jean Kronos' life and sharing their thoughts, experiences and even abilities, which existed in every dimension in the dream.

Even though it was just a simple sharing, I couldn't make them completely my own, but just as clothes got wet in the crotch, the spirit of the succession grew little by little every time, and when it repeated endlessly, I was able to achieve a lot of growth later.

The growth of Soohyuk was not only in the soul, but also widespread in all parts. In particular, Suhyuk was able to experience many of Jin Kronos' lives and very clearly understand what it was like to live as a ‘tuner’.

In addition, many parts of the world that were somewhat misunderstood were also understood.

The awareness has really helped Su-hyuk in many ways. However, Suhyuk, who was really having an awareness dream, was thinking that he wanted this awareness to end quickly.

I had no choice... … I couldn't apply the absolute timeline to Soohyuk who was wandering around in time and space, but when I simply calculated the time that Soohyuk experienced, almost 200 years had passed.

Horses are 200 years old. Ordinary people have had a tremendous amount of time without even holding out. Even Suhyuk, who had almost exceeded the level of his mental strength, had to go half crazy after having a dream for about 200 years.

However, no matter how much Suhyuk wanted to, the dream did not end. Ongoing awareness... … Suhyuk had no choice but to continue having recurring awareness dreams because he didn't know how to end it, watching, listening to and experiencing many of Jean Kronos' lives.


Since the moment that had already passed 400 years, Suhyuk also put everything down and entrusted himself to the rough waves. Suhyuk, who became a rich man on the waves and accepted his own dream into his life. Is that why? Suhyuk's soul began to pile up with countless fragments of the soul of Gene Kronos.

One by one, it could have been a small piece of the soul, but it was piled up into a thousand pieces, and the soul of succession really evolved to a different level than before.

But Soohyuk thought all this was pointless.

Literally, he climbed to the edge of a senseless, free state and was just swallowed up in a self-aware dream.

And another 400 years, to be exact.


A lot of time passed that a normal human being could not dare to experience, or an Awakener of great magnitude…… would barely be able to experience.

Soohyuk was still floating around in his self-awareness like a float. He gave up on going back a long time ago.

Rather than giving up, I just forgot. 1400 was a long time to remember and live. In fact, the wisest way to survive 1400 years was to forget who you were.

Of course, Suhyuk lived like that, and now he is accustomed to a life that continues to change with several months. Soohyuk put it all down. But…… the end has finally come for Suhyuk like that.


A very intense light, different from usual, wrapped around my body. Then... I heard someone's voice in a space made of light, unlike usual.

“I said I cared, but it took longer than I thought. I'm sorry. I had to rush off to another dimension, but for a second there, it just happened. I was going to be amazing for about 500 years...... but it's uncomfortable when the space-time transcendence is like this. ”

A voice that I had heard a long time ago... … Suhyuk could barely remember that the protagonist of this voice was the manager Min-hyuk who pushed himself into a self-aware dream, not a nightmare like hell.

“You bastard……. ”

Of course, I couldn't say anything good.

“Whoa, easy. But you survived, didn't you? Even though it's three times longer than you thought it would be, you get three times what you were supposed to get. When you wake up from your dream, all you think about is that all your memories are compressed by the absolute laws of time, so you just fall asleep for a little while and then open your eyes. I know it's hard, but as a result, it's better for you, so don't be so unfair. ”

Su-hyuk was unable to respond to Min-hyuk's words. I had so much to say, but all I could think about was that I had given up everything and lived for so long.

“I was in the dream for too long, and I almost went to the lighting stage. Even if it was just a little late, I could not control it because I went straight to the top. ”

No matter how much Min Hyuk was acting as a manager, he was a dimensional system that was hard to touch. It was one of the seven absolute dimensions that existed in the great dimension, so I almost had to work hard to make bread and hand it over to someone else.

“Everything will be normal when you wake up from your dream, so just listen and remember. The beginning of everything. It was also since the transition. But at least the beginning of what you have to do right... … started with them dreaming of immortality. ”

The story of Min-hyuk began. This was a very important story, but Suhyuk was still listening in a dazed state. Of course, there was no problem because I had heard.

The story of Min-hyuk is longer than I thought. Suhyuk was listening to the story in a state of unconsciousness, but the interesting thing was that Suhyuk's will and thought began to revive.

Of course, Suhyuk was recovering so little that he didn't even recognize it, but it was important that he was slowly waking up from his dream.

* * * *


The moment the world of light is shattered into pieces.

Soohyuk woke up with his eyes wide open.

“Ugh…. ”

He sighs and carefully looks around. It was his room in Ilsan Lab.

“That's what I meant……. ”

Suhyuk muttered with a bitter smile. He could clearly understand what it meant to feel the immortality that Min-hyuk had told him at the last moment.

“It's amazing how organized all that is. ”

Suhyuk did not forget his conscious dream for more than 1400 years. All the memories were clear. However, the problem was that the memory itself was very compressed and it was also vaguely diluted, so it was not hard at all.

It really felt like it had been compressed and disappearing forever. Suhyuk was forced to keep smiling as he chewed on the memories of Asrai's conscious dream.

- Master...... what the hell happened?

Yan also disappeared while meeting Min-hyuk and dreaming. In other words, the transcendent system did not intervene at all.

“How long has it been since I entered the Awakening Tower? ”

- Well... … the moment you entered the Awakening Tower, you bounced right back out. But now, Master...... what happened during that one second?

The reason Jan was surprised was simple. Suhyuk's dimensional level…… that was completely changed from one second ago.

The dimensional level reached ‘50’ and the maximum dimensional force was exactly ‘52.31.36 million’.

It was a really crazy change considering that the maximum dimension of Suhyuk originally had was 4.3 billion. Unfortunately, the current dimensional power did not increase as much as the maximum dimensional force, but only increased by 3 billion dimensions and became 4.8 billion dimensional power. However, this was not something we could do.

It was true that Suhyuk raised the spirit through the realization dream, but it was not built directly on the body to create the current dimension of power, so the current dimensional power just naturally infiltrated the dimension level (?) I had to go up to the same 3 billion.

Of course, it was too much for the country, but Soohyuk became a completely different person in just one second.

“50…… As he said, the last wall that leads to transcendence cannot be surpassed by this method. ”

What do you mean?

“It's too hard to explain all this...... and I just met someone in time and space in a split second, and I got what I wanted from him. And…… I realized what to do. ”

- I'm having a hard time waking up. So suddenly, the level of security rose, and all of a sudden, my head was all over the place. I'm sorry, do I have to clear my memories for 10 minutes?

“Yes, do that. Let's finish cleaning up quietly and talk. ”

- Thank you, sir.

As Jan also became quiet, Soohyuk calmly examined his body and soul. Dimension level 50 meant a state just before becoming transcendent.

To be more precise about this level, the physical ability or multiple abilities that I possessed were almost no different from transcendence. However, there was a slight difference in the personality of the soul, and this slight difference made the difference in power that could actually be exerted.

When he became a transcendent and gained the power of the transcendent, he was able to live in a world completely different from that of the non-transcendent.

“Too much has changed, so it's hard to find each other. ”

Soohyuk shakes his head slightly, looking into his body and soul. So much has changed. So far, his job, which has been called "The Monster Slayer," has also changed to "The Tuner," and many of his skill cores have all changed due to the effects of the awareness.

In particular, the 'power of Gene Kronos’ and ‘shadow arts of Gene Kronos’ have grown so much, both of which have grown to legendary stature and the skill itself has changed so much before.

But the one thing that feels bigger to Soohyuk right now than these changes... … was the last I heard from Minhyuk. Unlike the experience of compressed and faintly remembered self-awareness, the last story was so vividly remembered.

“This seems like a lot of work to do all of a sudden.... I'm definitely a tuner, by the way. Why is all this fun? This is ridiculous. ”

Suhyuk muttered with a ridiculous smile.

I don't know why it was fun, but it was just fun.

For being the hero of the world?

Or by defeating enemies who invaded the world they lived in?

Not all of them.

I was just having fun. I was so used and comfortable living as a tuner, especially because I had lived so many lives in Gene Kronos through self-awareness.

“So I'm becoming a tuner. ”

Suhyuk accepted fate.

No, I started enjoying my destiny.

Birth of a tuner.

This was a very big event, but only Soohyuk recognized it.

< [Chapter 91] The End of the Day of the Eternal Life (Chapter 21049) (1) >


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