Raid Breaker

< [Chapter 95] The Immortal Child (不 ⁄ ් 人) (1) >

@ endangered people.

Why is there a dimensionality here? ’

The ceremony had not begun, and they were not those who crossed the dimension through dimensionality. They did not operate the dimensionality at all because they crossed dimensions not only for their purpose but because their plans were not aligned at all.

- Updating information about the dimensionality.

Yan was able to update the information about the dimensionality as soon as she remembered about Suhyuk's dimensionality. It was a ‘sudden information acquisition' that I had experienced in a very long time.

- Done. Hard to pinpoint the exact thing, but we're showing minimal Chronos dimension. Although we don't know why there is such a rarely seen dimensionality here, due to its dimensionality, it is likely that there is at least one transcendent on board.

Chronos? Is there a lot of dimensionality? ’

- A dimensional warship, to be exact. Dimensional Battleships are called Dimensional Warships, which can be deployed alone. If that dimensional warship really is a Chronos class warship...... it will be the top 1% of the world's warships.

Is that it? ’

- Yes, all single dimensionable dimensions are numbered. I don't know how many times that dimension ship has numbering…… but if it has numbering inside it, that's the only thing that would make it possible for a dimensional war.

‘Gas, that's great.... But what's so great about it anyway? ’

- I don't know about that.

Does that dimensionality have something to do with the Black Moon? ’

- It's a possibility.

‘How do I do this……. ’

A force that possesses the opposing Pokémon's dimensionality, even Suhyuk, cannot sneak up on it.

‘Was the transcendent the captain of that ship? ’

- It's a fairly high probability.

The transcendent was a very rare being, but there could not have been two such transcendents in a dimension that had not yet begun a dimensional exchange.

It meant that it was very likely that the transcendent, whom Suhyuk met, was in a dimension that was unknown.

‘Then we should be more careful. ’

Suhyuk knew very well how frightening the transcendent was. But apart from being scared, I wanted to find out what kind of transcendent is here, why.

The transcendent was inevitably a large variable in any way, so he had to understand his intentions before the expression occurred.

Is it impossible to infiltrate? ’

Soohyuk once again focused on the dimensionality.

- Infiltration is too dangerous a choice. I don't think we should act rashly in situations where pia is indistinguishable.

‘But if we miss this opportunity, we can't be sure when we'll find that dimension again. You need to feel more anxious if you're that weird. ’

I agree with Yan's statement that Soohyuk is dangerous, but I couldn't agree with Yan's retreat. He thought he had to save this opportunity in some way.

‘Let's trust Door and Door and go inside. ’

Soohyuk finally decided to go undercover. You set up the Master Door as far away as possible and decide that it is possible to escape, even if the opponent is a transcendent.

Soohyuk quickly left the beach and hurled one of the master doors in the right direction.

Suhyuk, who had prepared an exit, moved back to that beach cliff and began to find a way to infiltrate the dimensional ship.

I came up with several ways, but Soohyuk also chose the simplest method. The method of using the Door and Door capability to randomly open the door was ruled out as too gambling.

So Suhyuk was just going to simply kill the pilgrimage as much as possible, dive directly into the sea, approach the dimensional ship directly, and then find a suitable point of penetration through the field of view, and then simply go inside using the shadow shift.

It was too simple, but to avoid the sense of transcendence, it was better to use less dimensional force.

Eventually, Suhyuk snuck down the beach cliff and dived into the sea. At the very least, Suhyuk's body slipped beyond human limits, so he didn't have to worry about dying.

Soohyuk used all his hidden skills to the extreme. and at the same time suppressed the dimensional force flowing out of the body as much as possible.

This was so that no matter how transcendent he was, he was more likely not to find Soohyuk unless he focused and studied. Even if the transcendent was unimaginable, he could not always look around, so he thought that Soohyuk could be infiltrated.

The dimension of the ship that I saw near by diving directly into the water was larger and grander than the one I saw from afar. And the strange energy that I felt in dimensionality itself taught me that dimensionality is not just a battleship.

‘This is not a joke. ’

The dimensions of warships that I experienced in my realization were not like this either. Soohyuk suddenly thought that if this dimensionality really had the numbering inside 100 times.

But now was not the time to be amazed, so I looked hard and carefully for the point of penetration.

It was very careful to use sight, so I couldn't just look everywhere.

After finding it so discreetly and carefully for about thirty minutes, Soohyuk was able to find the perfect point of penetration.

Somewhere quite remote and feeling nothing nearby...... It seems possible to infiltrate this place in secret.

‘This would be a good place. ’

After making the decision, Suhyuk opened Qi once again and looked around, but he felt nothing.

‘All right, let's go. ’

Soohyuk, who even patted the stone bridge, directly penetrated into the dimension through a shadow shift. Soohyuk's plan was to find out the purpose of those who boarded the plane secretly looking inside the aircraft after infiltrating the dimension.


All this intention of Soohyuk flew away at once using the Shadow Movement into the dimensionality.

Phage job!

As soon as Soohyuk passed through the body of the dimensionality, an incredibly powerful current penetrated through the body of Soohyuk. It was not just a current, but an artificial current created by a transcendent.

More precisely, it was a debleaching attack of the la loop (22890; 63817; 25802;).

Kung fu.

The Shadow Movement succeeded. However, Suhyuk fell unconscious as he moved into the dimensionality of Ragnarok.

Soohyuk's biggest mistake...... was to make a fool of the transcendent's senses. In particular, the Dimensional Sword Ear Loop, unlike other transcendents, has always been a devoted figure to defending his master.

That's why he was always keeping his senses open and, of course, monitoring the whole dimensionality in real time.

Because of that situation, he was able to recognize the existence of Soohyuk lurking around the dimension more easily than he thought.

After that, I rested too much. Loop read Suhyuk's intentions correctly, so all he had to do was wait. It was the easiest way to defeat Soohyuk, aiming at the moment when Soohyuk entered the dimension.

Of course, Suhyuk moved as he thought, and while he was just waiting quietly, he conquered Suhyuk using a deceased brainstorm without missing any gaps.

Even though the loop was transcendent, Suhyuk was now strong enough to withstand the original loop for a long time. But now, I was ambushed by a timing I didn't even think of, so I had to be taken for a moment.


Loop loses his mind, puts the fallen Soohyuk on his shoulders and slowly moves somewhere.

Eventually, Suhyuk's dimensional infiltration plan was so frustrating that it failed. As a result, Suhyuk was also captivated.

This was really the worst outcome for Soohyuk.

* * * *


Soohyuk regained consciousness was not the place where he lost his mind. Soohyuk was able to confirm that he was sitting on a chair and not even tied up.

Soohyuk slowly raised his head and found a man sitting in front of him. And there were two of them standing next to him, and they were definitely not ordinary people.

“…… damn……. ”

Soohyuk finds them and shakes his head with a hollow look. This was a real one-day thing, and I got into trouble without being afraid of dogs.

“Any discomfort? ”

The man sitting in the chair looked at Soohyuk and asked. It was definitely not Korean, but Soohyuk could understand the moment he listened to him.

“It's because I'm pathetic that I jumped into this place without even knowing it's a tiger's mouth. ”

“Why do you think this place is a tiger's cub? ”

“No, but what's the point of having three transcendents if not a fag? What the hell are you? Three transcendents in a Chronos class warship...... That's enough for a Dimensional War. ”

“Do you think we're here for a dimensional war? ”

“Then why are you here? ”

“But first...... who are you? I'm surprised there's someone as talented as you in the world. Not only did you recognize the dimensionality, but you also used powers other than Mana. I'm guessing you're just as curious as we are. ”

“I...... at least I'm from here, but you're not from here. ”

“I'm from here. It doesn't make any sense. It doesn't make sense that someone like you would show up at this level. ”

“Good. Here's what I'm going to do. If I can tell you who you are, I'll let you in on a little secret. What do you think? Isn't that a good deal? ”

“Hahaha, do you have the guts to say a deal like that is a good deal that doesn't take into account the situation at all? Or do you have no idea? ”

One of the two transcendents standing behind him, not the transcendent sitting in the chair, laughed loudly and said. At first glance, he was in a very similar atmosphere to the Silver Book.

“I thought you wanted to talk, didn't you? ”

“Huh, look at this guy? ”

The man who just laughed loudly earlier, or the Dimensional Grand Wizard, Kuyan, looked at Suhyuk with an interesting expression.

“Hehe, good. It may seem like a bit of a loss, but I'll take that deal. You want us to talk about it first? I'm a tan, and this is a loop. Finally, this inspiration is" Quyan. "As you already know, we are all transcendents. ”

Tan briefly introduced himself.

“Tan, Rub, Quyan... I see. So let me tell you a secret. I'm Kang Soo-hyuk, the tuner of the world. ”


The moment Soohyuk told the secret, all three transcendents were surprised with their eyes wide open.

“Now, tell me a little bit more about who you are. Then I'll tell you more secrets. ”

Su-hyuk didn't hit all of his defeats at once.

Since you haven't checked all of the opponent's Hands yet, you'd better keep holding on to your own.

“The tuner...... Something unexpected has happened. Okay, then we'll tell you one more thing. I'm one of the first Immortals to create Project I. ”

They were the first mortals, called the "tai chil." They were like the original creators of all this.

Is that so? Suhyuk is combat-ready, pulling all his energy from the moment he hears the gunshot.

Soohyuk never thought he would meet one of the immortals at this time.

The End


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