Raid Breaker

< [Chapter 97] A Silver Fox (1) >

Silver fox with @ pack.

The auction has been on fire since the beginning. Seeing that the item was an object, I didn't do anything like a fight.

$10 billion has emerged since the beginning, and since then, the price has continued to go up by one billion. There was no upper limit, so the price did not know that the sky was high.

He broke through $50 billion in an instant and shot exactly $100 billion at some point. I still have four more, but I didn't realize the heat was so low.

Those who participated in the auction thought that if they were pushed out of here, they wouldn't get the other four. The auction was going crazy because of that psychology.

The auction price that went up was slowing down to 140 billion dollars. The $140 billion was not easily conceivable, even if people had the resources to spend it like water.

It was about 170 trillion won. When we raise the auction price here, it becomes a burden and we give up something unsettling...... Due to the complex ideas, the auction begins to climb slowly.

A little while ago, the auction went up from 100 to 200 million dollars.

Boring discussions have been going on for quite a long time. And the moment the auction finally broke through $160 billion, the first auction ended.

The United States won the first auction for over 200 trillion won. Like the rotten word "compliance," even though the United States is not the dominant country in the world as it used to be, it cannot be denied that it is still a powerful country.

That's why they were able to get their first auction for 160 billion dollars. But this was just the beginning.

The second and third auctions also won $170 and $175 billion, respectively, and the fourth auction won a total of $185 billion.

And the last auction that followed…… was amazingly won over a staggering 200 billion dollars.

Blueprints and key parts that can make five Tier 5 Titans. All of this sold for an enormous amount of $890 billion. It was more than 1,000 trillion KRW, and Soohyuk expected about twice as much.

‘Everyone thought we'd be finished if we got pushed here. ’

At the end of the auction, the insufficient force united to win the auction.

‘Thanks to you, I was able to raise more money than I thought. ’

A $17.8 billion sales fee, 2% of $890 billion, was not too bad. Those who bought things paid more fees anyway.

After the auction, Aries, the head of the Dimensional Market, thanked her for coming to Soohyuk in person. I asked him about how to get paid.

It seems that the unit of money was so large that it could not pay all the auctions in cash immediately because it was not just cash received, but also things like Manaston.

Soohyuk, of course, asked for the real thing without having to cash the real thing separately. Since it was Manastone anyway, things like Adamantium were also incredibly demanding, so it was more beneficial to receive it in real life.

Aries asked you to sell anything else through them. After this, I even put the terms and conditions that I would not receive a sales fee at all.

Soohyuk replied that he would contact me again if I had any goods. Aries told me that she would provide security to prevent any irresponsible activity, but Soohyuk politely refused.

In fact, it might be more amusing to assign a bodyguard to Soohyuk, who is currently considered the best knight. Suhyuk, who finished talking with Aries, immediately left the auction house.

After leaving the auction house, Suhyuk booked a flight back to Korea directly. Then I waited quietly for the dung flies to come find me.

“Why don't you quit your whining now? I can't take a nap because of all the noise. ”

Suhyuk, who was sitting quietly on the bench, finally opened his mouth when he thought that the dung flies were sufficiently twisted.

“If you don't want to come out, I'll consider you an enemy. For the record, the Night's Watch is quite widely regarded, isn't it? ”

Hiding in front of the Knights was clearly part of the range of legitimate defense.

When the dung flies realized that Suhyuk's words were not just a threat, they quickly came out of the darkness. The opposing Pokémon is considered the strongest of the night masters.


Twelve dung flies appeared out of nowhere. They were all characters from different forces.

Since no force had dared to do anything about the All-Master, it was a situation where only one person was sent to Su-hyuk in order to have a conversation.

“Don't get me wrong, I didn't come here out of a bad idea. We just came here to talk to the Allmaster. ”

Although not the representative, one of the 12 came out and spoke as if they were thinking of other dung flies here.

“All right, I'll admit 12 of you are out there right now. But the three who still haven't popped out... Are you asking me to kill them? ”


Suhyuk gave a powerful breath of life towards the three dung flies who were still hiding despite warning. Since Suhyuk was on the verge of being able to live with materialized power that could do more mental damage than just momentum, the three knights who were still hiding were forced to crawl out of the darkness under a stunning blow.


“Khh... ”

In fact, the first 12 dung flies were skilled enough to hide without even noticing them.

The 12 dung flies who appeared first were more nervous because they vomited blood just by staring at them.

“Now let's talk. Let's just blow up all the useless stories and talk about each other's core. Start on the right. Tell me in turn. ”

In fact, 12 dung flies hid and waited because they had something to say to Soohyuk alone. However, in this atmosphere, I had no choice but to talk about my business here, because I thought it would be the same as the three men who vomited blood and collapsed.

In fact, the story that 12 dung flies wanted to tell was almost the same. They were agents sent by the world's leading forces who wanted to make a solo deal with Suhyuk.

Their goal was one. Obtaining an exclusive contract with Soohyuk... Of course, talking about it in front of competitors was a little too much, but now was not the time to cover the hot meal.

Agents appealed to Su-hyuk more competitively with the feeling that it was necessary to conclude a solo deal like this.

Because they could hear the other person's condition vividly, they were able to make it more daring. Some even took out their phones and got offers that were out of their hands.

I was just silently listening to their proposal to make Soohyuk more competitive.

Of course, the offer had to be limited. And that limit had to differ from force to force: three of the 12 dung flies had the best proposal.

The three made a similar level of offer, but when Soohyuk saw it, he couldn't come up with any more.

“I think we're done here.... After all, America, China and the EU? ”

Soohyuk correctly guessed where the remaining three agents belonged. When the 12 dung flies had already appeared, Jan was tracking their identity through the perforations, so of course, she was able to quickly find out their affiliation.

“It's too much to hope for, but it's not fun, and it's obvious that power will eventually be able to cope. Anyway, you guys leave me a contact number because I'll be in touch.

Su-hyuk left without hesitation after receiving contact from three people. Of course, the agents who couldn't contact her wanted to catch Soohyuk somehow, but they didn't dare.

* * * *

The perfect fifth generation of Titans emerged.

Producer Silver Fox! If it had been the same, of course many forces would have found Silver Fox with their eyes wide open.

They had to find Silver Fox and make his source technology their own. But now the situation was completely different.

Despite Silver Fox's presumptuous appearance, many forces had no choice but to observe the situation quietly. No, I tried to formally sign a contract, waving my tail hard at Silver Fox.

This was the power of power.

The reason Silver Fox was so poorly chased in the past was because there was no ‘power’. But now it's different. Even though it wasn't a real silver fox, people all over the world knew it was a silver fox.

As a result, no one has ever gone after Silver Fox like in the past.

If Silver Fox of the past were literally a fox, then Silver Fox of the present was not just a tiger, but an enormous Great Lake-called the Master of the Mountain.

Since Soohyuk had already become a representative night in the Republic of Korea, touching him could have stimulated the entire Republic of Korea.

If Suhyuk himself is hard to deal with and a country called South Korea is added here...... It is concluded that it is best not to touch him.

However, for this reason, those who wanted to make an exclusive deal with Silver Fox tried to make a deal with Soohyuk, each with the best terms.

Soohyuk enjoyed betting with them.

Suhyuk had nothing to lose anyway. At this moment, Suhyuk was strictly A.

Suhyuk, in particular, briefly shared with the three forces who had been contacted about some of the new technologies that had existed since the beginning of the 5th generation Titan.

When I did, I had no choice but to keep in touch because I was in three more places.

“Sis, if you don't want to give the American 'Aerial Harbor', the conversation is over. Tell the Chinese it starts at 9,000 tons of compressed adamantium. And on the EU side, you have to basically say," Brainy, "which is a class S dimensional artifact. ”

“The air dimensional ports, compressed adamantium 9,000 tons, brains... … aren't the basic conditions too strong? Even if they're the best, they won't be able to cope easily. ”

Lee tilted his head when he heard Suhyuk's words.

“It's okay. It's not me they're after anyway, and eventually they're going to come and get all of those things. Of course, there's no such thing as an exclusive contract. I want all three of them. ”

“Gosh, that's a lot of confidence. ”

“You know how great the skill of silver is, right? If the Silver Book is properly released, no force will be able to afford it. ”

“Yes, it is. All right, I'm gonna go over those terms with you. ”

“They're all guilty of a lot of crimes against Silver Fox anyway, so you can rob them. Even if they don't agree to the deal, I can just sell it through the auction like now. ”

“Okay, I get it. ”

“Oh, and please continue to turn those funds that we talked about into loot. Of course, you will be able to control the price of your loot so it doesn't fluctuate, but even if the price goes up, collect your loot a little faster. ”

“Okay. I'll do my best. By the way, there must be enough loot collected so far to be handled by almost national units... What are they all for? ”

“Haha, that's still a secret. When the time comes... I'll tell you everything. ”

“The more you know about it, the more you'll be curious. ”

At Suhyuk's words, Hye Ri muttered, shaking her head.

She didn't ask for any more secrets. I thought we should wait until then because we said we would let Su-hyuk know when it's time.

It meant that she believed Suhyuk.

Soohyuk was also going to tell Hel's colleagues the truth of the world soon, so he was going to explain everything at that time.

< [Chapter 96] Preparation for the Future (2) > End


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