Raid Breaker

< [Chapter 101] Machine Macard (1) >

@ machine-marcard.

Of course, there were machine factions in the great dimension. And for machines, they were among the most powerful of the bred. Although the Jin-ryong did not accept the mechanical dragons as part of the dragons.

In fact, the machine dragons, like the rest of the machine species, did not reproduce blood after blood, but were blessed with the blessing of Camu, the first machine to enter the realm of God. Therefore, it was difficult to get recognition from the Jin Dragon.

However, it was powerful enough to use the name Ease of Machinery, and as a result, many machines became transcendent only by their own power.

Markard was also one of those machines.

However, Markard was shortly transcendent, so there was still much to be lacked.

Margaret, who had barely made it to the point of becoming a deserter, was weak enough to be called a medicinal agent among the transcendents.

Nevertheless, the transcendent was the transcendent.

It was wrong in the beginning that the transcendent's soul appeared on the second floor of the Awakening Tower.

Of course, this was because the Awakening Tower was more ambiguous than wrong, but as a result, Soohyuk was forced to challenge the Awakening Tower like crazy for half a year.

However, Suhyuk challenged 10 times in half a year to find out about the characteristics of Markard and how to target it.

It was a difficult journey to get here, but fortunately, it gave Suhyuk a little room for infinite challenges.

“Phew, are you missing something? ”

- I'm not missing anything. You have everything you thought of.

“What's left now... is a little luck, right?" ”

- You don't have to be so burdened. If the timing doesn't work, you can try again. The Awakening Tower was originally designed to be this endless challenge and target. So you have to put aside your fear of failure and think only of success.

“Yes, we can do it until we can't! ”

Suhyuk nods, listening to Yan. Obviously, like Jan said, the Awakening Tower was a very advantageous system for the challenger. And it must have been intentional since the first tower of Awakenings was built.

“Awakening Tower Open! ”

Soohyuk reopened the Awakening Tower, consuming the Manathon he had prepared. Then, without hesitation, I went straight into the tower.

* * * *

The key to the Machine Markard attack was to destroy his core, withstanding his most powerful power, the Inferno Flame.

The flames of hell were, in terms of dragon breeds. The power of this Flame Bress emanating from his mouth was unbearably strong, riding on Crowe Zero and using all sorts of defense techniques.

Crucially, the flames of hell could never be extinguished until they had all been burned.

Because of this feature, Soohyuk was able to experience the fire when he first met a mechanical macard.

Suhyuk dealt with Markard 10 times in total, but nine of them failed to attack because of this infernal flame.

Because he died trying to avoid the flames of hell, and the cockpit was literally pierced in his tail.

Ultimately, in order to defeat the Machine Markard, we had to find a way to survive this hellfire.

Suhyuk continued headlining for half a year and at the end of his analysis, he found one of the most realistic ways. But this wasn't the perfect way either.

As long as Suhyuk was not transcendent in the beginning, there could not have been a perfect way to withstand the flames of hell, which was the transcendence of Makkah.

Transcendence was the most representative ability of the transcendent.

The only thing that could withstand transcendence was the same transcendence.

In other words, only the transcendent can deal with the transcendent.

There were exceptions, of course, but in the face of the transcendent, transcendence became the most difficult wall to overcome.

Of course, even Suhyuk had the greatest problem of the Inferno Flame, the transcendence of the mechanical macard.

So for half a year I prepared a lot of things to defeat Markard…… and theoretically I was able to find a way to withstand the flames of hell.

Immediately after entering the Awakening Tower, Soohyuk boarded Crow Zero immediately started fighting with Markard, and about an hour after that, he was able to wipe out all the squads for his cubs, which could be called the first boundary of Markard.

At first, it was very difficult to deal with this horde of cubs, but now they are close enough to deal with it.

Markard, who was sleeping in the Awakening Tower, woke up with his eyes wide open when all the swarms of baby dragons, who could be his guardians, disappeared.


Normally, it was supposed to be possible to have a normal conversation with the transcendent machine card, but in the process of replicating the soul with the tower of Awakening, the soul of the transcendent card, which had not yet completely dissipated its power, caused an abnormal reaction and the soul was replicated as if it had become 'photobombarded’.

Thanks to this, Su-hyuk had to continue fighting Markard without any time to breathe.

“Jan, you know, All you care about is the trajectory of his piercing fangtail and the energy response to the infernal flame. I'll take care of the rest. ”

- Yes, sir.

The two things Soohyuk asked Yan to care about were the two most powerful attacks by Mark.

If they were right, we had to avoid them at all costs because they were just a lethal attack to the goal.

“As always, it's a ‘steel storm’, right? ”

Steel storms simply describe multiple machine guns (?) were created by artificial storms.

Markard had a total of 100 machine guns embedded in his body, and they fired thin, thin pieces of steel, not bullets.

At first glance, they appear to be weaker than bullets, but they are much scarier than simple bullets because of the power of the other pieces of steel, of course.

However, Suhyuk was already beaten so much that he was able to respond very easily.


Suhyuk turns the daemon slayer lightly against a steel storm that rages like a single giant tornado.


At present Crowe Zero was different from usual. Should I say something heavy? The outer gloves themselves looked thicker and firmer, but they seemed a bit stuffy.

Nevertheless, Crowe Zero's grip with the daemon slayer does not seem to be slow at all.

Soohyuk had already been trying for months to familiarize himself with this particular external glove, so whether he had an external glove or not, he was moving Crowe Zero as usual.

Suhyuk, who rotated the daemon slayer and lightly pierced the steel storm, immediately changed his weapon as soon as he came out of the steel storm.

In Soohyuk's experience, he did not hesitate to use the ‘Jyn Hellfire’ because this was the best time to hit Markard.

Papa Papa Papa Pot!

“Fire!! ”

Nine Vulcans protrude from around Crowe Zero's body as he makes his way through the steel storm, and at that moment, without any preparatory action, he pours out of Vulcan straight away.

Guaguava apple!

All of this was prepared by Soohyuk, so the series of movements followed naturally.

Cake Fruit Fruit Fruit Fruit Fruit Fruit Fruit!!

The Gene Hellfire immediately swept through the body of the machine's macard. No matter how transcendent Markda was, if he was hit by a powerful blow, such as the Hellfire, at an unexpected time, he would surely have been hit.

As for Markard, it was a spiritual attack.

But this was not all Soohyuk prepared.

Suddenly, Sukhyuk stumbled around the lost Hellfire, and suddenly climbed onto his back using a shadow move.

When Markard opened his Electronic shield, he could never climb up to his body. It was because the moment I climbed into his body, I was exposed to enormous amounts of power and could be completely burned.

In other words, the only time I was able to climb into his body was when I was cautious and hit hard by the Jean Hellfire.

After this moment, we should never miss this moment because we will always have an electronic shield up.


Suhyuk briefly sighed and shoved a large daemon slayer into Makkah's neck.


A deeply digging daemon slayer.

At that moment, Markard realized that something was very wrong and immediately opened an electronic shield all over his body.

Paper work!

Soohyuk had already anticipated this as well, so he was already jumping out of Markard's body by the time he put the daemon slayer deep into it.

Slightly out of the influence of the electronic shield, Soohyuk once again used shadow shifts to spread the distance.

“First of all, the most important preparations are done neatly. ”

You nod, gazing at the wide open road of Healthy Markard.

- He pulled out his fangtail. So here we go.

Like Yan said, Markard was furious and spread an electronic barrier around his body, creating a very sharp awl at the end of his long tail.

Markard's appearance was like an angry bull, emitting more electricity from his whole body than a flashlight.

“Phew, please, just shoot the hell out of me. ”

Soohyuk took a light breath and looked straight at Markard. This is the end of Suhyuk's assault.

From now on, I had to endure the attack of angry Markard.

The Attack Turn is too short, but there's nothing I can do. Considering the difference between the transcendents and the non-transcendents that exist between Makkah and Soohyuk, it was great that Soohyuk attacked even this much.


The moment the mechanical macard roars, the electronic shield surrounding his body releases the electronic wave in all directions.

I'm a big supporter!

Soohyuk quickly moved Crow Zero, avoiding these razor-sharp, electric shocks.

So far it was within the expected range of Suhyuk. But I couldn't predict it from now on.

- The fangtail comes first!

Whirlyric! Whirlwind!

Yan quickly showed me the trail of the fangtail, and Soohyuk twisted his body to Crow Zero, avoiding the fangtail of Markard.

It was a short time, but with Yan's help, I was able to avoid it more relaxed than I thought.

But the tail of an awl was just the beginning.

Crowe Zero rolls to the side to avoid the continued assault on Markard.

Guaguava overload!

As Crowe Zero rolls to the side, Markard charges in at an incredible rate.

At the end of image training, Soohyuk's dazzling attack on Markard was predictable even by looking at the microscopic dictionary movements.


There was one thing that Suhyuk was still unable to predict the timing of…… this was it.

- Hellfire energy response!!

Yan's urgent cry. However, Suhyuk, who was already rolling the floor and avoiding the charge, had no means of avoiding this energy reaction immediately.

Unfortunately, Shadow Movement is barely hanging in the reuse standby. You can still use Shadow Movement in just three more seconds, but it is currently unavailable.

“Damn it!”


A dark red flame came out of Markard's mouth less than a second after the energy reaction.

Energy Breach for Machines!

It wrapped around Crowe Zero.

< [Chapter 101] Machine Macard (1) > End


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