Raid Breaker

< [Chapter 102] The Transcendent (2) >

“Here's the thing. ”

Soohyuk nodded softly and smiled.

Honestly, I was so curious about what it would feel like to be transcendent, but when I realized it, I even felt empty.

“Jan, you didn't disappear, did you? ”

- Don't worry about it. The transcendence system has been shut down with only a few level-up functions and the rest remains intact. Of course, I didn't disappear either.

“Yes, thank God. ”

To be honest, Jan was more than just a colleague to Su-hyuk now. Without Yan, it was not a problem.

Yan was already a part of Suhyuk's soul, so it was never easy to think of his disappearance.

“It's like...... I came up with chi, thinking it was normal, and it was like the higher peaks were spread out in front of me." This is just the beginning. ”

- I can't advise you on that part. But…… even if this is the real beginning, it seems to be meaningful enough just to stand at this starting point.

“Well, it does say that standing at this starting point itself has entered a great realm. ”

Suhyuk nodded lightly and muttered.

“By the way, I didn't expect Giant's power to... transcend such a thing. ”

Soohyuk knew exactly what transcendence was in the power of the Giant he had acquired. When he became transcendent in the first place, the moment he gained transcendence, he was able to better understand his abilities than anyone else.

The power of the Transcendent Giant.

To put it simply,


- The power of giants.

: For Giants, Power by Giants. You can attract Giant power as well as your ability to deal with Giants. When I become one with a Giant, I become a Giant. You can draw the maximum power of a Giant or absorb the power of a Giant and become a Giant yourself.

“The Giant, or Titan, is the power of the power itself very powerful? ”

Transcendence has also increased the power of basic abilities with more stringent conditions like those of normal skill cores.

Of course, the Giant's power that Suhyuk possessed was also very strong, rather than the condition that Titan expressed its power.

- The more difficult the condition is for almost all abilities, the stronger the power. The same principle would have been applied, because transcendence is one capability in a large range.

“I see. Titan's more important to me anyway. ”

Eun-suh is so talented, you don't have to worry about Titan.

“Yes... but it's a problem. ”

Suhyuk, who became transcendent and became more clearly aware of the tuner's obligations and limitations, had no choice but to worry about the impending great excursion.

- You'll get through this.

“Okay, let's get through this. ”

Suhyuk nods forcefully to comfort Yan.

“It's finally over! ”

Eunhyuk, who became transcendent, received another joyful news.

“Oh! Really? ”

“Yes, I did everything I could yesterday to finish the job. ”


“Uheeheehee, I'm really glad I finished holding on to it all those years. ”

“When do you think you'll be able to take the test? ”

“We've done all the work on the hardware... but we still need to build the system. ”

“Oh, is it because of that unmanned system we were talking about? ”

“Yeah, I'm pretty sure we should have an unmanned system like you said, so we're getting at least a head start. ”

“How many people are you talking about at least? ”

“The basic maneuvers are something I think I will be able to do on my own, and if I have about five other people in mind, I think I have complete control of all the functions. ”

“Does that mean the Hell Raid team is enough? ”

“Yes, of course I considered that. ”

“Eun-suh is the best. ”

Su-hyuk nods, smiling cheerfully at the words of the book.

“Then I'm the best. ”

The eunuch who heard Suhyuk's praise nodded and laughed as if it were natural.

“I haven't named it yet... Would you like to name it? ”

“Me? Well, at least it's a masterpiece of your life. You should name it. ”

“I didn't think I deserved it, and I actually made it, but it was actually custom-made for you. So you should give it a name. ”

“Hmm… a name…. ”

Suhyuk listened to the words of the Silver Book and turned his head to look at 'it’ which was showing off its magnificent appearance.

Compared to the dimensional warship Ragnarok we saw in New Zealand, it seemed completely undamaged, but it was a dimensional warship that Eunuch built for Soohyuk.

“Destroyer…… to be a destroyer that destroys those who attack our world." ”

“Good. Let's call this a Destroyer. ”

Dimensional warship destroyer.

This dimensional warship produced by the Silver Book partially released up to a nine-step recording blade was not a single dimensional warship like Ragnarok, but at least the dimensional drop using existing dimensional gates was enough.

“Let's gather the rest of the team in a week or so. ”

“Let's meet in ten days' time. By then, maybe everything will be perfect. ”

“Okay, I'll call Hye Ri. ”

Suhyuk nodded and replied to Eunhyuk's words.

Ten days later, I was able to see firsthand the significance of the Dimensional Warship Destroyer, and as long as the Destroyer was ready, I could say that everything was ready.

* * * *

Getting the Destroyer out of the dungeon wasn't that hard. Everything was originally made based on Mado Engineering, so the Destroyer was intact both inside and outside the dungeon.

In the future, when the equation (+34645;) occurred, all conventional weapons that were commonly used by humans were intended to become stones, so they had to be made like this unconditionally.

In the first place, all warships that go beyond the laws of great dimensional civilization were built with this technology.

The rating of the destroyer was approximately Rhea. But it wasn't just any Leah, and it was a battleship that could move up to Kronos.

In the case of cannons, it was a bit lower than normal dimensional warships, but it was not a shortage of firepower because silver was armed with a specially developed shrapnel.

Titan was able to launch up to five ships at the same time.

Dimensional leapfrogging was not possible, but it was equipped with the Mana Elimination Engine as far as ultra-fast flight and latency.

Of course, it took a tremendous amount of Manathon to turn it all around, but Soohyuk and Silver had already amassed a tremendous amount of Manathon enough to keep the Destroyer moving for a decade.

“Mana vanishing engine running. ”

With a bold word, the silver book immediately injected Mana into the Mana Dye Engine.

Yippee, yippee, yippee.

The Mana disappearance engine started running as soon as Mana was supplied. In fact, Silver wanted to build a dimensional accelerator engine that was one step ahead of Mana's extinction engine, but it didn't get there because it didn't release all the ninth level recording blades.

If she had completed the Dimensional Acceleration Engine, the Destroyer would have been a battleship that would have been literally called dimensionality.

However, even though the Eunuch has a tremendous talent for Mado Engineering, it has not yet reached a level enough to build a dimensional accelerator engine.

“All systems go. ”

The silver actually allowed him to control the Destroyer himself. Of course, all of the features of the Destroyer required help from colleagues of the Hell Raid team, but at least 70% of the features of the Destroyer could be manipulated by themselves in silver.

“We're ready to go. ”

At the end of the eulogy, Suhyuk nodded slightly and sat down on the captain's seat, which was specially made by the eunuch.

The Destroyer's captain, of course, was Soohyuk.

“Now let's fly, shall we? ”

Suhyuk mutters, looking down at the trapdoor.

“Destroyer…… go! ”

Kukukukukukukuku-ku. Shhhhhhhhh.

Soohyuk had already harnessed his absolute miniaturization and door and door capabilities to hide the Destroyer in Chonseon's good graces. Sitting at the bottom of the lake, the destroyer rises up and the water of the lake cracks.


After piercing the lake, The Destroyer continues to rise into thin air.

“I'm going to get some more output. ”

The silver continued to lift the altitude of the Destroyer's flight, raising the output of the Mana annihilation engine.

The Mana dissipation engine unleashed a powerful force, lifting the Destroyer to 10,000 feet in an instant.

“Eunuch, how far up do you have to go to make a high-speed flight? ”

“We have to go at least 30,000 feet. ”

“Let's just keep going up to 30,000 feet. ”


Suhyuk told me that Eunhyuk continued to raise the Destroyer.

“Hye Ri, what about the hangar? ”

[Everything is stable here.]

“What about Brother Hun? ”

[All systems are still up here.]

“Okay, so I'm going to go into hyper-flight mode right after elevation. ”

After confirming that everything was stable, the Eunuch immediately pulled the flight altitude to 30,000 feet and finished preparing for ultra-fast mode of operation.

“High-speed flight ready. ”

“Hmm…… Should we go to Hawaii lightly? ”

“Well, I don't care where you go. ”

“Okay, then let's get to Hawaii and get there. ”

“We are about to begin our high-speed flight. ETA exactly 16 minutes and 22 seconds. ”

Normally, it would take nine hours to fly to Hawaii on a typical plane, but the Destroyer was able to fly in an ultra-fast flight.

High-speed flying became possible in dimensions when it reached the end. However, the Destroyer was not yet possible until dimensional flight.

Dimensional flight required a Dimensional Acceleration Engine.

“Everyone, watch out for the acceleration. ”

At the end of the silver book, the Destroyer flew toward the Pacific in a flash.


Ultra high-speed flight was flying at a speed that surpassed the sound speed, so it literally looked like the light of the Destroyer.


Even though they were flying so fast, they unexpectedly felt a great burden on the Destroyer.

As the silver letter said, the Destroyer arrived exactly above Hawaii 16 minutes and 22 seconds later.


“Arrival at destination. Shutting down high-speed flights.”

“That was quick. ”

“This wasn't the limit either. If we can get more output, we can do it in about 10 minutes. ”

“That's remarkable. ”

Soohyuk liked the performance of the Destroyer.

‘Is it really...... just one battle left? “

About a month later, the forefront will begin, and it was likely to flow into the catastrophic feces.

The moment to decide on a dimensional civilization was really near.

< [Chapter 102] Transcendent (2) > End


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