Raiders of Abuse Scum

Chapter 4008: The vicious female partner's mother 6

  Chapter 4008 Vicious female partner's mother 6

  Send Han Youyou away, Gu Cheng will take his mind back.

  But what Ms. Gu didn’t expect was that she only spoke out. Gu Cheng was shocked and quickly said, “Mom, Han Youyou has made any mistakes, why did you open her?”

  More importantly, if Han Youyou is fired, what should he do if he wants to see Han Youyou in the future?

  I was thinking about expelling Han Youyou, and that was the end of the matter.

   But I didn’t expect that Gu Cheng would be so disappointed, so he was reluctant to expel Han Youyou?

  Ms. Gu's face turned dark, and she glared at Gu Cheng fiercely, "Why, can't bear that little bitch?"

  Now that Mrs. Gu wants to expel Han Youyou, Gu Cheng can’t bother to refute Mrs. Gu’s address to Han Youyou. She just shook her head and denied, “No, Mom, you really want to be bad. We are really just friends.”

  "Friend?" Madam Gu rolled her eyes in her eye sockets and sneered, "Gu Cheng~Your mother, I eat more salt than rice, you want to fool me, you are still tender~"

  Mrs. Gu looked at Gu Cheng with a cold face, “I will give you three days to break with this woman, otherwise, don’t blame me for the action.”

  Han Xiaoxiao’s daughter-in-law can only be Han Xiaoxiao.

  Even if it’s not Han Xiaoxiao, it’s absolutely impossible to be a rude woman like Han Youyou.

  Gu Cheng didn’t expect Madam Gu’s attitude to be so determined, her eyes regained instantly after the turn of her eyes.

  It must be what Han Xiaoxiao said to his mother after returning home yesterday. Otherwise, how could his mother target Han Youyou like dynamite.

  In order to keep Han Youyou, Gu Cheng said without thinking, "Mom, did Han Xiaoxiao tell you something?"

  It must be what Han Xiaoxiao said.

  Ms. Gu, who was only trying to drive Han Youyou away, looked at Gu Cheng's words and asked, "What can Xiaoxiao say?"

   Gu Cheng, who thought he had guessed right, his expression froze after hearing Mrs. Gu’s answer.

  Thinking about the fact that I had slapped Han Xiaoxiao on behalf of Han Youyou yesterday, he pursed his lips and shut up instantly, "No, nothing."

  Gu Cheng believes that if he dared to tell about the fact that he had beaten Han Xiaoxiao, his mother would definitely deal with Han Youyou more vigorously.

  Gu Cheng couldn't bear Han Youyou's hand, so he could only silence himself.

Mrs. Gu saw that Gu Cheng did not say a word, thinking that Gu Cheng had listened to her words, she persuaded her earnestly, "Xiao Cheng, because of your relationship with Xiao Xiao, our two families have a lot of cooperation, and you don’t want our family because of your relationship. Your relationship with that woman is not happy with the Han family~"

  When Mrs. Gu said about the company, Gu Cheng did not say a word.

  No matter how capricious he is, he can’t make fun of his company.

  Seeing that Gu Cheng’s expression returned to reason, Mrs. Gu continued to persuade, “It’s just a girl movie. If you really like it, you can raise it outside.”

Speaking of this, thinking of the husband Gu Heng, who has raised countless little lovers outside, Mrs. Gu's complexion darkened, and she sighed softly in her heart, and continued, "As long as Xiaoxiao is not allowed to find out, you can do whatever you want outside. Row."

  Gu Cheng doesn't like Han Xiaoxiao, but he is willing to be engaged to Han Xiaoxiao. What he sees is the future of the Han family.

  Ms. Gu clearly pointed out to him a path that can get everything that Han Xiaoxiao represents and Han Youyou, how could Gu Cheng not be moved.

  Gu Cheng's heart was moved, just as he was about to nod, the door of the office was suddenly pushed open from the outside.

  Ms. Gu and Gu Cheng turned their heads and saw Han Youyou who was full of anger.

  Han Youyou just returned to his desk and looked at the bunch of hair in his hand, the more he thought about it, the more he felt guilty.

  I started so hard just now, Gu Cheng is okay.

   Although Gu Cheng usually owes her mouth and hands, she still has a good heart. She knows that she lives far away and will send herself home no matter how late she gets off work. She should apologize to Gu Cheng.

  Thinking about this, Han Youyou planned to apologize to Gu Cheng.

  Unexpectedly, she just opened the door of the office and heard Mrs. Gu’s ridiculous remarks that she should be Gu Cheng’s junior.

   What disappointed Han Youyou most was that Gu Cheng actually agreed.

  Even though I like Gu Cheng so much, I still make myself a junior...

Because of the anger, Han Youyou's eyes were stained with a layer of crimson, her lips pressed tightly and waited for Gu Cheng fiercely, then turned to look at Mrs. Gu, and said sarcastically, "The Qing Dynasty has been dead for hundreds of years, and you still want Your son, three wives and four concubines, do you have a throne to inherit?"

  After satirizing Mrs. Gu, Han Youyou looked at Gu Cheng and slapped her hand up.

  Gu Cheng didn't expect Han Youyou to hit him. After being stunned, he slapped him, half of his face was crooked to the side. He looked at Han Youyou in a daze.

Han Youyou's narrow and long eyes narrowed slightly, and his eyes were full of ridicule and irony. He looked at Gu Cheng coldly, "I thought you were different from those princes outside, but I didn't expect you to be the same as them. I counted me wrong. NS."

  Han Youyou tore off the badge on his chest, smashed it heavily on the ground, and said loudly, "I won't come for such a company."

  After saying this, Han Youyou ran out without looking back.

  Looking at Han Youyou’s back, Gu Cheng seemed to have a heart taken out of his chest, his chest was empty, and he subconsciously got up and wanted to chase him out.

  But he just chased to the door, and suddenly heard Madam Han shout, "If you dare to chase out, I will bring your brother over tomorrow."

  Ms. Gu looked at Gu Cheng’s back and said word by word, “I don’t care who the company is, as long as it is my son.”

  Mrs. Gu and Gu Heng have two sons and a daughter. Among them, Gu Cheng is the most promising. Gu Cheng is also the heir appointed by Mrs. Gu and Gu Heng.

  Before, Mrs. Gu thought that Gu Cheng was smart and filial, and he would be able to carry forward the company. But now, seeing Gu Cheng doing such ridiculous things for a woman, Mrs. Gu instantly intends to leave her behind.

  It is impossible to be able to marry from a civilian to a wealthy family like Gu, and sit firmly in the seat of Mrs. Gu, without any means.

  Mrs. Gu’s words were like a body-fixing curse. Gu Cheng, who walked halfway out of the house, instantly settled at the door. Gu Cheng paused in his footsteps and dared not chase him out.

   Although he likes Han Youyou, it is impossible for him to give up the inheritance rights of the company for Han Youyou.

Seeing that Gu Cheng did not continue to chase, Mrs. Gu stood up, Shi Shiran walked to Gu Cheng, raised her hand to pat Gu Cheng's shoulder, and simply opened the skylight to say something, "The young lady of the Gu family can only be Xiaoxiao. ,Do you understand it?"

   Gu Cheng's eyes were vague, but he didn't speak against Mrs. Gu.

  Mrs. Gu stopped talking, picked up her bag and left the office.

  Han Youyou slapped Gu Cheng and left the office without looking back.

  Han Youyou feels that he is blind. He actually thinks that Gu Cheng is a good man, and even feels guilty about his actions and wants to apologize to him?

  (End of this chapter)

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