Raiders of Abuse Scum

Chapter 4012: The vicious female partner's mother 10

  Chapter 4012 Vicious female partner's mother 10

Not long after   Jiujiu completely mastered the company, she received photos of Gu Cheng and Han Youyou sent by private investigators.

  Looking at the photo, Gu Cheng and Han Youyou were intimacy and crooked like no one else in the company, Jiujiu knew that it was time to close the net.

  Jiu Jiu is not stupid, if she directly raises troubles, she will fall into the same embarrassing situation as Zeng Jiu.

   Obviously it was Gu Cheng shamelessly looking for the mistress, but it was passed out and turned into Han Xiaoxiao haunting Gu Cheng.

  Furthermore, I dignified the president of a big company, and I broke up with a girl because of a man's affairs, so I lost my share.

  Jiujiu directly sent the picture of Gu Cheng and Han Youyou to Mrs. Gu, and let Mrs. Gu handle it by herself.

  After all, Mrs. Gu promised to take care of Han Youyou's matter.

  Not only does Li Cui know how to use a knife to kill someone, she also uses it.

  When Mrs. Gu received the news from Jiujiu, she thought it was Jiujiu who asked herself to go out for afternoon tea.

  But when she opened the dialog box and saw the crooked photo of Gu Cheng with the little fairy in the company last time, her heart almost jumped out of her throat in shock.

  But soon, she was relieved.

  Mrs. Han just sent her the photo without making the matter worse, indicating that she still wanted Gu Cheng and Han Xiaoxiao to stay together.

  As long as she handles this matter cleanly, Mrs. Han will be the same as last time, and she will still be ashamed. This incident has never happened.

   Thinking of this, Mrs. Gu breathed a sigh of relief.

  It’s just that Mrs. Han’s blood pressure rose again when she looked at Gu Cheng, who was in the photo with the little fairy Han Youyou.

  Gu Cheng, who had clearly promised himself that he would not contact Han Youyou again, not only contacted Han Youyou, but also blatantly talked about love in the company.

  Moreover, this matter was also known to Zeng Jiu.

  Zeng Jiu is Han Xiaoxiao, a baby girl who is only engaged now, and Gu Cheng is looking for another woman outside. When he gets married in the future, can he treat Han Xiaoxiao well?

   Comparing your heart to heart, if Han Xiaoxiao is her own daughter, she will explode with confidence.

  Mrs. Gu called Jiujiu.

  The call is connected.

   Jiujiu’s voice is not cold or hot, just saying, "Something?"

  Jiujiu's voice is cold and cold, not the affection and affection of the previous meeting, which makes Mrs. Gu, who is not hopeful, feel more disturbed.

  Mrs. Gu hurriedly said a little, "Don’t worry, Mrs. Han, I will take care of it."

  Hearing Mrs. Gu’s words, Jiujiu was silent for a moment, pretending to be persuaded by Mrs. Gu, and then reluctantly said, “Throughout again and again, I hope Mrs. Gu can handle it well this time.”

  Jiu Jiu finished speaking and hung up the phone directly.

   Jiujiu gave Gu Cheng a chance, but he also made it clear that this was the last chance. If there is another time, then Gu Cheng and Han Xiaoxiao’s matter will only fall through.

  After Mrs. Gu hung up the phone, she picked up her backpack and went to the company.

  This time, she must watch Gu Cheng drive the little fox out with her own eyes.

  At the company, Mrs. Gu aggressively asked the front desk where Gu Cheng is now, and asked her to take herself there.

   Mrs. Gu’s unkind appearance made the pair have a marriage contract long ago, but the front desk messing with Han Youyou guessed the truth.

   With the idea of ​​‘the little three people get ridiculed’, the front desk immediately led Mrs. Gu towards Gu Cheng’s current location.

When Mrs. Gu arrived, Gu Cheng was having dinner with Han Youyou.

At a huge table, the two like to huddle together. There are two sets of cutlery in front of them, but both of them seem to be blind. Only one set of cutlery can be seen in their eyes. I have to hold the chopsticks. With a spoon, you feed me a bite of rice, and I feed you a bite of candy and feed each other.

  The two are consciously sweet, but in fact they are extremely greasy.

  And because the two are a scumbag and the other is a junior configuration, this behavior is even more disgusting.

  Mrs. Gu was so angry that one Buddha was born and two Buddhas ascended to heaven. She almost couldn't take care of her noble wife's care and rushed to catch the face of Han Youyou.

  This little **** made such a shameless move in public, no wonder he was able to act as a junior.

  Ms. Gu took a deep breath, suppressed the uncomfortable feeling in her heart, took elegant steps, step by step, and walked in front of Gu Cheng and Han Youyou with the unique ‘Da Da’ sound of high heels.

  A group of dark shadows suddenly appeared in front of them. Gu Cheng and Han Youyou looked up subconsciously. When they saw Madam Gu who was standing in front of them with an angry face, both of them felt a ‘chuckle’ in their hearts.

  Gu Cheng subconsciously released the hand holding Han Youyou's shoulder, and a trace of guilty conscience appeared on Han Youyou's face thinking of his last "big words", and after a while, he became righteous and confident.

  She and Gu Cheng really love each other. Mrs. Gu’s so-called engagement is a dregs and an existence that should be abandoned. Why should she be afraid of this old lady who supports the dregs?

  Thinking this way, Han Youyou directly raised her head to meet Mrs. Gu’s gaze, as if she was right and confident.

   Gu, dregs, and Mrs. Gu, who had been so irritated by Gu Cheng and Han Youyou, saw Han Youyou again, and wanted to slap Gu Cheng and Han Youyou together.

  These two shameless things.

  One is shameless, knowing that the other party has a fiancée, but still entangled to death.

  One is heartless. She has said countless times how important Han Xiaoxiao’s marriage contract with him is to the company, but she is still indifferent and still gets entangled with this fox.

  The sudden appearance of Mrs. Gu caught the attention of other employees of the company, and also ended the long-standing show of affection between Gu Cheng and Han Youyou.

  After Mrs. Gu took Gu Cheng and Han Youyou to leave, a long and lively discussion broke out in the restaurant.

  The topic revolved around that after Mrs. Gu came, the relationship between Gu Cheng and Han Youyou could continue as before, and finally ended with the separation of Han Youyou and Gu Cheng.

In the eyes of everyone, Gu Cheng Gu Cheng is the eldest young master of the big family, and in the future he will be the heir of the Gu family company. Han Youyou is just a college student who has just graduated from university and was born in a single-parent family. There is also a fiancée who will inherit the behemoth from Zeng's company.

  As long as there is no problem in mind, a daughter of a single parent family and a wealthy eldest lady know how to choose.

  Everyone can think of things, but Gu Cheng, who is stuck in love, can’t.

  Three talents enter the office.

  Mrs. Gu slapped her backhand.

  The corner of Gu Cheng's mouth split open, and a red palm print appeared on his cheek.

  Mrs. Gu waited viciously for Han Youyou, who was following her, and said sternly, "Get out."

  She taught her son that Han Youyou dared to follow up with the garlic and onion.

  Han Youyou touched Gu Cheng’s cheek with a distressed look, and sneered, “I call you Mrs. Gu, I respect you, I don’t respect you, you are no different from the old lady on the roadside.”

  (End of this chapter)

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