Raiders of Abuse Scum

Chapter 4030: Life ruined by cyber violence 1

  Chapter 4030 Life ruined by cyber violence 1

   Jiujiu's host name this time is Yuan Xiao.

  Yuan Xiao’s father died in a car accident when she was a child, and her mother has been depressed after the death of her father, and died not long after she was admitted to university.

  The successive deaths of his parents left Yuan Xiao suffering a blow, and gradually formed a cold temper. Apart from working in the hospital, he would not say anything to other people. \'\'

  Yuanxiao Working Hospital is a total of five subway stations away from home. On this day, Yuanxiao finished working overtime, got on the subway, found a seat casually, closed his eyes and rested.

  After several days of high-intensity surgery, even if Yuan Xiao's physical fitness is extremely good, he is a little overwhelmed. Now he just wants to go home and quickly sleep to replenish his strength.

After Yuan Xiao fell asleep, he naturally did not see an old lady standing in front of him.

  The subway was already crowded during the rush hour. The old lady looked around for a long time, either the elderly or the pregnant women, and finally focused on Yuan Xiao, who seemed to be ‘young and strong’.

  Yuan Xiao had only been stunned for two minutes, and he was immediately awakened.

   Yuan Xiao looked at the old lady in front of him with a vague look, and asked with a vague expression, "What's the matter?"

  Yuan Xiao’s voice was cold, like the sizzling ice water, which made people feel a bit of a chill in the heart. The old lady was used to rampant domineering, and when she heard Yuan Xiao asking herself something, she yelled.

  "Are you blind? Didn't you see that I was getting older, don't you know to give me a seat?"

  Looking at the angry voice of the old lady, her body is healthier than herself, so wherever she needs to give up her seat.

   Yuan Xiao frowned, but still stood up obediently and let go of his seat.


   Just because she lifted her eyebrows, the old lady was even more dissatisfied, and she cursed directly, “The young people nowadays are really unqualified. Seeing the old man, I don’t know if it is reasonable to let her seat?”

   Yuan Xiao was very tired. He was torn from the seat by the old lady, and was scolded. He immediately filled his stomach with anger, swept away coldly, and turned around and walked towards the door.

  But the old lady seemed to have eaten explosives, and she chased after her, pulling Yuan Xiao constantly, vowing to win or lose with Yuan Xiao.

  As a result, the old lady slipped on her own feet and fell directly to the ground.

The old lady screamed, "My waist," she began to yell at the tip of Yuan Xiao's nose, "Oh, you little bitch, I'll just say a few words to you, you just push me like this, are you a mother? Mother's female cousin.

  Oh, my leg, my leg was broken by this little bitch. Who will save me? Who will save me? "

  There were already a lot of people during the peak off work period. Such a thing happened suddenly, Yuan Xiao was instantly surrounded by angry onlookers, and some even called the police, vowing to be sincere to Yuan Xiao, a cruel woman who even the old lady would not let go.

At the next stop, the old lady was carried out, but the onlookers who claimed to be righteous took Yuan Xiao out, and they continued to use words to attack Yuan Xiao, saying that Yuan Xiao's good-looking is not a thing, people. The old lady didn't just say a few words to her, why did she push people?

  I don’t know who it is. I took this scene of onlookers surrounding Yuan Xiao’s curse and posted it on the Internet, with the text [Young women pushed the seventy-year-old lady to the ground because of a moment of quarrel, causing serious fractures on the other side.

  Is it impulse or loss of human nature. 】

  When this country continues to promote morality, someone has done such a frenzied thing and instantly ignited the Internet.

However, the'cruel-hearted' Yuan Xiao was naturally verbally abused by angry netizens. After being recognized as a doctor in the hospital, the hospital received numerous complaints. Angry netizens criticized the hospital for hiring such a morally corrupt person. Isn’t she worried about her being a victim of personal emotions against patients because of her doctor’s work in the hospital?

  Colleagues who had good relations with Yuan Xiao said that Yuan Xiao was not that kind of person, but they were light-hearted. How could they be worth thousands of mouth questions, the hospital had no choice but to suspend Yuan Xiao.

  Although the subway later called out monitoring to clarify for Yuan Xiao, it was still a drop in the bucket.

  Yuan Xiao’s parents died of mild depression, so many people exposed it to the Internet, and ended his young life with a sleeping pill.

   Yuan Xiao was not reconciled, he clearly did nothing wrong, why was she the last person to be injured.

   Yuan Xiao hopes that the public will be able to see the true face of the aunt, and also hope that those who participate in the online exposure will pay the corresponding price.

When    Jiujiu opened his eyes, it was the second day when things fermented.

  Now that video is spread all over the Internet. Even if she deletes the video now, the people who should have seen it have already seen it. Deleting the video now is tantamount to stealing ears and stealing the bell, and has no meaning.

  Jiu Jiu just turned on the phone, and received countless pushes about this video.

Every self-media account’s push text about this video is different, but without exception, they all belittle Yuan Xiao to question what is going on in this society. He was supposed to be a doctor who rescued the dying and healed the wound, but he did such a frenzied thing because of a moment’s emotions. ?

  Everyone says that if you are sick, you should see a doctor, but when the doctor’s moral character is so despicable, how should the general public believe that the doctor will really do their best to help them?

  Under the instigation of countless self-media, Yuan Xiao is now socially dead.

  Below every video, people continue to question Yuan Xiao’s character, and some people have even picked up all the addresses of Yuan Xiao, and some people have even started to pick up the address of Yuan Xiao.

  Below this comment, many people expressed that they would go to the hospital to lodge a complaint.

A woman with a moral character like Yuan Xiao is not worthy to be a doctor who saves lives and heals the wounded. After all, even an old lady can start a push. Maybe he will cut an extra knife during the operation because it is not pleasing to your eyes. .

  After all, it is difficult to save a person, but it is too simple to cure a person to death.

  Under this comment, many people said that they also complained to Yuan Xiao, and that the hospital must expel Yuan Xiao, a woman with low moral character.

  Jiu Jiu watched several apps, and the comments under the video were all like this, but when Jiu Jiu turned on the phone, he received a WeChat from the aunt’s son.

  "My mother is going to have an operation tomorrow. The doctor said that it would cost 30,000 yuan, plus three months of hospitalization for nutrition and mental loss, a total of 200,000 yuan. Send it to me within one day, otherwise you will be responsible for the consequences."

   Yuan Xiao also received this WeChat message, but Yuan Xiao insisted that he was innocent and directly blocked the WeChat account of his aunt’s son.

  Later the police watched the video also proved that she was indeed innocent.

  But Jiujiu didn't block the opponent, instead he replied.

   "It's just a fracture, so much money?"

  Yuan Xiao is a doctor herself, and she knows the aunt's condition best.

  (End of this chapter)

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