Raiders of Abuse Scum

Chapter 4034: Life ruined by cyber violence 5

  Chapter 4034 A life ruined by cyber violence 5

  Jiu Jiu, who doesn't know Xiao Cheng's thoughts at all, is watching a video of a reporter interviewing Wang Changning's family.

  Looking at Wang Changning, who was fierce and fierce in front of him, looked honest in front of the reporter, and looked at the pitiful look of Mrs. Wang, who was unreasonable in front of him, in front of the reporter.

  This family is really good acting.

  Normal people are nervous when facing the camera for the first time.

  But this family was watched by the camera like a big thorn, and there was no tension in sharing. Instead, they were able to act with ease. Obviously they have experience.

  How could such a family have the experience of facing the camera?

  Obviously, it was taken by the camera before, and obviously not once.

  The disadvantage of the rapid development of the Internet is that everything is photographed and posted on the Internet. A thing that was originally normal has been added to the vinegar by a group of people, and it has become a very terrible thing.

  But the advantage of the rapid development of the Internet is that as long as you appear on the Internet, there will be traces.

  This family is pretending to face the camera. Wang Changning is fierce in front of Yuan Xiao, but he does look filial and honest in front of the camera. Hey, are you not afraid of setting up too many collapsed dogs?

   Jiujiu moved her finger, and soon investigated and dealt with something.

  Looking at this report, Jiujiu's eyes flickered, as if he had found a way to persuade Xiao Cheng not to release the video for now.

  Once, Wang Changning is now looking for the media to report his filial piety. The Internet is full of traces of Wang Changning's filial piety to his mother, and the miserable behavior of Wang Changning just contrasts her coldness and ruthlessness.

  Even if the police put the video on the Internet to help her prove her innocence, wherever netizens would admit that they were wrong, they would only push the matter in other directions.

  For example, with so many people on the subway, why does Mrs. Wang only scold her?

  It must be that she has a problem, the old lady Wang will scold her.

  Every time when the truth of the matter is not what you imagined, the victim's guilt theory will come out fresh.

  For this kind of wall grass, it is easiest to throw a king bomb directly.

  After Xiao Cheng got out of the police station, he drove directly to the current district of Jiujiu, took the elevator upstairs, and knocked on the door.

   After knocking on the door for a moment, it was opened. Looking at Xiao Cheng standing at the door, Jiu Jiu nodded slightly, and said with a cold expression, "Hello."

Although it can be seen from the video that Yuan Xiao is a cold beauty, when you watch it up close, especially Jiujiu's face is cold, and his shallow eyes are shining a little under the light, not like the shining galaxy, but Han Xing. A little bit, let a chill from the bottom of my heart.

  It was clear that there was no air-conditioning in the house, but Xiao Cheng shuddered involuntarily.

  Jiu Jiu took out a bottle of soda from the refrigerator and opened it to Xiao Cheng. Then he sat across from Xiao Cheng, "What's the matter?"

   Jiujiu's voice was cold, and she thought that her tepid temper made Xiao Cheng's restless heart unable to help calm down.

  Just, thinking that Jiujiu refused to let them put the video out to return her innocence, Xiao Cheng was full of blood and nowhere to sway, and was very frustrated.

  Xiao Cheng looked angry, "Ms. Yuan, why don’t you let us post the video? You know, after this video is posted, it will not only restore your innocence, but also stop the bad comments on the Internet and restore your reputation."

  Clearly it is a good thing to release the video, why does she not let them release the video?

"Then what?"

Regarding Xiao Cheng’s statement, Jiujiu was indifferent. He just looked at Xiao Cheng quietly with a pair of dark eyes open, and asked, “I’ve never been together what those on the Internet say that I’ve never been together. As for fame? Everyone who knows me knows. I have been wronged. As for those wall grass, they only believe what they are willing to believe. In their eyes, the innocence you said is just an excuse for them to sway their grievances at will."

  Xiao Cheng has become a policeman with a heart to serve the people, but at this moment, Jiujiu’s words directly doused his enthusiasm to ashes.

  Even if he is reluctant to admit it in his heart, Xiao Cheng also knows that the group of people on the Internet, as Jiujiu said, they only want to admit what they want to admit. As for the truth of the matter? They don't care at all.

  This is why they are particularly afraid of leaks when there are some big cases in these years.

  Once it is leaked, no matter what the truth of the matter is, that group of netizens will always use their own ideas to interfere with the decision of the police and the judge, so that there are many cases of last resort.

  For these people, they are also very troublesome as police officers.

  At this moment, although Jiujiu’s words are a bit negative, they are facts. Netizens, aren’t they just such a group of self-righteous people?

Xiao Cheng, who came to find Jiujiu with enthusiasm, was repeatedly suppressed by Jiujiu. At this moment, he has lost his vigor and energy. He looked at Jiujiu, and said, "What should I do? Continue to slander your innocence?"

  Even if the Internet is forgetful, it does not rule out that those who are bored will always remember Jiujiu.

He has also heard from colleagues before that some boring people will stare at some people, claiming to be justice messengers, harassing those people, causing serious problems in other people’s lives, clapping hands and leaving, and throwing a sentence that you make yourself feel you deserve it. .

  Sitting in front of her, Jiu Jiu is a doctor who rescues the wounded. From her colleagues, she is also a very good surgeon. Her existence should save lives and heal the wounded, and should not be dragged down by these rumors.

  What's more, this is a blatant framing. As a policeman, he does not allow such things to happen within his jurisdiction.

  Seeing Xiao Cheng's “no trouble, no trouble”, Jiujiu sighed lightly, a hint of helplessness appeared on her cold face.

  Jiujiu got up and walked to the study. After a while, he picked up a computer, handed it to Xiao Cheng, and said slowly, "Look."

  Jiujiu's sudden departure and return made Xiao Cheng a little confused, but when he saw the reports on the computer, his chest was instantly flooded with anger, and he wished to rush out now to have a real match with the mother and son.

  He really has never seen such a shameless mother and son.

  No wonder that Jiujiu was able to blackmail so skillfully this time, because it turns out that they have a criminal record.

  However, their background is a student.

  I learned from the student that the aunt fell down on the road and kept saying that she was in pain. The student helped her out of good intentions, but she didn't expect to be fooled by her.

  In the original words of Mrs. Wang, ‘he didn’t push me, why did he help me? ’

  But the student just saw the old man fell and gave him a hand!

The student insisted on not admitting that it was Mrs. Wang that he pushed. Mrs. Wang's son Wang Changning went to the media to break the news, and went to the place where the students' parents worked, and finally went to school to cause trouble, and even threatened to prevent the students from going to school. study.

  (End of this chapter)

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