Raiders of Abuse Scum

Chapter 4036: Life ruined by cyber violence 7

  Chapter 4036 A lifetime ruined by cyber violence 7

  He inquired that the woman’s parents passed away and she had a real estate in her hand, which was worth more than five million yuan.

  It’s not easy for someone like this to put out 300,000 yuan?

  Wang Changning took out his mobile phone to send another message to Jiujiu.

   "I will give you one day, if I can't put out three hundred thousand, I will ruin you."

   was driving to the home of the student who was blackmailed by Wang Changning and her son.

  When Xiao Cheng was driving, Jiujiu and Chen Mingming were talking, they suddenly heard the sound of Jiujiu's mobile phone.

  Jiujiu turned on the phone, Chen Mingming tilted his head and glanced at the message sent by Wang Changning.

  At this glance, Chen Mingming was furious, and he couldn’t wait to see Wang Changning directly from the screen of his mobile phone and tear Wang Changning alive.

Mrs. Wang failed to stand up and fell down and framed Ms. Yuan. Wang Changning knew exactly what was going on with her mother. She lied in front of the media without a conscience. She even had the face to send messages to threaten Ms. Yuan and let Yuan. The lady gave them 300,000, and the mother and son had simply refreshed the human bottom line.

  If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Chen Mingming couldn't believe that there would be such a vicious person in the world.

   Contrary to Chen Mingming’s anger, Jiujiu is very calm.

  Wang Changning’s mother and son’s **** is not worthy of her wasting her emotions.

  When I have time to be angry with the garbage, I might as well think about what to say after I find the student’s family.

  It took more than five hours for three people to drive to the place where the student family now lives.

  The student's name is Yuan Lei, his father is Yuan Cheng, and his mother is Wu Xiaoyue.

  Yuan Lei was a good deed to help Grandma Wang, but because of the falsehood of Grandma Wang and Wang Changning’s step-by-step pressing

  Even though she was far away from that city, the ugly face of the old lady Wang was still engraved in Yuan Lei's heart.

  Also, Wang Changning’s verbal abuse in front of his classmates and teachers cut a thick scar on Yuan Lei’s immature heart.

  Wang Lei will never forget this.


  Even though Yuan Cheng and Wu Xiaoyue have quickly brought Yuan Lei back to their hometown, Yuan Lei still changed.

Yuan Lei, who used to be lively and cheerful, became taciturn. He used to like to play with his classmates and was willing to help others. trembling.

  Yuan Cheng and Wu Xiaomei knew why this was, but it was a heart disease, and it was scared by Mrs. Wang.

  The two people once thought about finding a psychiatrist for Yuan Lei, but Yuan Lei was unwilling to go. They couldn't force Yuan Lei, they could only watch Yuan Lei getting depressed every day.

When they saw Jiujiu and his party coming, Yuan Cheng and Wu Xiaomei instantly thought of Granny Wang after she fell, because there was no evidence to prove that Yuan Lei was really righteous, not what Granny Wang said. Yuan Lei pushed her, even though the police were really willing to believe Yuan Lei, they suffered from no evidence.

  Wang Changning once appeared in their work unit once, constantly verbalizing and criticizing, and even found the school, almost hurting Yuan Lei.

  In order to find peace, the two of them had to sell the house and gave money to calm down.

  Because the police could not find the truth for them at the time, seeing the police at the moment, Yuan Cheng and Wu Xiaoyue subconsciously distrusted them.

   Both of them are good citizens abiding by laws and regulations. Naturally, they would not have thought that the police had come to them. They thought it was someone in the community who had committed the crime, so they just glanced at them and walked upstairs.

But what makes them strange is that where they go, these two policemen will follow them. When they arrive at the door, the policeman who has been following them suddenly says, "Hello, policeman, there is a case that requires your cooperation in the investigation. Is it convenient? ?"

Yuan Cheng and Wu Xiaoyue were taken aback by the sudden appearance of the'case', but after another thought, the two of them were honest, and the only dispute between them was Mrs. Wang, and this incident has been more than two years. Now, the "case" that these two policemen said should have nothing to do with them.

  The two nodded, and they invited the three in.

  Yuan Cheng found the three of Jiujiu, while Wu Xiaoyue went to pour water.

  After Yuan Cheng and Wu Xiaoyue sat on the sofa, Chen Mingming took out the photo in his hand, handed it to the two of them, and said, "Do you know these two people?"

  The people in the photo are Wang Changning and Mrs. Wang.

Although Mrs. Wang became older and Wang Changning became blessed, these two people caused them both to lose their jobs and their son became innocent and lively and dull, even if they turned to ashes. recognize.

  It’s just that they have been away for more than two years, why come to them now?

  Hardly, what happened to the old lady?

  Wu Xiaoyue almost couldn't help laughing when she thought of the possibility that Mrs. Wang might have an accident.

  This kind of wicked old lady, a hundred times die is cheaper for her.

  Looking at the three people sitting across from him, Yuan Cheng nodded and said, "I know."

  Yuan Cheng said bitterly, “Two years ago, my son was blackmailed by the other party for helping this old lady, saying that it was my son who pushed her to the ground and fractured her.

  My son insisted that he did not push the old lady, but the old lady fell down by herself, and when he saw him passing by, asked him to help her up.

  But because there was no monitoring at the time, it was impossible to determine who was right and who was wrong in this matter.

  In this case, the other’s son insisted that it was my son’s fault and kept insulting me and my wife. He went to our work unit to make trouble. After causing both of us to lose our jobs, he went to school and tried to beat my son.

  We were forced to sell the house and lose money. "

  Speaking of this, Yuan Cheng's face is full of humiliation.

  As a masculine husband, he couldn’t support his wife and children, and was forced to the point where he had nowhere to go.

  Even after two years, Yuan Cheng is still full of grievances when talking about Mrs. Wang again.

Both Chen Mingming and Xiao Cheng, who had read the information, showed angry expressions, but Jiujiu still had a faint expression, and even asked, "I can ask, when did your son help this old lady two years ago? ?"

  "On the 18th of May, it was a Wednesday. My son's school had a nap at school. My son went directly to school after eating.

  It takes about five minutes to walk from my house to that intersection, it should be about 12:40. "

  (End of this chapter)

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