Raiders of Abuse Scum

Chapter 4038: Life ruined by cyber violence 9

  Chapter 4038 Life ruined by cyber violence 9

Because of these two bitches, his son became taciturn and depressed, and no longer has the lively and cheerful appearance of the past, but these two **** have made a living by relying on the hard-earned money earned by themselves and their wives. day.

  The last trace of scruples in his heart also disappeared because of the resentment. Yuan Cheng looked at Jiujiu's cold but secure face, and said firmly, "I want to sue Wang Changning mother and son."

  Why did he and his wife both end up honestly and kindly, but Wang Changning, mother and son, lived a carefree life by sucking their blood.

  Good people are not repaid, but the evil is more comfortable than anything else. What is the reason?

  Yuan Cheng's eyes were bloodshot, and he said firmly, "I want to sue the two of them, girl, do you need us to help you?"

  To Yuan Cheng’s surprise, Jiu Jiu, who also advocated to sue Wang Changning’s mother and son, shook his head and said to him, “No need.”

Seeing Yuan Cheng’s surprised face, Jiujiu took the initiative to explain, “Wang Changning’s mother and her son have lost their conscience. You are victims like me. I’m just looking for you to help the innocent people who were blackmailed by Wang Changning’s mother and son like me. You only need to tell me the answers to the questions I asked. I can find evidence or anything, and I will notify you when the court is held."

  Jiu Jiu finished speaking, picked up the tea Wu Xiaoyue brought over and drank it, smiled at them, and said, "Good tea."

  Jiujiu’s smile is like the first sunshine in winter, warming people’s hearts, and warming up the vigilant hearts of Yuan Cheng and his wife because they were blackmailed by Wang Changning’s mother and son.

   Jiujiu smiled, stood up and left with Xiao Cheng and Chen Mingming.

  Looking at the people who left together, Yuan Cheng and his wife clasped their hands.

  Wu Xiaoyue said, "Ms. Yuan is really a kind and good girl."

  Yuan Cheng nodded.

I was wronged. Finding the evidence to prove my innocence did not prove my innocence in the first place. Instead, it was discovered from some details that Wang Changning, mother and son were habitual offenders, so I found them and wanted to help them clear their injustice. Even if there is no video, they are willing to believe that Ms. Yuan did not push Granny Wang.

  After learning the news from Yuan Cheng and his wife, Jiu Jiu, Xiao Cheng and Chen Mingming continued to search for the next victim.

  From Jiujiu’s survey data, more than a dozen victims can be found, not to mention others who have not had a newspaper for a long time.

  As soon as they thought of this, Chen Mingming and Xiao Cheng felt very heavy.

What they admire most is that after being wronged by the other party, Jiujiu did not immediately rush to the **** mother and son theory, but quietly waited for the police to repay her innocence, and in the process, she discovered After understanding the unusual side of Wang Changning and Wang Changning, he discovered these things, empathizing with them, and washing away the grievances of those who had been blackmailed and blackmailed by Wang Changning and Wang Changning.

  Saving others with oneself, if they are themselves, they will only be anxious to clean up their grievances, and they will think of other people at all. From this point of view, Jiujiu's moral quality is much higher than that of ordinary people.

  It is very ironic to think of the title of ‘Doctor Beast’ which is still hanging high on it.

  If people like Ms. Yuan could be called beasts, then there would be no noble human beings in the world.

  However, all this is only temporary. When the truth is revealed, everyone will know what kind of person Ms. Yuan is.

  Looking at Jiujiu's continuous recording pen, Xiao Cheng and Chen Mingming secretly vowed to help Ms. Yuan regain her reputation no matter what the cost.

   But now Jiujiu can't manage that much, and is looking at the information of the second victim.

  The second victim was a college student. According to reports, he was supposed to be a junior at the time. Like Yuan Lei, because he passed by to help the injured old lady Wang, he was taken by Wang Changning and her son.

   However, it can be seen from the report that the second victim had no subsequent reports except for the beginning. Either the second victim’s family had the power to suppress the matter, or it was reversed.

  That era happened to be a critical period for the state to focus on eradicating evil, so Jiujiu was more inclined, and things reversed.

According to the report, it can be seen that the place where the second victim raised Granny Wang was not monitored like Yuan Lei. He had no way to prove his innocence. Therefore, he must have found a way to prove his innocence. The method is particularly critical.

  The second victim is Jiujiu’s key interview this time.

  Because, from the survey data of Jiujiu, it can be seen that the second victim has been writing in college, and now he has become a full-time writer.

  The name of the second victim is Xuan En. He is now 28 years old and has a small reputation in the novel industry. Up to now, he has created seven works, all of which have been published, and five of them have sold film and television rights.

  He was only twenty years old when he was blackmailed by Mrs. Wang, eight years have passed since now.

Because he is famous for writing detective novels, except for the initial panic, even without surveillance, he quickly found evidence through clues to prove his innocence, and even allowed Wang Changning to stay in the police station for half a time because of harassment. Month time.

  After hearing about Jiu Jiu's visit, Xuan En, who had been changing the script, realized that eight years later, the old lady Wang and Changning Wang had been relying on blackmail for a living.

  Xuan'en was blackmailed by Mrs. Wang and Changning Wang, but suffered a lot of damage to his heart. Hearing Jiujiu's intention, he immediately expressed his full support for Jiujiu's actions and actively joined Jiujiu's team.

  The original three-person line has become a four-person line here.

Because of the same experience, Xuan En is very fond of Jiu Jiu, and talks to Jiu Jiu whenever he has time. Even if Jiu Jiu is only indifferent to him and often ignores him, he can say very happy alone, even Said that when the matter is over, I will write a novel based on Jiujiu.

  In this regard, Jiujiu did not respond.

  The next few people, they only found five people. Even though they had the same experience, most of them gave up the prosecution because of the age. In the end, there were only four people who had to prosecute.

  Jiujiu dragged all the people who demanded prosecution to a group, and said that they would be notified if there was news, so he went back with Xiao Cheng and Chen Mingming.

When    went back, Xuan En had to follow her facelessly. Besides, Xiao En was the only one who didn't take advantage of Wang Changning and Mrs. Wang, so they took Xuan En back.

   Back in the city, Xiao Cheng and Chen Mingming were busy going back, while Jiu Jiu had to sort out the information, and Xuan En became the most leisurely person.

  (End of this chapter)

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