Raiders of Abuse Scum

Chapter 4066: A double should look like a double 12

  Chapter 4066 A double should look like a double 12

  At the opening ceremony, Jiujiu was selected as the representative of the freshmen to speak.

  Looking at the black head under the podium, Jiujiu stepped forward.

   Jiujiu wore a white shirt and black pants, and a tender face without any cosmetics, but young and knowledge became her best dress, making her dazzling more than anyone else.

Jiujiu has not experienced military training, and not many people know her, but the school’s teachers and leadership have long heard of this genius who can already lead the big guys of the Chinese Academy of Sciences to do projects, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences is even more so. I have greeted them a long time ago. After graduating from university, Meng Jiujiu will go directly to the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Even the upper echelons of the country have greeted them. Please take care of this genius.

  When selecting the spokesperson for the freshmen, the school gave this place to Jiujiu without even thinking about it. If she can’t speak on behalf of the freshmen, who can?

Jiujiu first said some scenes and then said loudly, "A strong young man makes a strong country. We are all winners of the college entrance examination. We are among the best universities in the country, we have the best teachers, and we have the best environment. We still have the best classmates. We are the hope for the future development of the motherland. Our motherland will surely want us to become more prosperous and strong in our hands, and it depends on us to realize the rejuvenation of the nation."

  The students who came to Q University had ambitions, but now they applauded desperately to agree with what Jiujiu said.

After   Jiujiu stepped down, she greeted her class teacher and said that she had something to do in the afternoon and could not attend the class meeting, so she took the car sent by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and left.

  On the same day, Jiujiu was busy until one o’clock in the evening to solve all the recent problems. He rested in the dormitory until six o’clock and asked to drive himself back to school to continue class.

  At the end of a class, Jiujiu closed the textbook in his hand with a yawn, and was about to go to the library to borrow books to study how far the foreign fighters had developed, but he was stopped.

   looked up, it was Chenyang who had never seen him since Meng Chacha’s farewell party.

  If the other four people are not familiar with Meng Jiujiu, Chenyang is no different from the one who knows Meng Jiujiu the most.

  Three years of high school, they were both students in the same class, and even at the university, they both happened to be in the same class.

  If Song Yan is the demon who brought Meng Jiujiu into hell, Chenyang is the one who pushed hard behind Meng Jiujiu.

  Because he was the first of the other four to **** Meng Jiujiu.

  Seeing Chenyang, Jiujiu naturally has no good expressions, and said, "What's the matter?"

  Jiujiu’s face was covered with the words ‘if you have something to say, just let it go’, making Chenyang’s face, which has been held by others, a bit ugly for an instant because of his handsome appearance and good study.

  Strongly suppressed the unhappiness in his heart, thinking of the plan of the five of them, Chen Yang smiled gently, "I haven't seen it for a long time, you seem to have changed a lot."

  "The process of growing up is a process of constant change. I have changed, it means that I have grown up. Are you still okay? It’s okay. I'm going to the library. I borrowed it."

  Jiu Jiu finished speaking, she must push Chenyang away and leave.

  When the two were in the same class before, although they had not communicated with each other, it could be seen that Meng Jiujiu, although timid and timid, was a very well-behaved girl.

  Having killed Chenyang, she didn't expect that she would directly push him away. What he didn't expect was that Jiujiu's strength was still great, and she was actually pushed away.

A man weighing more than 185 meters and weighing more than 140 kilograms was slapped away by a girl weighing more than 90. Chenyang's face was a bit unbearable for an instant, and he said slightly, "Something is wrong, I I want to ask you to watch a movie, can you?"

  After saying this, Chenyang opened his mouth and revealed a brilliant smile.

  Chenyang’s skin is a healthy wheat color. His appearance is sunny. When he smiles, he will show eight neat teeth, with a pile of just me, a vivid, sunny boy image.

  During military training, he was very popular with female students in the class because of his outstanding looks, and even the department of the department next door had faintly expressed his favor to him.

  After the military training ended, Chenyang was selected as the team grass, and he was very popular in the department. At this moment, when Chenyang asked Jiujiu to watch a movie, some people stopped and wanted to see what Jiujiu would answer.

  Such a handsome guy asks himself to watch a movie, no one will be unimpressed, right?

  Jiujiu glanced at Chenyang in surprise, and looked up and down Chenyang for a moment with a pair of beautiful eyes, with a surprised expression, "Don't you like Mengchacha?"

  The implication is, like Meng Chacha to invite me to watch a movie? Do you want to play cheating?

Chenyang didn't expect that Jiujiu still remembered Meng Chacha's affairs, his expression was slightly startled, and then he smiled slightly and said, "That's what happened before, like you, when I grow up, I find you more attractive. I want to pursue you now, can't you?"

When Chenyang spoke, a pair of eyes looked straight at Jiujiu, and the sun hit Chenyang’s face along the window, coating his face with a layer of golden light, making his face look more handsome and compelling, even though People who felt that Chenyang was a little bit scum because of Jiujiu's words just now felt that they were so handsome, and it would be no problem for another person to like it.

Regarding Chenyang’s fallacies, Jiujiu’s expression was faint, without surprises or contempt. He just said in a very plain tone, “I’m sorry, I can’t accept you. You said you like my sister a few days ago. Suddenly he said that he likes me, so I am not interested in people who are in the same mood."

  Jiu Jiu left after saying this.

  People who originally thought Chenyang made sense, after hearing what Jiujiu said, suddenly felt that Jiujiu's words seemed more reasonable.

   After all, I still liked my sister a few days ago, and now I am going to pursue my sister. There is also a saying that you are more attractive. It seems that you chase whoever is more attractive.

  Long and beautiful, can you do whatever you want?

No matter how good    said, it is not an excuse for a scumbag.

  The eyes of the people watching Chenyang were instantly full of contempt and disdain.

  Chenyang failed to make an appointment with Jiujiu to watch a movie with herself, but instead received countless disdain and contempt, so she could only leave this ugly classroom.

  After Chenyang returned to the dormitory, the roommates also informed their friends about what happened just now.

  The roommate's sense of Chenyang is not particularly good.

  Chenyang relies on the wealth of the family, he looks handsome and learns well, and is particularly arrogant. Although he can't make mistakes when dealing with people, he always has a taste of high alms.

  Everyone is here to study and learn knowledge, but not to fight father. Who do you show arrogance to?

  Now seeing Chenyang deflated, the roommates feel very refreshed.

  (End of this chapter)

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