Raiders of Abuse Scum

Chapter 4069: A double should look like a double 15

  Chapter 4069 A double should look like a double 15

Although Mo Sheng is young, he is the real talker in the laboratory now. In the laboratory on weekdays, the big and small things are all his words. Even the training of older researchers does not save face, but now, I was driving her, if I was seen by those people, I would definitely be envious.

  Mo Sheng slowly stopped the car downstairs in the girls’ dormitory, and answered Jiujiu’s question, “You are different from them.”

  Jiu Jiu is a genius like him, and he has always been very tolerant of geniuses.

  Jiujiu understood the meaning of Mo Sheng’s words, smiled and said, “You have a good eye. When the lithography machine is over, are you interested in researching fighter jets with me?”

  Mo Sheng, "..."

  Looking at Mo Sheng's dull face, Jiujiu laughed out loud, "Okay, I won't be kidding you, I'm going back to the dormitory, otherwise I can't go back."

  Of course, this was joking with Mo Sheng. The Chinese Academy of Sciences greeted Su Guan, and no matter how late Jiujiu came back, they would leave the door for Jiujiu.

  Mo Sheng didn't know about this, and after listening to Jiujiu said that he would not be able to go back if he didn't return, he nodded quickly to show that he understood.

  Jiujiu got off the bus and walked to the door of the dormitory. Suddenly, he saw a person standing under the sycamore tree at the door of the dormitory.

To be precise, it was a man wearing a dark blue suit and standing downstairs meticulously combing his hair. Hearing footsteps coming from behind, he turned slightly, and when he saw Jiujiu from his side, the corners of his mouth curled up to reveal a With a gentle smile, "Jiu Jiu, you are back."

  The language is gentle, with obvious intimacy, and those who don't know even think that the two are boy and girl friends who have been dating for a long time.

  Actually, this is the first time two people have met in private.

  Although Jiujiu didn't answer Song Yan, Jiu Jiu really didn't expect Song Yan to wait for him downstairs in the dormitory. After being taken aback, he walked up to Song Yan and said, "What's the matter?"

Even if Jiujiu's tone is cold and frosty, it can't destroy the gentleness in Song Yan's eyes. Song Yan has an impeccable smile on the corners of his mouth. Seeing Jiujiu's eyes are gentle like a stream of warm water, which can infinitely contain Jiujiu's. Any little temper.

  Song Yan chuckled and said helplessly, “I sent you a message and you didn’t reply. I’m worried about you, so I’ll come and see you.”

"That's it!" Jiujiu nodded, but there was no sign of excitement on his face. He just looked at Song Yan and said, "I didn't reply on purpose. Do you have other things? If it's okay, I'll go upstairs first. NS."

  October night, although it was not to the point of biting the cold wind, it was not particularly pleasant.

Song Yan originally thought that when he said that he came here because Jiujiu didn't reply to his message, Jiujiu would definitely be moved by himself and throw him in his arms, but he didn't expect that he said so and exchanged a sentence of'I am Deliberately did not return'.

  Song Yan's heart sank instantly, the gentleness in his eyes turned into an unfathomable look, but the smile on the corners of his mouth became deeper, and he asked in a gentle voice, "Why, are we not friends?"

  Friend, isn’t that the one who should reply to the text message in time?

  In response to Song Yan’s answer, Jiujiu smiled instantly.

  After months of recuperation, Jiujiu’s appearance changes can be described as reborn.

Jiujiu’s skin is as tender and white as ceramic, and Jiujiu’s cheeks are much plump than before at the Meng’s house, revealing a baby’s fatness full of childishness. With those slightly round eyes, the whole person seems to have been pure and flawless. The white cat is just like, naughty, cute and full of mystery.

  For example, at this moment, when Jiujiu looked straight at him, his heart started beating uncontrollably.

  Before, even if Meng Chacha looked at him, his heart beats a few more times at most, not like it is today, which keeps beating faster.

  Song Yan was extremely surprised by his reaction, but he said, "Why, why are we not friends anymore? Jiujiu, I am very sad when you say that."

  Song Yan said that he was sad, but there was no trace of sadness in his eyes.

Jiujiu was too lazy to go round with Song Yan, and said straightforwardly, "Song Yan, I call you Big Brother Song because you are older than me, not because I am younger, so foolish. Are we two friends, yourself? I know it well, and I always know that the person you like is Meng Chacha, not me Meng Jiujiu, I am not interested in being a substitute for Meng Chacha, goodbye."

   Jiujiu's sharp and straightforward words pierced through Song Yan's austere surface, digging out his filthy heart and the most wretched thoughts deep in his heart.

   There was a moment of panic on Song Yan’s face, and then he quickly explained, “I didn’t mean to use you as a stand-in. You are nothing like Cha Cha.”

  In the past, Meng Jiujiu was timid and inferior. He was like a dingy little mouse. In his heart, he was afraid that even Meng Chacha’s toes could not match.

  Today, Jiujiu is more confident and more beautiful, but Meng Chacha looks like that gray mouse. Jiujiu and Meng Chacha are naturally different.

  Song Yan’s previous words were pure nonsense, but now this sentence is definitely the truth.

  Jiujiu glanced at Song Yan in surprise, as if he was surprised to find that she was not very similar to Meng Chacha.

  Jiu Jiu nodded naturally, "Of course I am not like Meng Chacha. Even if I miss one exam, I won't even fail the 211 and 985 exams."

  Jiujiu's words are blatantly saying that Meng Chacha is an idiot.

  The person he likes is so slandered, it is Song Yan who has strong endurance, and when Jiujiu is also angry, he clenches his fists in an instant. If he does not know in his heart that he can't do anything to Jiujiu, I am afraid that I will slap Jiujiu.

  How dare she, how dare to say that Meng Chacha.

  Song Yan looked at Jiujiu with gloomy eyes, and said in a meaningful way, "You have changed a lot recently."

  Before he was timid and inferior, and he was timid, and others could say anything. Now he has become courageous and dare to say anything outside, even he dares to be shocked.

  It is truly fearless for those who don’t know.

   Jiujiu chuckled, "People always grow up. If you are okay, I will go back first."

  She has been a little eye-catching about the fighter jet recently, and she is going back to discuss it with Baozi.

  But before Jiujiu took a step, Song Yan grabbed his arm.

  Song Yan seems to be gentle, but she has always been working out in private. Lead Li on his hand is very large, holding Jiujiu's arm, Jiujiu can't get rid of it at all.

  Jiujiu looked at Song Yan with a gloomy face, and slid fiercely over the fingers of Song Yan's squeezing his arm, thinking about how to break his fingers without touching Song Yan.

   "Why, do you want to do it with me?"

  She is not the same Meng Jiujiu from the past, she really fought, and whoever fought would say that it is not necessarily true.

  (End of this chapter)

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