Raiders of Abuse Scum

Chapter 4079: A double should look like a double 25

  Chapter 4079 A double should look like a double 25

Although Jiujiu is the person in charge of the project, because he is young and has not liked his parents since he was a child, the people in the institute have their own compassionate eyes on Jiujiu, and when they hear Jiujiu say a holiday, they immediately stuffed the red envelopes they prepared. Jiujiu's hand.

  Mo Sheng first sent Jiujiu to Jiujiu's house, and took the things he was going to bring, and then drove to his house.

  Mo Sheng’s father lives in an older community.

  Mo Sheng didn't come back very often when he was outside. When the two came in, no one recognized Mo Sheng as the community. When Mo Sheng used the key to open the door, someone even stepped forward to question what Mo Sheng was doing.

  Looking at the auntie with a serious face and a posture of 110 if you don't tell me honestly, Jiujiu realized that because Mo Sheng didn't go home for a long time, the aunt treated the two of them as thieves.

  Mo Sheng had no choice but to call his father Mo Xing and ask him to come out and open the door to resolve the misunderstanding.

The aunt who stopped Mo Sheng just thought that Mo Sheng was a thief, and her eyebrows were raised coldly. After knowing that Mo Sheng was not a thief, he was the son of Mo Xing, she instantly became happy. After seeing Jiujiu, she said cheerfully, "Mo Sheng took his wife home for the New Year!"

   Jiujiu, "..."

  Mo Sheng, who had been devoted to studying since childhood, was instantly blushed and waved his hand quickly and said, "Auntie, you have misunderstood, we are colleagues."

  "Colleagues!" The aunt looked at Mo Sheng meaningfully, and nodded again and again, "Good colleague, good colleague, I can go to get off work together in the future!"

  Mo Sheng, "..."

  Mo Xing knew that this matter was unclear today, so he quickly changed the subject with a light cough, "Mo Sheng, Jiujiu, come in."

  Mo Sheng greeted Jiujiu into the house quickly.

  Auntie stood at the door watching Jiujiu and Mo Sheng enter the house, and said to the people around him, "Lao Mo has finally survived for so many years."

  Now not only is his son promising, but he also brought his daughter-in-law home. When the two give birth to young grandchildren, Lao Mo’s life is not to mention comfortable.

The interior decoration of the house has the charm of age, and people will know that this is a very old community at a glance. Mo Xing greets Jiujiu to sit down and ask Mo Sheng to put things in the guest room for Jiujiu, and then give Jiujiu down. I had a glass of juice.

  "You little girls don't like tea, I specially prepared orange juice for you, taste it, do you like it or not."

  Mo Xing looked at Jiujiu’s eyes full of love, like an elder caring for a junior, just one glance, it warms the heart.

  Jiu Jiu was hot when Mo Xing looked at it, nodded, and said softly, "I like it."

  Jiujiu looked at Mo Xing in a low voice, and felt distressed in his heart. It was how much sin this child had suffered before to become so behaved.

Mo Xing felt distressed, but it didn't show up on his face. He just rubbed Jiujiu's head lovingly, and said with a smile, "It's fine if you like it. My Mo Sheng has a bad temper. If you make you angry, take care of it. Some."

  No matter how much your child has achieved outside, in the hearts of his parents, his child will always be the ignorant one. Even Mo Sheng can't escape the fate of being regarded as a bear child by his father.

   Jiujiu waved his hand and said, "Mo Sheng is pretty good, but I am busy with school, and he is often alone in the laboratory."

  "He is older than you. He should be busy. By the way, I asked Mo Sheng to ask you what you like to eat. He didn't tell me, what kind of food do you like to eat? Uncle makes it for you."

  Mo Xing's face was gentle, so Jiu Jiu couldn't help but whispered a few dishes that he preferred to eat.

  Mo Xing took out the notebook and wrote it down on the notebook, and then wrote the ingredients next to him, stood up, picked up the basket, and said to Mo Sheng, "Mo Sheng, I will go downstairs to buy food, you call Jiujiu."

  Mo Xing finished speaking, and went out without looking back, leaving behind Jiu Jiu and Mo Sheng in the house.

  This is the first time Mo Sheng is so close to a girl besides work. The nose is full of flowers from Jiujiu's body. His heart is like a heart attack, beating desperately uncontrollably.

  Mo Sheng subconsciously placed his hand on his chest and wanted to press it to return his heartbeat to normal, but he was surprised by the uncontrolled vibration from his chest. His heartbeat was so fast, he is not sick!

  Mo Sheng looked down at Jiujiu's beautiful face and her eyelids drooping from drinking orange juice.

  Jiujiu’s eyelashes are particularly long, like two small fans fanning on his face, like a feather slowly across the heart, bringing a burst of tingling.

  Mo Sheng's cheeks are slightly red, and Jiujiu's eyes are a little bit more shy.

  Mo Sheng was about to talk to Jiujiu about his sudden reaction, Jiujiu suddenly said, "I think there is a problem with the set of data just now, what do you think?"

  Jiujiu's sudden words pulled Mo Sheng to work in an instant, and a dazzling revolutionary friendship bloomed between the originally ambiguous two.

  In an instant there was a long-lasting and lively discussion in the house, um, about work.

Mo Xingman felt that his stupid son was alone with Jiujiu. The two of them would definitely be able to develop some feelings, but what he never expected was that when he returned home, his stupid son was actually very much with Jiujiu. Discuss work seriously.


  Looking at Mo Sheng seriously sharing his work progress with himself, Mo Xing felt that his son was afraid that he would have no way to have a next generation in his life.


  What an idiot.

  Mo Xing sighed, took the dishes and walked into the kitchen, preparing dinner for three people.

  Compared with Mo Xing's deserted New Year, the Meng family is very lively.

  Since Laba, Bianmen Tingruo City, everyone who has cooperated with Meng Zizhou, whether close or close, brought very generous gifts to Meng Zizhou for New Year's greetings, and by the way, inquire about Jiujiu's situation.

In   , there are good friends of Mencius, there are many people who have no memory of Mencius, and there are even many big figures whom Mencius could not even think of before.

If so many people came to his home before, Meng Zizhou would definitely be very happy, but now, he knew very well that the reason why these people came back here was not because he gave him face, but because he was Meng Jiujiu’s father. The current relationship between himself and Jiujiu was bitter in Meng Zizhou's mouth.

These people came to pay their New Year’s greetings because they were Meng Jiujiu’s father, but when they knew that their relationship with Jiujiu was not as good as they thought, and they couldn’t get in touch with Jiujiu from their own place, how much is it now? His enthusiasm, after knowing the truth, there will be coldness.

   Thinking of this, Mencius felt overwhelming regret. If he hadn’t made such a choice at the beginning, would this honor be his own?

  It’s a pity that there is no regret medicine in the world.

  (End of this chapter)

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