Raiders of Abuse Scum

Chapter 4088: I am your aunt 2

  Chapter 4088 I am your aunt 2

  Zhong Baoer was inferior in temperament, but at the moment when he saw Lin Guangyao cheating again, the blood of the Zhong family finally prevailed, and Zhong Baoer directly filed for divorce.

  All of Lin Guangyao was given by Zhong Baoer. Without Lin Guangyao, Zhong Baoer was still the little princess of the Zhong family and loved by thousands, but after Zhong Baoer, Lin Guangyao would have nothing.

  Lin Guangyao didn't want to have nothing, so he chose to do it in Zhong Bao'er's car. Zhong Bao'er died. He held the child's custody rights. Because of the child, the Zhong family could only throw a rat-poaching device, and could not act on Lin Guangyao temporarily.

But Lin Guangyao ignored the woman’s jealousy and did not know that Xiao San was the child of the trafficker who Zhong Baoer’s father had attacked. Xiao San seduced Lin Guangyao to avenge Zhong Baoer. Now Zhong Baoer is dead, and Zhong Baoer’s child falls into her hands. Just threw the child downstairs.

  Zhong Baoer’s child died, and the Zhong family was completely angry. Lin Guangyao had nothing in an instant, but the successive deaths of Zhong Baoer and the child eventually shocked Mr. Zhong, who left the world prematurely.

  Although the host is Zhong Baoer, the wisher is Mr. Zhong.

  Master Zhong is a man of great merit. He uses his merits to give his children a better life.

When    Jiujiu opened her eyes, she was squatting by the river with a white undershirt in her hand to wash clothes.

   Jiujiu lowered his head and glanced at his hand.

  A small hand, with black and thin fingers. The skinny look does not look like human fingers, but rather like marinated chicken feet in sauce.

  Holding the clothes with both hands, he constantly rubbed the sweatshirt in his hands, and behind Jiujiu, there was a large pile of clothes waiting for Jiujiu to wash.

   Jiujiu rubbed his eyes pretending to be tired, while rubbing clothes like Zhong Baoer, while recalling Zhong Baoer's memory.

  The current Zhong Baoer is five years old and has been trafficked in this place for two years. Because of her young age, she cannot work or cook, so she is responsible for cleaning the house and washing clothes every day.

It's late autumn, but Jiujiu is still wearing a dark coat that exudes a foul smell. Because of the long wear, the elbows and hemlines have been worn thinly like a piece of paper. , You can see the opposite side with just a poke of your finger, and you can't stop the harsh wind and cold at all.

  Not to mention, I feel that my hands are still immersed in the cold river water, it is almost like being tortured.

  No wonder Mr. Zhong found him. He was already a twelve-year-old child, but he seemed to be only seven or eight years old. If the child was raised like this, he would be a fortune-teller if he could survive.

   Jiujiu planned to run away, so naturally she would not continue to wash the clothes for the family. She put the unwashed clothes directly into the basin and pretended to go home while holding the basin. In fact, she planned to run away.

  The place where Zhong Baoer was sold is a remote small mountain village. There is only one way down the mountain. Jiujiu has two small legs. He wants to escape down the mountain with his legs. He is afraid that he would be caught back before he left.

   Jiujiu is going to hide in the mountains for a while, and then take the opportunity to go down the mountain when the villagers are no longer looking for them.

  When there was no one around, Jiujiu took the clothes in the basin to find a few clothes that he could wear, threw all the rest on the ground, and ran towards the mountains.

   Jiujiu’s small legs don’t run very fast, but Jiujiu runs wherever the vegetation is vigorous. Just when she was about to call out Xiao Bai, she suddenly heard a small moan coming from the wind.

  The voice is very subtle, like the whine of a puppy before death, desperate and sad.

Thinking of Zhong Baoer’s memory, it seems that some time ago, the son of Lao Li's family at the east end of the village ran away while Lao Li went down the mountain to buy things. The villagers immediately blocked the way down the mountain, but no one was found. It is guessed that the other side ran out. Now it seems that Lao Li's son did not run out, but instead ran up the mountain.

   But also, the child must not be able to run away from the adult. If caught, the beat will be light, and the leg will be broken directly.

  And a son like Lao Li’s child who paid a big price to buy it back will definitely be broken.

  The same people who are buried in the end of the world, why do we have known each other before.

  Jiujiu walked past the sound, and soon came to a cliff, and the moan became clearer and clearer.

  The cliff is not high, it looks like three or four meters, but for a small bean who is not one meter tall, it is bottomless.

  Jiujiu walked along the cliff for a while, and finally found a tree, which saved the trunk, slid down, and then saw the child lying under the cliff with his eyes open and moaning constantly in his mouth.

  When he heard the sound, the child’s eyes were full of fear, but after seeing Jiujiu appear, his eyes burst out with a strong light, and the strong desire to survive almost burned Jiujiu’s eyes.

   Jiujiu walked to the child, bowed her head, and said, "Why are you here?"

The child fell off the cliff for three or four days. Both legs were broken and his arms were injured. He couldn't get up at all. If it wasn't for luck, there are no more ferocious beasts here, I am afraid it would have become a pile of bones at this moment. .

  Even if Jiujiu is just a small beanie, and even if he is very uncomfortable now, his strong desire to survive made him open his mouth, "I, I fell from above."

  It was a night when he took it out. It was dark all around, and the roar of wild beasts kept coming from his ears, and he fell from the top in a panic.

  Fortunately, there seems to be no large beasts here. Unfortunately, his legs were broken and even his arms were injured. He couldn't move a step, and he could only wait for death to come.

   Jiujiu asked tentatively, "Are you the child of Lao Li's family?"

The hopeful child before heard Jiujiu say the words'Lao Li's family', his eyes burst with despair, but he gritted his teeth and insisted, "I am not a child of Lao Li's family. My name is Wu Mengze. It’s a child of the Wu family."

Jiujiu blinked, her long, thick eyelashes dangled lightly, and the little man nodded like an'um', and said, "I know, you are like me, you were bought back by them. House's."

  Wu Mengze thought he would be told to Lao Li by the girl, and then was taken back by Lao Li to be beaten up, and continued to be the son of that Lao Li, but he did not expect Jiujiu to say that they are the same.

  They are the same, then...

  In response to Wu Mengze’s eyes, Jiujiu nodded, “I was bought back to be a child bride, and I ran away just like you.”

Jiujiu pulled open the corner of her mouth to reveal a brilliant smile, walked to Wu Mengze, raised her hand, and poked Wu Mengze in the cheek, but when she saw her hand like a chicken paw, she turned her head in disgust, and turned her mouth corner. Say, "You are injured now and can't go anymore. Let's run again when your injury is healed."

  (End of this chapter)

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