Raiding the Blackened Male Lead

Chapter 302: The world is discussing how to eat me 12

Biquge, the fastest update and fast wear: Raiders the latest chapter of the black male master!

Tang Qing finally turned into a humanoid figure. Although she doesn't eat anything now, how can she give up such a good food.

"Qing Jue, hungry."

Qing Jue did not know where she was greedy, funny and helpless, "Heaven does not have a restaurant, if you are really hungry, then wait for a while to go to the human world."

Taishang Laojun heard the words and suddenly said: "Why is it so troublesome to run into the human world? I know that there is a guy who cooks delicious food, and he lives not too high, Xiao Wuyou can pass."

When Tang Qing heard it, in front of the food, his hand was actually ready to lean on the old man, "Brother ..."

Taishang Laojun looked at this scene. It was a flattered one who just wanted to reach out to pick up the person, but Qing Jue suddenly looked dull and walked past him.

That self-expressed anger, his hometown could not help but whispered, "cheap!"

Tang Qing felt that her hand was tightening suddenly, but she was well-behaved. In fact, she did n’t think much before. Anyway, she is only three years old now, and everyone holds the same. Moreover, the old man is actually quite good to her. Give her the same money as she wants, but she underestimates Qing Jue's vinegar.

"Qing Jue, are you angry?"

The male host is very angry, so he must be coaxed, otherwise let alone the food, the day is not so bad.


Seeing that he didn't admit it, Tang Qing bulged at the cheeks of the flesh, although the voice was milky and milky, but what he said was indeed very certain.


At this time, Qing Jue did not insist, but just said, "Since I am angry, what should I do if I am worried?"

What else can I do? Tang Qing raised his **** silently in his heart, but there was a look on his face to please: "So what do you want?"

Qing Jue raised an eyebrow and looked at the little guy in his arms, "Xiao Wuyou, asking me is not sincere."

After hearing the words, Tang Qing immediately frowned with cute little brows, "This is just a problem."

Looking at her embarrassing look, Qing Jue's mouth twitched slightly. He had previously seen the little guy dare to lean on him and lean on other people. If it wasn't for the other party to be too old, he had already slaughtered.

After petting her for so long, the little guy seems to have forgotten his temper.

Taishang Laojun looked at the interaction between the two, and always felt that he didn't know this friend. If he had treated other people as before, he would have suspected that he was lost!

Qing Jue took a few steps, and when he saw his old friend standing behind him, he could not help but turn around. "Can't you go?"

Wen Yan, Taishang Laojun just kept up.

Qingjue Shangxian and Taishang Laojun appeared at the same time. The rate of turning back in heaven was quite high. In addition, Qingjue Shangxian held a porcelain doll in his hand, and there were rumors all over the place. , Began to guess whether it was the child left by Shangxian.

For a time, countless fairies were crying and dizzy by the Tianhe.

Not interested in the gossip Qing Jue outside, this time the three of them are heading to one of Wuzhongtian's culinary super delicious guys.

Tang Qing still believes that he can win the praise of the old man. When the party came to somewhere in Wuzhongtian, although they had not entered a mansion, the fragrance that was far away was simply delicious in the world!

"smell good!"

"This gluttonous guy is just the right bite. Let's go in, maybe we can still eat some food." After that, Laojun couldn't wait, knowing the entire Three Realms, if the gluttonous cookery ranks second, Basically, no one dares to be the first! However, this guy was too cruel, he didn't dare to bother at all, but he was dragging Qing Jue now, and it was estimated that the other party should give face.

Gluttonously apparently did not expect that someone would come to visit this early morning. The chopsticks in his hand were still holding spiritual meat. Looking at the person, it should be said that looking at Qing Jue, the chopsticks in the hand are not the same, neither is it, half loud. , Only suffocated a sentence, "Shangxian, is there something wrong?"

This Shangxian naturally asked Qing Jue, but before waiting for him to speak, the old gentleman said for him: "Gourmet, but what is delicious?"

The gluttonous man stood up and stood in front of the old monarch immediately.

"Gourmet! Everyone is a fairy friend, how can you be so stingy!"

The gluttonous beard has moved a little, and his gluttonous other is easy to say, but the food must not be allowed!

"I'm stingy! I called this meat, and I cooked it. How can I still not enjoy it alone?"

As soon as these words came out, the old monk was choked, and finally he moved Qing Jue out, "It's not that I want to eat, Qing Jue raised a baby and was hungry, but you also know that a big heaven, except You probably do n’t know how many people will cook, so I ’ll bring them over. ”After he finished, he did n’t forget:“ Why, you wo n’t give away Qingjue ’s face. ”

The gluttonous people really don't want to give face, but the other party's fierce reputation is outside, he can only face with pain in his face: "Give, I will give Shangxian's face naturally. But you, I definitely don't give!"

This old gentleman, don't look at God's touch, but at the beginning, he came to rub and eat! That's why he was so cautious about him. He had to know that every time he came, there was basically nothing left for his own food. After working hard for most of the day, he ended up in the stomach of others.

The gluttonous baby is suffering ...

"If you don't eat, you don't eat, I'm not that rare." Said on his mouth, but his eyes were always aimed at the table behind him.

On the other side, Qing Jue looked at the little guy in his arms and asked out loud, "Do you want to eat?"

Tang Qing was not stupid, so tantalizingly delicious, and immediately nodded, "Eat, but Qing Jue eat with me!"

The little guy invited, Qing Jue naturally would not refuse, just suffering old man, previously brave words, but now they can only watch the three of them alone, without their own share.

"Little worries ..."

Listening to the voice of the old gentleman, Tang Qing pretended not to understand, "What's wrong?"

The old man opened his mouth and wanted to say that he also wanted to eat. It was visible that the watchful eyes of gluttony swept away, only to say: "Nothing, eat slowly, don't choke."

Tang Qing smiled and deliberately said: "Okay, thank you brother for reminding me, I will eat slower." After that, he really ignored him and ate it himself, of course, not self-care. Since, she still remembers to serve dishes to Qing Jue.

Qing Jue didn't eat much, and most of them came from small carefree clips. For this, the gluttonous food that originally hurt so badly suddenly seemed to be acceptable.

Children, how much can you eat?

However, gluttony is still too tender, and he regrets it when he finds that the so-called little child has a total amount of food.

"I'm full."

As her words fell, only a few leftovers remained on the huge dining table.

Qing Jue was a little surprised by the amount of food she had this time, and she could not help rubbing her bulging belly. "Have you supported?"

Tang Qing burped while being full of satiated food, "No, if not, I think I can eat it again."

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