Raiding the Blackened Male Lead

Chapter 337: False Taoist and True Monk 8

Biquge, the fastest update and fast wear: Raiders the latest chapter of the black male master!

The table was full of food, but the monk's eyes didn't have any cravings. From the beginning to the end, besides drinking his tea, he didn't move anything else.

"Don't you eat?" As he said, Tang Qing picked up a piece of pork ribs and stuffed it into his mouth. Unexpectedly, the taste was very good.

Zi Xu smiled and looked at her mouth, swallowing, and waited until she picked up the second piece of meat, then slowly said: "Do you know what the predecessor of this restaurant is called, cardamom."

When I heard the name at first glance, Tang Qing paused and realized that the other party was calling himself. To be honest, a good 20-year-old girl was called cardamom. For a moment, even she doubted whether she was an adult.

Seeing her in a daze, Zi Xu let go of the tea in his hand, and continued to speak, "I forgot, you have almost fell asleep on the street before, I am afraid I have never heard the name of this restaurant."

Tang Qing ’s chopsticks have n’t heard of it because she was hungry for a long time, but she was impatient when she heard this, “What the **** do you want to say?”

"Oh, I just want to tell you that this restaurant has been on the news before." Speaking of which, he amused a harmless smile, but what he said made the other person's appetite diminish and even wanted to vomit.

"Have you heard about the drain oil? Do you know how to pretend to be lamb with mouse meat? And ..."

"Stop!" Tang Qing interrupted him aloud, with a bad look on his face.

Upon seeing this, Zi Xu wasn't bullying her. Instead, she poured her a cup of tea and said, "Relax, this tea is still okay."

Tang Qing quickly drank water into his belly, buffering the nausea, and then gritted his teeth: "If you know, why didn't you tell me at first?"

Zixu is very innocent, "You chose this restaurant, and ... you still don't allow me to have an opinion, remember?"

Tang Qing remembers of course! She would be afraid that he would take him to eat fast, so she chose a family, and now she wants to come, he might as well eat fast!

The appetite is gone, she looked at him resentfully, "Go!"

Zi Xu smiled and settled the bill, carrying her back to her home.

I thought the monk's home would be as irritating as his red supercar, but I didn't want to, it was very quiet and elegant.

The house is not big, the two-bedroom can be won in a good pattern, not only does not feel a little crowded, but it looks very warm.

Zi Xu took her home and went directly into the kitchen. After an hour, she came out and saw that the girl had fallen asleep on the sofa somehow.

Seeing this, he was full of helplessness, so he had to find a quilt to cover her, but the quilt was covered in half. When the girl suddenly opened her mouth, she put it on his hand.

The little girl's bite wasn't a little bit soft, and the painful eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, but when he was about to take his hand back, the other party actually changed from biting to sucking, even not forgetting the sound of smashing.

At this moment, Zi Xu was not in a hurry to take her hand out, but let her suck, until a moment later, she heard some subtle sounds in her mouth.

"Um ... delicious ..." At the end, even a faint smile appeared on his face.

Seeing this, Zi Xu couldn't help crying and laughing, and this little Ni Zi felt her hands as food.

Just when he was about to get his hand back, he suddenly paused, then took out his mobile phone, opened the WeChat circle of friends, and recorded a small video in the face of the other party, of course, he did not forget the verb.

# 豆 模 ​​少女 , Why sleep so horrible #

After all this is done, put the phone away and wake up the other party.

I dreamt of eating, and I'm afraid my stomach is very hungry.

Tang Qing is really hungry and asleep, it will be awakened in vain, but not angry, because she smelled the smell of food.

There are not many dishes on the table, and most of them are vegetarian, but after a while in the previous restaurant, Tang Qing is no longer entangled with meat or meat. After all, filling his stomach is king.

However, this meal was unexpectedly not difficult to eat, even better than the previous meat.

"Eat slowly, and no one robs you."

Seeing her eating so happily, Zi Xu slightly smiled and smiled in her eyes, doing business outside, and such a high-end place, where there is so much greasy oil, is this not smashing her own signboard?

But the little girl was cheating as always.

Tang Qing didn't notice the flash of smile in the other party's eyes, but just buried his head and bitterly said, "Aren't you human?"

Zixu was choked for a while, originally intended to make her eat happily, but now ...

"What are you doing!" Everyone's own chopsticks are robbed, and anyone will be angry.

Zixu elegantly grabbed the stolen food in the mouth, and the smile on his face was very harmless. "You said that I will grab it with you. Since that is the case, I have to make you do it?"

Tang Qing: ...

After a good meal, a chicken flying dog was called to eat, and the two of them almost stood up to fight, and after eating, Tang Qing felt that he had eaten this meal in vain.

"Oh, bring your phone."

Suddenly, Tang Qing immediately clutched his pockets, "The gift you sent out can't be recovered."

Zixu's face was helpless, and he pointed to himself. "I am still a monk. Is there any reason to take back what I sent?"

Tang Qing pouted, who asked you to have too much conviction, so people have to guard against it.

Although she thought this way, she obediently took out her mobile phone.

Zi Xu really didn't take it back, just picked up his mobile phone and added a friend, and then returned it.

"Well, here you are."

Tang Qing took the phone and saw the WeChat page displayed on the screen, which suddenly turned out that this guy was originally to add himself as a friend.

It's been a long time since she touched her mobile phone. She first sent a text message to her cheap master, and then she started playing, very comfortable. As for Zixu, I have to say that although it is sometimes a bit of a tongue, it is still very virtuous and virtuous by virtue of its good cooking skills and that diligent touch.

However, this comfort did not last long, because she accidentally saw the news in the circle of friends and did not wait for her to blow up, and it happened that at this time, her master also made a phone call.

Not much content, almost all around the monk.

"Cardamom, you careless child, how come you bite Master Zixu's fingers!" , I thought that my cheap apprentice found the bargain, but this Nizi actually offended people!

Master Bean does n’t blame him for thinking this way. Although Zixu is a monk, he has no relationship with the monk. In general, the industry encounters tricky problems that cannot be solved before asking him to go out.

"Cardamom, being a teacher can't save you now, you can do it yourself."

Tang Qing listened to the opposite busy tone, and his mouth twitched slightly.

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