Raiding the Blackened Male Lead

Chapter 353: False Taoist and True Monk 24

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Tang Qing's fist went down and said that she really didn't have any kindness, but she exhausted all her strength, but she couldn't see that kind of energy.

Peacock looked at her painlessly, even with a smile on the corner of her mouth, "Are you happy?"

Tang Qing knew that his strength did not hurt him, but he didn't expect that his hand would be painful, which made the whole person very distressed.


"So what makes you happy?"

The other party spoke seriously, but Tang Qing felt more embarrassed. It really hurt people. In the end, he also felt distressed, but if he didn't do something, he always felt a sigh of relief in his heart.

At this time, the forgotten Zheng Tuhao spoke weakly. These two talents are not something that he and other mortals can offend. Just thinking of his son, he felt sad: "That, Master, my son's sha ... "

Suddenly interrupted by people, the peacock was a little uncomfortable. Ten thousand years ago, he only did such things as killing people, and now he is also novel to ask him to save people.

During this period, Tang Qing got along with him day and night, how could he not know that every time this guy aroused the blood of the ancients, that temperament could be very human, and afraid that he would accidentally kill the local tyrant, she could only say first: "Save people first! "

After hearing this, the peacock raised her eyebrows and said quietly, "Will you save the people, can you continue the last unhappy thing?"

Tang Qing spit out a bit of blood after listening to it, and for a long time, this guy even thought about such a dirty thing!

"If you don't say it, I'll be your default." Between the words, he raised his hand and saw a black qi burst from the body of the local tyrant's son. Then he saw evil spirits smiled and said: "Let's go, we can go home . "

Before Tang Qing had responded, the whole person was caught in the arms of the other party, and then, with a blink of an eye, he returned to their home.

Unlike the last time, the last peacock was a little patient, and it tickled her heart, but this time he was a bit impatient, and tore the clothes directly.

Suddenly teleported home, Tang Qing's feet had not stood firm, so he stared at the scene in front of him.


Peacock evil charm smiled, "Do you like it?"

Tang Qing: ...

I not only met a fake monk, I also met an exhibitionist!

When Peacock saw her without saying a word, he tore and pulled off his pants. "I only showed my upper body and didn't like it. What about now?" After that, he still showed his hand. "Cardamom is satisfied?"

Tang Qing and the buddy system are completely stunned, but the system has been forced to enter the little black house, and she, she can only be forced to appreciate the beauty in front of her.

The peacock opened his mouth and said nothing about Tang Qing ’s silence. Instead, he continued: "Cardamom, there is a saying in humans called courtesy. You see, I am like this. Should n’t you say something?"

Tang Qing has nothing to say about this guy with a clear brain circuit. After a while, she said quietly: "I don't want to say anything at all."

"Huh ..." Peacock chuckled, and suddenly came to her in front of her, grinning with a lip corner: "Cardamom is really dishonest."

When the words fell, Tang Qing only felt a cold body, and he didn't know how to do it anyway. Anyway, she would already be smooth, and her mouth slightly twitched, and she didn't want to ignore this guy at all.

But now this situation is not something she can just ignore. Peacock wouldn't be nonsense. He took her up and walked towards the bathroom.

Tang Qing only felt that her feet were empty, and then she recovered. The man was already held in the bathroom, and the shower head on her head did not know when it was opened.

The warm water spattered from the top of her head, instantly wetting her whole body.

Peacock smirked and flicked the hair off her face. The skin between her tentacles was smooth and delicate. It suddenly made him feel itchy, but the face was light and calm. "Oh, we are both wet. "

Tang Qing: ...

Can I scold others?

The peacock hugged her, apparently helping her take a shower, but in fact the big hands flicked everywhere, "What does Cardamom want to scold me for?"

Tang Qing: ...

Forget that he has a mind-reading technique.

Peacock felt the girl in her arms more lovely and tight, but she was wronged on her face: "Look, you wanted to see my image last time, I showed you, why would you scold me again, I treat you so Okay, cardamom is not touched. "

Tang Qing chuckled, "I'm so touched."

Peacock's smiling face is harmless. "It's not necessary to be moved, just to be as good as you want."

Tang Qing looked at him expressionlessly, "Now it is different from the body?"

"It makes no difference, so cardamom is the best." After that, she opened her mouth and nibbled on her face.

Tang Qing was slobbered and couldn't help saying: "Are you a dog?"

"Is it a dog? Cardamom should be the clearest." After so long, the peacock smiled, but his patience had already disappeared. He was not ready to endure any more.

Tang Qing was slammed into the cold wall and shivered.

Upon seeing this, the peacock immediately turned around and hugged his head in her neck while apologizing: "Sorry, let cardamom cool down."

The coolness in the back disappeared, but Tang Qing's face did not get any better, this guy! After insulting her for a long time, she didn't make the last step. She was about to fight back!

Peacock was really not prepared to endure any more, but after hearing her voice, she stopped for a while, and even patiently prepared her to counterattack.

"Cardamom, if you can't help it, you can tell me."

Tang Qing's uncomfortable tightness, a pair of watery eyes glared at him, obviously representing anger, but the look in front of him, not only did not have the slightest momentum, but wanted to be bullied.

The peacock took a deep breath, and his voice was hoarse and extremely sexy: "Cardamom ..."

It was at this moment that Tang Qing could not bear it, and finally he renounced himself: "You ... hurry up!"

"Hurry up?" Said the peacock while ruining, while stroking her with both hands, wherever he went, all were sensitive.

It is clear that the other party is intentional, but Tang Qing ’s reason is on the verge of collapsing. She renounces herself, and her voice is even more impatient: "Hurry up ..." The man fell down and chewed on him indiscriminately.

The goal is achieved, the peacock is very comfortable for the whole person, and does not toss a pitiful little guy, just when he enters, he has not waited for him to do more actions, but his heart suddenly stunned. Well, at this time, I have lost control of the body.

The crimson eyes faded and turned into a pair of clear eyes. However, these eyes were not clear for too long. The impact in front of him was too great, making him stiff for a moment ...

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