Biquge, the fastest update and fast wear: Raiders the latest chapter of the black male master!

Tang Qing is not interested in the disputes outside. At present, she only cares about one thing, that is, Shen Moli's injury, when to heal.

The bloodlines of the human race and the wizard family were awakened at the same time, which caused Shen Moli to be a bit unstable. With the fierce battle that night, Shen Moli and the peace were apparent from the surface, but she was very clear that he is not suitable for traveling .

"What anxious." Tang Qing said lightly, and then ordered: "Come here, take off your clothes, and lie down."

As soon as the voice came out, Shen Moli still had the previous indifference, and the whole person was very excited and said: "Follow the order!"

Tang Qing looked at the naked person in front of him, his face suddenly turned black, and the whole person was angry: "I just let you take off your shirt! What do you take off my pants for!"

Shen Moli blinked quite innocently, but he still heard his faint sense of loss in his voice, "Ah, I don't have to take off my pants."

Tang Qing has repeatedly warned himself not to be angry, this guy in front of him is very dangerous! So she took a deep breath and tried to make her voice as calm as possible: "Yes, put your pants on me."

Shen Moli wasn't making any fuss about this time. Obediently put on her clothes. Then Zi Zi was full of grievances and said: "North and North, I'm afraid of pain. Wait until you remember to tap."

Tang Qing smiled and said that it would be okay if you didn't say it, and she would love it when she said.

Shen Mo was bruised away from his body, and it looked a bit scary. However, these injuries were actually scary, but they were not as good as the internal injuries in his body.

Tang Qing put the pounded herbs on top, and the random touch was not gentle at all.

"North and North, you are really heavy on your hands." Obviously it should be a complaint, but he continued the next sentence, but let Tang Qingqi's Qiqiao smoke, "However, I like it."

Hearing this, what else can she say! I just hate that it was too light!

The two lived in this city for a few months, and they didn't leave until someone from the Demon Clan came to seek Mu Beizun.

A few months later, the originally blossomed city is now barren, and the long streets are surrounded by scorched and messy houses. When you go outside, you can even see the dark blood of the big beach. It doesn't look like a city of human races, but like a city of demons.

Within the Mozu, months are just a few fingers for them. After all, their life expectancy is counted in hundreds or thousands, so the months when Venerable Mu Bei left, it was not a big deal for them at all. There was no storm at all within the demons.

The demons are calm, and the Northern Palace is as old as ever, but Tang Qing knows that the seemingly calm water is choppy underneath.

Lord Mubei took out the dwarf clan ’s pet, and everyone knew it, but now he brought it back to a clan, which suddenly made everyone dumbfounded.

Is it only a few months? I originally thought that Mu Beizun laughed for the Bomei people and even the backyard was disbanded. I thought I would like it for a few years. As a result, it has only been a few months.

There are always a lot of topics on the strong, and Mu Bei is no exception. This time, some people even bet how long this human race teenager can be dared by her.

As soon as the bet was opened, many people immediately bet on it, and even Tang Qing played with it when he knew it.

Shen Moli knew this, and knew that his family would bet on the north and the north, so he asked, "North and North, how long have you bet?"

The bet is divided into four options, the first is within ten days, the second is within one month, the third is one year, and the last is ten years. Although ten years is nothing for the demons, from the point of view that Mu Beizun likes new things and dislikes old ones, ten years is almost a fantasy.

"I'll gamble on whichever one earns more money." Although Tang Qing is not short of money, it does not prevent her from playing with it.

Shen Moli heard the words and couldn't help but smiled, "Since that's the case, then I have to cooperate well with North and North, but can't I let North to North lose."

Tang Qing glanced at him, and always thought he was weird, but there was nothing serious in the Demon Clan at the moment, and she didn't care about it until the next day she heard the report from the next man, saying it was the previous dwarf The pet clan returned, and asked her to let him in.

As soon as this word came out, she was dumbfounded. From the beginning, she had not explained this misunderstanding, so the entire Mozu thought that she had changed to a male pet, but she was very clear in her heart, how can there be any new and old Love is simply a person.

Although it was unclear how this happened, she said, "Bring him in."

The servant soon brought the dwarf boy into the room, and looking at the boy who was kneeling under his breath, Tang Qing sniffed, "You go down first." This was said to the servant, but that The teenager is the period of Ai Ai's pleading.

"Sir, don't abandon me, I won't go."

Tang Qing: ...

Brother, are you addicted to cosplay?

Although there are tens of thousands of heads passing by in her heart, she still cooperated: "I didn't let you go."

As soon as these words came out, the young boy gave a breath.

Although the next person wanted to stay gossip, but His Holiness glanced at them, they still left the place obediently. After all, gossip is naturally more important than life.

When the extra people were gone, Tang Qing froze, "Enough playing?"

Shen Moli didn't know when to restore the dwarven race, and the childish face smiled innocently. "If I said no, would adults be angry?"

Tang Qing is no longer a question of anger or not, but a question of exhaustion! But looking at the soft and cute face value of the other party, she still reluctantly said: "Speak, what do you want to do."

"North and North should know that Chu Tsang once said that there are other spies in the North Palace."

"So you want to find them for me?"

"Yes." Shen Moli said this, and then said, "They fear the strong, and they will not show their feet in front of you, only they can act with the identity of someone who has long been abandoned by you." Speaking of which, Obviously innocent handsome face, but there are bursts of murderous murderous, "No one can hurt you!"

Faced with Shen Moli's strange possessiveness, she was calm and asked: "How can I cooperate with you?"

"Beibei doesn't need to do anything, just throw me out from here, and all the next things will be handed over to me." Shen Moli said while walking slowly towards her, waiting to go When she came to her, she suddenly took off her clothes and took off one by one ...

Tang Qing looked dumbfounded. Although she had a lot of time with the dwarves, she even slept with the same food. But when she saw this scene again, she was ... shamefully hard!

"North and north, am I pretty?"

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