Biquge, the fastest update and fast wear: Raiders the latest chapter of the black male master!

Chu Linghuan is still clamoring, and the final result is chased and cut by the rest of the demons.

"Since you are so loyal, you might as well go to the world of the undead to be loyal to Master Chu's Master!"

Chu Linghuan didn't think of it at all. Lord Mozun, who was still high in the previous moment, is now pushed down by the wall, and it has fallen into such a field.

Chu Linghuan's skill in the Demon Race is also extraordinary, otherwise how to get Chu's reuse, but he is outnumbered, and even those Demon Race everyone directly tied him as a gift to please the new Devil Lord.

On the other side, Shen Mo found an inn near Tang Qing with his injuries.

When the innkeeper saw such a powerful demon, he almost knelt down on the spot, not to mention asking for money, and gave the best and cleanest courtyard directly.

Of course, Shen Moli was not the one who was waiting for the robbery. After seeing that the small courtyard was still satisfactory, he still gave a piece of gold.

"Big ... Adult, there is more." The innkeeper only felt that the gold in his hand was extremely hot. How come, that adult suddenly showed a smile, and then, he didn't know how to leave the small courtyard, but only felt the attitude of the country. , I am afraid that is not the case.

Shen Moli carried Tang Qing all the way back to the bed, and along the way, I wondered whether it was because of a wound on her body, and she was extremely quiet.

"North and north, does it hurt?"

Tang Qing has a lot of sweat on his forehead, but it is not a problem of pain. The spicy chicken system still has a benefit. The pain relief pill does not require money. It is because of serious injuries that causes the body to be empty.

Shen Moli put her gently on the bed, taking off her **** coat for her, and said: "North and North, the wizards have a spell, once they find the one they love, they can enjoy all of them after the agreement. s things."

There was a sigh in Tang Qing's heart, of course she knew that it was the highest contract of the wizarding family, and a person could only make a deed once in a lifetime, and after the deed, she could enjoy his life, enjoy his strength, and enjoy all his everything .

Shen Moli bowed his head and left a shallow kiss on her forehead. In fact, he had wanted to do this from the beginning. However, he would be inferior to her in terms of ability, cultivation, or all aspects. Dragging her, the blood of the Demon Race has now awakened, and he is also qualified to stand beside her.

At the end of the kiss, Shen Moli murmured in his mouth, he began to sing, and saw a glorious purple translucent bead suddenly floated out of his heart mouth, and then a huge piece of vitality and power began to flow towards the endlessly. The beads passed.

Because the power was too strong, the airflow began to surge in the room, and his ink-colored long hair was blown up, revealing that stunning face, under the dazzling purple light, dazzling.

Tang Qing leaned on the bed and looked at such a touching scene in front of her.

"It's all smashing. In the future, if you want to find a male ticket, you have to find this! What is the money, and sharing your life with you is king."

The boyfriend-free system was fed dog food again, and he chuckled. Although the male owner could do this, he even admired his system, but he did n’t want to let his host surrender.

"Don't get rid of it, I don't want to find a boyfriend who turns black every time I move! I'm looking for a gentle and generous beautiful and cute girl!"

"Meng sister?" Tang Qing exclaimed, "You can find a cute girl like this guy?"

The system was sprayed out by a stubborn man. I thought he had aroused a lot of love from the system at the headquarters. How could it be a stubborn man? In terms of human figures, it must be a proper and overbearing president.

"Oh, woman, you should be careful about yourself."

Faced with the cynicism and cynicism of the system, Tang Qing responded with his latest signature laughter, "Hee hee, my home is so good, I have nothing to worry about."

The system looked at her, and thought that it was good now. Maybe he would blacken again someday. Judging from his experience of being closed in a small black room, he was blackened enough to be mad.

"Oh, you wait."

I originally wanted to say that you will have such a day sooner or later. I didn't think that this day actually came so fast.

After the agreement, Tang Qing's body quickly recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye. Even the empty power of the body began to penetrate through the whole body. It was a warm and comfortable feeling, but this feeling did not last long. Then, a huge sense of numbness from the depths of the blood swept through the body instantly, and an uncontrollable heat made her whole body hot and unbearable.

She was stunned for a moment. This feeling was too familiar, and it was obvious that she was just getting together. Why did you feel this way?

Shen Moli bent his lips and smiled warmly, "North and North, the body has recovered, we should count other accounts."

This sudden feeling of sickness made her silly and silly, and it was all well before, how could he **** give her the whole set in a blink of an eye!

"Amo, we ..." I wanted to say that we didn't have any account, but the other party suddenly stretched out his long fingers.

"Hush, Beibei, I don't want to listen to your explanation now." As he said, he slowly painted his fingers with the beautiful red lips. "You, this little mouth is too good to say."

Tang Qing: ...

Is this inexplicable feeling really good?

After the system froze for a while, it burst out with a burst of laughter, "The retribution came too fast." Then, he said suddenly, "Qingqing, I have a lot of good pictures of old drivers driving in the middle of the night. Do n’t be polite if you do n’t have enough posture. ”

Tang Qing had long guessed that these pictures would not be good things, but immediately after seeing them, the whole person was bad.

Because this face changed, Shen Moli's expression also changed.

"Don't like it?"

Tang Qing was inexplicably pitted by the system. In his heart, it was called a bitter, and he could only say: "No, how could it be."

However, Shen Moli didn't believe it, "I said that this little mouth in the north and the north is too good to talk, and voila, now I plan to lie to me."

Tang Qing was about to cry, "Amo, have you misunderstood something."

"Really? Then talk about Beibei, where have I misunderstood?"

This is like a quarrel between a boyfriend and a boyfriend. The boy said to the girl that I was wrong, and the girl asked you to tell me why.

Tang Qing didn't understand this feeling before, but now it's a real understanding, "Amo, I ..."

She didn't even know which point caused her, but what did she want her to say?

"Huh ..." Suddenly came a small laugh, Shen Moli leaned over directly, "Is Beibei thinking about how to lie to me again?"

"Where am I?" Tang Qing said, while racking her brains, finally thinking of Si Yu, who was forgotten by her.

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