Raiding the Blackened Male Lead

Chapter 668: Sick child 42

Biquge, the fastest update and fast wear: Raiders the latest chapter of the black male master!

Tang Qing can also be counted as a person who has experienced countless deaths. This time it is not the most uncomfortable, but it is absolutely unforgettable.

The curse of the living dead is to make people suffer all the pain alive, so even if she feels that she is about to pass out of pain several times, her mind is still sober.

She tried to move her lips, trying to comfort someone, but because of the severe pain, she did not succeed.

Rong Ze felt very distressed. He would not know what kind of pain the kitten in his arms suffered. But because he knew and experienced it, he became more distressed. Then the pain of tearing the heart and lungs was very human-tolerable.

But his little guy didn't hum because he was afraid of worrying.

The clear water-like eyes were overflowing with mist at the moment, but under the mist, there was a lot of pain. She could hold it back, but he couldn't help it.

"One by one, don't hold it, just say it when it hurts." He hugged her like a rare treasure, very cautiously.

The tone of the people who have always been elegant is dumb, and the unspoken distress is at this moment. At this moment, Tang Qing suddenly feels this pain, and it seems that he has not suffered so much.

She took a deep breath and wanted to find something to relieve the pain, but unexpectedly, the next second, she fell into another world, and even the pain in her body disappeared to the utmost pain, only holding her own People are still there.

"this is?"

Rong Ze looked at her normal face, and he was relieved that he could not bear the pain for her. He could only try to ease it, but did not expect it to succeed.

Illusion requires a lot of energy to maintain, especially at this time she is suffering from inhuman pain, wanting to cover this pain, he used almost all his energy to maintain this false world.

Because of the experience, Tang Qing has actually guessed, but she didn't expect his imaginary power to be so powerful, and her voice was a little excited, "I really don't feel any pain!"

Because of this, Rong Ze was tense for a long time, and finally relaxed a little, looking at the kitten who was recovering, and he bowed his head and gave her a long and gentle kiss.

At this time, the system sounds a reminder again.

"The task completion rate has risen to 96%!" Speaking of which, the system somehow suddenly felt a sense of relief. There are so many worlds, and finally there is a world that did not send him to the small black room.

Of course, he didn't know that the two of them had already gone to another virtual world, where no one would see it no matter what they did.

The world of illusion is particularly beautiful, everything Tang Qing likes, because the curse of the living dead, she has never tasted delicious, but because of Rong Ze, everything she lost was exchanged for her in another way.

With enough food and drink, from passive to active, Tang Qing gave him an unforgettable and extremely beautiful night of fantasy.

The next morning.

The two have already come out of the illusion, Tang Qing looked at the handsome man sleeping beside him, his mouth slightly raised.

Although the system prompt appeared last night, because in the illusion, the first thing to wait for her to wake up early in the morning is to check the task bar, which finally lived up to her expectations. After one night, it has now reached 97%. It's only a short time before you can complete the task.

Although the cruise ship was badly damaged, Rongze and Tang Qing were there, and they were not allowed to have a problem halfway, so the ship finally landed in a panic with fear.

At the moment of landing at the beach, everyone cheered. Everyone ’s eyes were intentionally or unintentionally on the handsome men and women. They are not stupid. Of course, they can guess that these two are not ordinary people, otherwise Guangna Glacier, and That mermaid, they dare not think deeply.

The timid only dare to look at it, but the dare to dare to step forward, with such a powerful skill, is not a panacea, once it makes friends, it will only become his own help.

However, before waiting for someone to speak, the cruise ship suddenly made an overwhelming sound, and only heard a loud noise. The crowd had not responded. The cruise ship suddenly cracked, and then a large amount of seawater entered, and then it did n’t take a moment. All the cruise ships that were barely capable of sailing were torn apart, and the wreckage filled the shore. This sudden scene shocked everyone.

Fortunately, because the ship was almost docking, and there were many docked ships on the shore, everyone rescued one by one, but no one had an accident, but only when the crowd recovered, where were the two gods and handsome people around.

Rong Ze has always been cold and arrogant, and naturally disdain to spend a lot of time with others, so he directly took his kitten and quietly left the dock.

The two opened their hearts and their mood was naturally different from before. Although they were worried about the kitten's body, on the whole, Rong Ze had never been so open-hearted.

"Is it better?"

Worried about her body, he always asks from time to time.

Tang Qing said helplessly: "It's much better. You have asked this question 18 times today.

Being nagged, Rong Ze was not angry, but patiently said very well: "Tell me if you feel uncomfortable."

Tang Qing could not help being surprised when they reached the final destination.

Prophet, she hasn't been in contact with such people yet.

Tang Qing looked at Junyi's extraordinary prophet and raised his eyebrows slightly, but he was younger than she thought, and thought it would be a bad old man's word.

Yun Xiu looked at the two coming from afar, but it was very calm, as if it had been this day.

"What's up?"

Based on his knowledge of Rong Ze, this guy will go to the Three Treasure Halls without incident, and he must come to him if something happens, otherwise this will have brought his beloved little girl around.

Yun Xiu was out of the ordinary, and his eyes were very seductive. He raised his eyebrows slightly, looked at someone who seemed calm, smiled slightly, and indicated that he could sit and talk.

The place where the prophet lived was very beautiful, with pavilions and towers, birds and flowers, and the courtyard was pleasant, and Rong Ze was also welcome. After sitting down with his kitten, he said directly, "Help me predict a thing."

"I know what you want to ask." In the face of them, Yun Xiu was very enthusiastic, not only made people prepare tea, but also personally offered tea ceremony for them. It may be reversing the second time, but you can rest assured that what you worry about will never happen. "

What Rong Ze worried about was that he was worried about losing his kitten. Now that Yun Xiu says, he only feels that a big rock has been put down in his heart.

But Yun Xiu did not tell him that although they would be together, this is what they experienced, but it is very human.

Thinking of this, he looked up at Tang Qing with a calm expression, and suddenly, his eyes narrowed, "Hello, my name is Yun Xiu, but ... you can call me another name."

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