Raiding the Blackened Male Lead

Chapter 681: Silly Wife 12

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Unlike the puppet body before, Tang Qing can hold more gifts this time. Her voice is small. If she doesn't listen carefully, she can't even hear what she said.

For Ye Mocheng, such a person saves some trouble, nerds, it is best to fool.

"This little brother, I'm going to trouble you these days. You can rest assured that you will not delay your practice. I only need to go in for a quarter of an hour every day."

Listening to the gentle voice in front of him, the whole person exudes a timid and timid person. Ye Mocheng didn't care about it at all, but just casually said: "But it only takes a quarter of an hour every day. ? Did you bring the collection out? "

After hearing the words, Tang Qing hurriedly explained: "The book collection is precious. Even if Elder Mo agreed that I would not dare to take it, I would bring some paper and pen, write down what I haven't learned, and go back and study it again." Xu Shi said The things she likes, the timidity on her face is a little less, and the voice is a lot more cheerful, "Do n’t look at it, little brother, it ’s only a quarter of an hour. Medical books are difficult. Even if it is only a quarter of an hour, there are many things I need to understand There are also records of herbal medicines, not just read them, Xu Xu keeps in mind. "

Ye Mocheng was not interested in this, of course, but he was not impatient at all.

"I don't understand this either, but Elder Mo can personally introduce this, this ..." Suddenly, he suddenly remembered that he didn't know her name yet.

"By the way, I haven't introduced myself yet. Let's go to Li Qing."


The system listened to the two people's serious nonsense, and inexplicably felt tired. Every day they watched their acting skills, but no one can vomit, this feeling, who can understand this feeling!

After exchanging names, Tang Qing once again solemnly thanked, "Brother Ye has helped me so much, I don't know how to thank you. If there is a place for me in the future, I will try my best as long as I can help."

Ye Mocheng didn't take this matter too seriously, he was a devil, would he still need a mortal help? Just to avoid collapsing people, he still said politely: "I can get the eyes of Elder Mo. I am afraid that the future is inestimable. How can I look down on myself so much?"

He said there was sincerity, and he made Tang Qing blush with embarrassment: "Well, let's go to the Bookstore first."

Ye Mocheng would naturally have no opinion, nodded, and waited for her to bring pen and paper, and then entered the library.

Even if it is just a one-story book collection pavilion, the scale is quite spectacular. Tang Qing looked a bit dumbfounded and couldn't help sighing: "Tian Dao Sect is not the first of the world's collection of books."

Ye Mocheng raised his eyebrows and did not speak. The nerd is now full of books. He does n’t care no matter what he answers. Since that is the case, he is also wasting his tongue.

Tang Qing did the next thing as he said, not only did he not care about him, but directly ignored him, she quickly walked to the area of ​​medicine, and then could no longer move her feet.

Upon seeing this, Ye Mocheng used a doppelganger technique, leaving a ghost image, but the deity no longer knew where to fly.

As soon as he left, Tang Qing's expression slightly moved, and he randomly found a book, picked up the pen and ink and copied it like this. However, compared with the excitement before, it is now without any enthusiasm.

The library is so big that it is quite difficult to find the way to break the old red thread of the moon. It is like a needle in a haystack. After a quarter of an hour, Ye Mocheng can be said to have returned without success.

It was the little nerd. The whole person was very excited, and he dragged him all the way along the way.

Ye Mocheng's interest is lacking, but she has the patience to accompany her.

After returning to his temporary residence, Tang Qing suddenly whispered afterwards, "Well, if Brother Ye feels annoyed with me, he can ignore me. I can't stop every time I talk about medical books." Speaking of which, she showed that she was helpless.

Ye Mocheng said: "No harm."

"Brother Ye, how nice you are."

Tang Qing said that sincerity, Ye Mocheng did not find anything wrong, because the accompaniment had been completed, he went back to his residence.

One or two times, the two unknowingly passed a month in this mode, and among them, Tang Qing did not show any flaws, and Ye Mocheng did not notice anything until this time.

Ye Mocheng continued to explore over there as before, but suddenly found that there were other people in this library. These other people would naturally not be the nerd. After all, the nerd had only medical books in his eyes.

But this time he guessed wrong. Tang Qing did not really come to this bookstore for medical books. The purpose of her coming was to get close to him, and in order to attract his attention, there must be some clues. In order not to arouse his suspicions, she did something very concealed. When the other party found something wrong, she immediately retreated.

Ye Mocheng wanted to check and see who else the legendary organised bookstore still contained. Unexpectedly, the other party was prepared. After finding something wrong, he ran faster than the rabbit.

Being able to slip away from him, he thought of the alchemist, but it was different from the previous runaway. Now that he has calmed down, to say that although the alchemist is quite famous, no one knows her name. , Only know her surname An, no matter how many, it is gone.

Anyone who walks in the world can always leave traces, but she appears like out of thin air. Faced with this situation, there is only one possibility, that is, her identity is fake, she has other identities, but nothing. People found out.

Although the man was escaped, Ye Mocheng was not in a hurry. This bookstore even planned his entry, and since the man came in, he would naturally not stop there.

A quarter of an hour soon came, Ye Mocheng sent the little nerd back to Xiaoju as before, but this time, he suddenly found that the little nerd seemed to be a little different from before.

Before the change, she kept talking to a small tuberculosis, but this time, she had no voice. After a closer look, her complexion seemed a bit wrong.

I didn't want to do much, but when I thought that I had to rely on her to enter the library, in case she was sick, it would be troublesome, so she asked: "Li Qing, look at your face is not right, is it sick?"

Suddenly speaking, the little nerd suddenly froze like a frightened rabbit. Then he hurriedly said: "No, it's okay. I'm a doctor myself. I know my health better than anyone else, maybe I'm tired recently Let ’s just rest and rest. ”As the words fell, she thanked her again as usual:“ I ’m here, thank you brother Ye for sending me. ”

Ye Mocheng, a little nerd, never thought about it, but he didn't think much about it, but the next day, he found that the little nerd had left him and went to the Tibetan bookstore.

Because he was only one step behind her, the guardian disciples of the Bookstore didn't embarrass him, but let it go immediately. Therefore, he found Xiaoshu stayed in a panic after seeing him.

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