Raiding the Blackened Male Lead

Chapter 729: Demon body 15

Biquge, the fastest update and fast wear: Raiders the latest chapter of the black male master!

It's ridiculous to say, the original owner behind the scenes is actually a fox, but compared to the majestic blood fox outside, this one is more embarrassed.

Not to mention the dirty hair all over his body, even his eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, terrified, and at this moment, he stared at the muddy eyes and stared at Mo Qing.

This is impossible. His soul-taking technique has never been able to be cracked. Who is this person in front of him?

"Who are you!"

Mo Qing looked at it indifferently, "I thought my appearance was obvious enough."

The soul-taking technique broke the illusion that Tang Qing gave him. The silver-haired eyes and the pair of pointed ears, such obvious characteristics, anyone can see who he is at first glance.


Of course, the fox also knows, but the elf race has always been high and does not participate in secular things. After all, the elves are the race closest to God. They are proud to make them look down on other races. .

The master who can be an elven tribe is naturally also an elven tribe, but he also has heard of the elven tribe. Although there is such a powerful master, it is impossible to be the terrible woman outside.

"Stinky boy, don't think you are an elf, I'll be afraid, hurry and tell me the truth, who is that woman outside?"

First broke its mist, and then broke the burial gang formation, and the tens of thousands of walking puppets, one after another, let it be directly repulsed, otherwise it has been in chaos in Shanghai for so long, just those puppets The spirit that the fox brings to it is enough to make it radiant, how could it be so embarrassing.

Knowing yourself and knowing each other can win a hundred battles, but now it doesn't even know the other party's details, how to take the move?

Mo Qing looked at it and said indifferently: "She is my master."

The fox exploded in anger. Of course it knew that the woman was his master. What she wanted to know was her identity!

"You deliberately tricked me?" It grinned teeth, the whole person was extremely manic, it looked at Mo Qing bloodthirstyly, and the voice was unprecedentedly cold, "You said, if I hold this hand, can you reach your master To save you? "

From the fox claw to the human hand, but the black nails are extremely long, full of yin, just touched Mo Qing's neck, the fair skin was invaded by the evil spirit, and suddenly left a large black spot .

Sha Qi invades the body, which should have been suffering from burning pain, but Mo Qing has not changed his face.

"I don't have to wait for my master to come."

He is still capable of coping with half demon clan. The reason why he was arrested is because he wanted to be caught by it.

Thinking of the fact that Master left him behind and left with other men, it felt as if he was superfluous, so I wanted to test whether Master had a playful attitude towards him or really put him in my heart.

Now, he has found the answer, and the garbage in front of him is naturally unnecessary.

The fox is huge, almost looking down at Mo Qing, but now it is panicking, and the elf family seems not incompetent in its imagination.


Mo Qing stretched out his hand, chopped his hand around his neck, and calmly said: "You guessed wrong, I am not an elven clan, or I am a mixed elf clan, as for my master ... You do n’t deserve to know. "

The fox watched in horror as he broke his fingers and wanted to attack, but found that he could not move at all. He could only watch him remove his hands, and then his feet, knee bones, thighs ...

The organs of the whole body were neatly dismantled, and in order to prevent it from dying so early, Mo Qing even painted a life-prolonging formation so that it would not die in the process of its disassembly. Of course, although it will not die , But can clearly feel all the pain.

The limbs were detached from the body, and then the internal organs, and the fox had never felt so desperate. It even felt that the person in front of him was a noble elven race, it was simply a demon!

"You, the devil!"

There is only one head left and right in the whole body that can move. It opens its mouth, widens its eyes, and dies dying.

Mo Qing suddenly lifted his lips, "Devil? By your good words, maybe the other half of my blood is really."

As soon as the voice fell, footsteps sounded outside the house. Speaking of it, his master was a ghost, and the other seemed to be the same. How could two ghosts have footsteps? It is nothing more than reminding him that they are here.

"Okay, my master is here to pick me up, and I should go." Speaking of Tang Qing, a hint of warmth finally appeared in the cold look.

He only squatted because he had left his head at the end of the dismemberment. Now when he heard the movement outside, he naturally had to stand up, but he did n’t know if he was intentional. When he walked toward the door, his foot stepped on On the head of the fox.

With a click, the door not far away squeaked.

The two sounds are stacked together, but it makes people ignore his movements, but who is Tang Qing, the apprentice she taught by one hand, she can still guess about what virtue is, like now, the big house can't see any other figure. , She looked on the ground.

Sure enough, a dismantled thing that could not be seen at all was lying quietly on the ground.

The blood fox originally wanted to talk about it. This apprentice was useless. It was like it. It accompanied her all the way. But when it saw something on the ground, the whole fox was dumbfounded.

This ... this is also cruel!

"Corp ... solution?"

Mo Qing felt a movement under his feet and frowned, "No, it's still alive."

Blood Fox: ...

Mo Qing withdrew his feet, looked at the fox with a breath under him, frowned slightly, and finally looked at Tang Qing with small eyes.

The look was too innocent, too pitiful, and Tang Qing's heart shook.

"Good apprentice, come on, you let go, this matter should be handled by the teacher."

The dismembered fox on the ground is not an ordinary fox. It is useless to dismember it. After all, its soul is still good, so the blood fox once again saw an event that made it dumbfounded.

Tear the demon soul, and the soul seems to belong to the same family.

Cruel, except for the word brutal, the blood fox thinks he can't think of any other words. If there are still a few apprentices who can't look down on the king before, it is now admirable.

"Apprentice ... apprentice ..."

Because he didn't know his name, Blood Fox could only call Tang Qing, but when it was exported, it was swept by a cold knife eye, which was so terrifying that he couldn't help shaking.

Mo Qing's voice was cold, and watching the blood fox was extremely calm. "Who are you calling?"

The blood fox knelt on the spot when he watched it. Why is it so scary than the king?

"I ... I ..." Blood Fox has been with me for a long time, and finally my head is blank, and the ghost makes the gods say: "I want to ask if the adult still lacks an apprentice? Do you think I am like this?"

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