Rainbow Moon Seeking Immortality

Chapter 244: Restoration


In the azure blue sky, white clouds are floating in all directions. They are floating leisurely, echoing with the herds of animals grazing on the ground, together outlining a peaceful afternoon.

Suddenly, a bright starlight streaked across the sky like a meteor, with a mighty momentum, breaking through the clouds and wind. Even in the afternoon when the sun was shining brightly, the stars were still as dazzling as those in the night sky.


The light of the meteor gradually weakened, and the speed decreased until it fell on a mound with no one around.

Suddenly, the starlight was bright, and countless star beams suddenly exploded like fireworks, followed by a crackling sound.

When the starlight completely dissipated, Qin Yiguan's figure was revealed.

But at this moment, he changed his face, with sharp features, handsome face, fair skin, sword eyebrows and star eyes, what a handsome gentleman!

At the same time, a hazy starlight mist tightly surrounded his body, making it difficult for others to see his face clearly, and only vaguely glimpsed his body through the mist.

After waiting for a few breaths and confirming that no one was calculating him, Qin Yiguan breathed a sigh of relief and waved his hand to stop urging the star mist to cover the immortal way killing move.

"It seems that both the Zhongzhou Guxian team and the Qin Baisheng Shadow Sect are fighting in the Fallen Valley and have no time to take care of me for the time being. I can relax for a while."

Qin Yiguan sighed and his mind moved.


There was a roar in his ears, and then his vision changed drastically. When he looked up again, he was already in his own immortal orifice.

The flow rate of the blessed land universe dropped sharply until it gradually approached the flow rate of the outside world.

At this point, Qin Yiguan withdrew the immortal way killing move with a new look.

The next second, a grayish-white face with small holes for facial features was peeled off from his face, and thousands of various poisonous insects emerged from his cochlea, jaw, nose tip and even hair. In just a few breaths, his true appearance was revealed.

He had yellow and loose skin, wrinkles all over the corners of his eyes and forehead, and sparse and pale hair. He looked like an old man in his seventies.

Under the dim light of Yuegu Fudi, he looked even more miserable and lonely.

This is Qin Yiguan, the most real him without any poisonous insects to cover up!

Compared with the aging of the body, Qin Yiguan is more concerned about the few immortal killing moves he just performed.

As a seventh-turn immortal killing move, the facial camouflage effect of changing one's appearance is indeed first-class. The specific experience is a bit similar to the blue-faced poison used in the mortal period. It can be maintained by injecting immortal essence every once in a while.

As for the means of movement used to hurry on the road, it was taken from the incomplete killing move Starfire Escape in the inheritance of Wanxiang Xingjun. With Starlight Immortal Gu as the core, it refers to the previous mortal-level killing move Rainbow Light Feather Clothes, and then perfects and develops the immortal-level mobile killing move - Starlight Escape!

This move focuses on the speed advantage of the light path, specializes in straight-line flying, and can reach the top speed of the same level once it is performed. It can be said to be Qin Yiguan's main means of movement.

Previously, because of participating in the attack and defense of Langya Fudi, he fought with various Gu Immortals, and used this to hone and try a series of killing moves, allowing him to further improve the various means he already has.

In terms of attack, the signature killing move Moon Blade Slash is still responsible for attack, and the newly derived Starlight Light Column and the immortal killing moves that have been integrated with Moon Shadow Immortal Gu are already useful.

For defense, the Star Dao means such as Polar Star Helmet and Star Straw Clothes are firmly responsible.

For movement, the speed of Starlight Escape is needless to say.

There are certain immortal killing moves to deal with reconnaissance and treatment.

Now, Qin Yiguan has made up for his initial shortcomings due to the addition of his star power. No matter attack and defense, advance and retreat, reconnaissance, or healing, he has no obvious weaknesses.

The Dao marks of different schools hinder each other, which is also a secondary factor affecting the combat power.

In general, his current combat power is stable at the peak of the sixth turn. If he activates the Moon Blade Immortal Gu and plays the effect of the single-blade Gu, he can form a seventh turn combat power.

If there is something missing, it should be a battlefield killer move.

Although Qin Yiguan has gained a lot from the Yulu Fudi strategy, he is still far from truly piecing together and developing a battlefield killer move that suits him.

He gathered his thoughts and turned his mind to the Yuegu Fudi.

Unlike before, the towering cloud island floating above the sky is particularly eye-catching.

When thinking about how to use these clouds, Qin Yiguan had a flash of inspiration and decided to try to use the special geographical location of the cloud island to cultivate resources from other schools above.

In this way, it will not consume the cloud island's own cloud path traces, and can further utilize its special location, which is really killing two birds with one stone.

Qin Yiguan flew to the cloud island on the west side of the blessed land to inspect the construction of the resource point.

All he saw was a watery pond, with bright moonlight sprinkled on the water, floating light and golden, and still shadows sinking into the jade.

By using special means, the clouds are specifically solidified and shaped to form a cloud island that can accommodate nearly a thousand acres of water. And because the available area is limited, crops like moon orchids and caged moon flowers that require additional water and soil and have low value are directly excluded.

The pool water is clear and transparent, but it is slightly blue under the reflection of the hazy moonlight. Hundreds of snail creatures at the bottom of the pool are living here safely.

Their shells are spiral, with a smooth surface and a sharp top. They can also gather moonlight here, gradually condensing tooth-like knots, soft as water, and shining on the surface. It is the moon path Gu material-crescent knot!

Qin Yikuan referred to the Yatan in the Dongfang family's Bitan blessed land and tried to recreate the scene of Yatan. However, he did not have the teeth of the ancient beast Full Moon Qilin in his hand, so he could not grind them.

I can only make a low-profile version temporarily, using these snail creatures to assist in condensing the ordinary crescent knot, so no matter in terms of level or efficiency, it is far inferior to the tooth pond of the Dongfang family.

"I remember that there are a few teeth of the ancient wild beast half-moon unicorn in the inventory of Langya Fudi. Although they are not as high-level as the full-moon unicorn, they can win by quantity, and there is hope to restore the scenery of the tooth pond!"

Qin Yiguan's face was thoughtful, and his heart was at ease.

Although the Bitan Fudi itself has celestial changes, the intensity of moonlight and development potential are far inferior to his Yuegu Fudi. If the tooth pond is placed here, the scale of the output of crescent knot fairy materials will definitely double.

Of course, if you want to exchange for the teeth of the half-moon unicorn that can build the tooth pond, the contribution points required are not cheap, and he needs to strive for more financial resources.

After inspecting the blessed land again and feeding the golden earthworm herd with thousands of kilograms of gold ore, Qin Yiguan returned to his two-story stilt house on the edge of the cliff, drank a jar of fine wine, rested for a night, and soothed the restless soul that had just fought a battle.

The next day, Qin Yiguan activated the Star Calculation Immortal Way Killing Move, and began to deduce other immortal ways killing moves, as well as the Star Gate Immortal Gu recipe that he had not completed with the White-haired Langya Earth Spirit.

He wanted to take advantage of this gap to take a break, further digest the inheritance, and pave the way and clear obstacles for the next second Kongqiao Ascension to Immortality.

"Think about it from another angle. Without the White-haired Langya Earth Spirit, it seems that no one will compete with me to refine the Star Gate Immortal Gu!" Qin Yiguan said after realizing it.


A month later, the East China Sea


Countless waves hit the reefs, turning into thousands of gorgeous waves and returning to the sea again.

Over and over again, endlessly.

Qin Yiguan sat cross-legged in meditation, with his five hearts facing the sky.

A wisp of sea breeze lifted his pale hair, which fluttered like cotton wool and swayed in the wind.

He stared at the vast sea, "It is true that once you have seen the sea, all other waters are nothing but water, and all other clouds are nothing but clouds in Wushan.

Let's get started!"

As soon as he finished speaking, an invisible force lifted him up and slowly rose.

The whole world darkened, and the howling wind and rolling dark clouds swept in, and the sea water also boiled.

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