Rainbow Moon Seeking Immortality

Chapter 44 How many surprises do you have that I don’t know about?


In the hall of the main pavilion, just now he was still surprised why Jiang He suddenly attacked, but in the blink of an eye, he was attracted by Gu Yue Chilian who almost fell down and made a sound.

As for that? What a fuss!

Some elders are still confused, but most of them have already become more alert.

Because Jiang He went to Chi Lian's house for a banquet last night, anyone with a discerning eye noticed a change in the factional power in the clan. Combined with the strange behavior of Jiang He and Chi Lian at the moment, it is not difficult to imagine...

If we really reach a consensus to join Red Vein, why wait until now to announce it?

The old-looking Gu Yue Mochen did not immediately turn around to check. Instead, he looked coldly at the nemesis he had been fighting with all his life, his eyes burning.

How long?

How long has it been since he saw Gu Yue Chi Lian lose his temper like this?

It’s not easy!

There was an indescribable feeling in his heart, and he became more and more looking forward to it.

Gu Yuebo's eyes swept across the family elders below, and finally stopped on Jiang He, showing a warm smile.

How many surprises do you have that I don’t know about? (Picture jpg.)

"Jiang He, please tell me!"

Feeling the eyes gathering on him, Jiang He looked around and caught a glimpse of Gu Yue Chilian, who was trembling slightly from the corner of his eye, and said loudly:

"Haha, it's not really a big deal. My younger brother Jiang Ya is getting married soon. I specially want to invite the patriarch. I wonder if I can give him a favor?"

As soon as these words came out, the originally solemn and silent hall suddenly became noisy.

"I thought something was wrong!"

"Harm, the thunder is loud, the raindrops are light, it's a bluff."

"Elder Jiang He, congratulations!"

Congratulations and complaints came and went.

Gu Yuebo's expression was slightly stagnant. He looked at Gu Yue Chilian out of the corner of his eye with deep meaning. Seeing that he was still unmoved and as steady as a mountain, he no longer lost his composure before and replied:

"I'm busy with trivial matters. I'm afraid I can't go there in person. I hope the Jiang He family will forgive me!"

"Don't dare!"

After the topic ended, all the elders gathered in front of Jiang He to congratulate him, and Jiang He also returned the invitation.

In fact, Jiang Ya's marriage was an accident.

Ever since Jiang He broke through the third level and was promoted to family elder, he often met women of the right age in the clan and made secret advances, but Jiang He rejected them all.

It's not that Jiang He himself is very noble, he treats people like pink skulls, but he simply doesn't want to be a burden. Besides, considering Jiang He's vision from countless movies in his previous life, Gu Yue's clan... was pretty average.

But Jiang He obviously underestimated it.

After a second round of insinuations from a certain male Gu Master, they boldly predicted that Jiang He's taste was different, so they simply outflanked him and decided to use his younger brother as his assistant.

Jiang Ya is young and has a low cultivation level. He used to be submissive and smile with low eyebrows. Now he follows Jiang He and his dog to ascend to heaven. He has a transcendent status. He has never seen such a scene. Facing the beauty's embrace, he falls in seconds.

After the regular meeting, Jiang He took the initiative to approach Gu Yue Chilian and invited him to attend the wedding banquet. Afterwards, the two left the main pavilion side by side, and their relationship seemed to be extremely close.

"Children of the Chi Lian family, can we talk?"

In the study, Jiang He said with a smile, looking directly at Gu Yue Chilian, who had a sinister expression and bloodshot eyes, as if he could breathe fire.

One second, two seconds...

The room was silent.

Gu Yue Chilian's body remained motionless like a sculpture until after six or seven breaths, Fang's lips and teeth moved and he uttered a few words coldly.

"what do you want?"

Ever since the farce at the previous regular meeting, Gu Yue Chilian knew that he had been played by the other party, but he had also lost his last fig leaf and could no longer deceive himself and others.

"It's not harmful. It's nothing. I just want to satisfy my curiosity..."

"What? You want the secret recipe for moonlight Gu's reverse refining! How could I possibly have that kind of thing!"

Gu Yue Chilian's eyes widened with an expression of disbelief.

He originally thought that Jiang He would extort some Yuan stones, Gu insects and the like, but he didn't expect that he would ask for a secret recipe. It was really beyond his expectation...

Out of caution, Jiang He did not throw out the reverse refining moonlight Gu and the moon orchid cultivation method at once to prevent Gu Yue Chilian from being suspicious.

It seems that due to confidentiality reasons, the news of Jiang He's request to see the secret recipe of the fourth rank in the clan has not been spread. This matter is only known to the clan leader, the elders of the secret hall and Jiang He himself. Of course, the clan leader also ordered him to keep it secret and not to spread it outside. Jiang He could not ignore it. no.

Therefore, Chi Lian did not think of some of the worst aspects.

Moonlight Gu, as the core Gu of the Gu Yue clan, is different from the common secular Gu. It originated from Gu Yue's generation and has continued to develop to achieve such a scale and grand occasion. It can be said to be the lifeblood of the Gu Yue clan, and its value far exceeds that of rank four, The secret recipe for the fifth turn.

"The reverse refining of Moonlight Gu has always been personally kept by the clan leader. I don't have it here, so..."

"Of course I know!" Jiang He knew it well and talked in detail, "But in order to prevent some unexpected situations from happening, in addition to the patriarchs of the past generations, an elder will also be appointed to take care of it."

"Since you know this, you should also understand that the fate of this family elder is not something I can control. It was appointed by the patriarch! He must also be the patriarch's confidant!"

Gu Yue Chilian's voice was low and hoarse, and the last two sentences were almost growling.

"I know! I know!" Jiang He signaled to Gu Yue Chilian that there was no need to be so excited, as if he was waving his hands to caress the other person's fur from a distance. "That's why I want to ask you, Lord Chi Lian, to help me. From top to bottom in the Gu Yue clan, except for the clan leader, you belong to me! Who dares to compare with you?"

"Hmph, get out! Everyone has their own opinions on who is second among the clan leaders, but it may not be me!"

Gu Yue Chilian snorted coldly, rolled his eyes at Jiang He, and sneered at this incoherent flattery.

"Then, please don't worry about Chi Lianjia!" Jiang He said decisively, staring at the other party, and said with an attitude that left no room for doubt.

He didn't think that the patriarch in charge of the secret recipe would be like a saint, and he would have gaps, scruples, and selfishness.

And how to pry open the other person's mouth and satisfy his appetite is not what he needs to worry about.

The corners of Gu Yue Chi Lian's mouth twitched slightly.

"Jiang He, I'm warning you! Don't think that you can kill my red veins with this. If you make me anxious, even if it means taking my life, I will fight to the death with you..."

"Okay, okay, okay! Since I'm sitting here with you, I'm naturally here to cooperate!"

Jiang He looked perfunctory and thought to himself, "You can't come up with something new, why can't it be exactly the same as the original work?"

After saying that, he stopped paying attention, got up and left.

Will Gu Yue Chilian really fight to the death as he said?


Even if the other party complained about Jiang He's plot to reverse the refining of Moonlight Gu, it would be his entire scarlet veins that would be buried with him in the end.

The current wolf tide has not passed yet, and the Red Vein force is still a giant in the clan, with more followers, which is far from the tragic decline of Chi Lian's cultivation in the original work.

Once the incident of Chicheng's qualification fraud comes out, what Chimai will have to endure is by no means as simple as a light punishment.

In other words, he has no courage and cannot afford to lose!

After walking out of Chimai Mansion, he turned around and looked back, disapprovingly.

"It doesn't matter, once you are alive, twice you become familiar."

A few days later, Jiang Ya's wedding took place as scheduled.

The banquet was sumptuous and crowded, bringing joy to the sad village.

During this period, Jiang He withstood the toasts of the guests and also received hints from the bride's eyes.

Unfortunately, he wasn't interested.

Many elders from the clan came here, including Gu Yue Mochen, who condescended to come in person and spoke with profound meaning.

Of course, what pleased him the most was the secret recipe for the Moonlight Gu reverse refining that Gu Yue Chilian sent him a week later.

"Wait! How can I guarantee that you won't leak the secret? This is no small matter!"

Gu Yue Chilian has a serious look and a solemn appearance.

"Then, what do you want?" Jiang He said with a helpless look on his face and a smile.

"Use this Gu!"

Gu Yue Chilian sneered and took out a Gu insect from the hole.

It was purple-red all over, the size of a finger, and had a ferocious mouth.

"Poison Oath Gu?!"

Jiang He's eyes flashed, and he looked at Gu Yue Chilian in front of him with deep meaning.

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