Rainbow Moon Seeking Immortality

Chapter 62 Drinking Water and Remembering Its Source Gu

Rumble, rumble——

A clear stream flew out from the top of the cliff, floating in the air, like a swimming dragon, weaving a several-foot-wide, sparkling water curtain.

Where the waterfall fell, the pool water rumbled, clear and mirror-like.

Qin Yiguan stood in front of the pool, his eyes moving with the stream flowing into the bottom of the tiankeng, carefully distinguishing it.

In his hand, four pieces of moon-spotted stones of different sizes, smooth appearance, soft light, and wet water stains lay quietly in his palm.


His eyes focused, and he found something in the splashing pool water.

He waded deep into the water, stood in the knee-deep pool water, bent down, and grabbed it with one hand.

The clear pool water brought the coolness of mid-autumn, and the cold pierced into the bones.

He grabbed it horizontally in the water, then lifted it out of the pool water, causing waves, and another moon-spotted stone was found.

Moon-spotted stones appear in an environment with strong moonlight all year round. The bottom of the cenote is open, without any obstacles to block it, and the stream reflects the moonlight. Therefore, the common moon-spotted stones are mostly produced from the bottom of the clear water, and only one will condense in eight or nine years.

The seven small families in Qijiazhai seemed not to notice, or not to care about this kind of Moon Dao Gu material.

He scanned the circle again and again to make sure that there was nothing missing, shook his sleeves and wrung out the water stains.

The bookworm that had eaten the map in his mind before made Qin Yiguan know a lot about the surrounding environment of the Stone Monkey Tiankeng community, and he stood up and ran to the next pool.

"The output of one acre of Moon Orchid field is only enough to supply the three-turn Moon Xuan Gu for one year.

And to build a one-acre Moon Orchid field, at least five Moon-spotted stones are needed to surround it. Even so, the growth cycle is about one to two months, and the specific maturity time depends on the concentration of Yuan Qi, moonlight exposure, etc."

Qin Yiguan's feet were spinning, and he ran away, recalling the details of the Moon Orchid cultivation method in his mind.

In the underground cave of the ancient Yue clan, the scale of moon orchid cultivation was huge, covering nearly 100 acres. At least six crops were planted a year, and 10,000 kilograms of moon orchid petals were produced annually to supply the ancient Yue clan.

He would major in the Moon Dao in the future, so the moon orchid petals would naturally not be interrupted, and at least several acres would be cultivated to be enough.

In the evening, under another tiankeng waterfall, Qin Yiguan found two more moon-spotted stones in the stream.

After a busy day, he went to several tiankengs around to avoid the beasts, and finally gathered 21 moon-spotted stones, which were enough to surround at least four acres of moon orchid fields.

Touching the hard and faint moon-spotted stone, Qin Yiguan put it into a wooden box and murmured, "The best way to store the moon-spotted stone is to store it in a dark box to avoid sunlight.

But now that the moon-spotted stone has been found, what about the Yuanquan matter..."

Qin Yiguan was distressed.

It is best to cultivate the moon orchid near the Yuanquan to facilitate the absorption of Yuanqi, which is conducive to the growth of the moon orchid, and there must be regular exposure to moonlight.

All of these put forward strict requirements for the cultivation site of moon orchids.

All famous mountains and rivers are where the Yuan Qi gathers, and there are often Yuan Springs. The more beautiful the place is, the more Yuan Springs there are.

For example, there are three Yuan Springs in Qingmao Mountain, which are occupied by three families and become the foundation of their livelihood.

And because of its special geographical environment, the Stone Monkey Tiankeng has rich Dao traces and a large number of Yuan Springs. The seven small families can settle here for hundreds of years, and naturally they rely on Yuan Springs.

Qin Yiguan himself wanted to look for it here to see if he could try his luck, but he really didn't have much hope.

Think about the hundreds of families who were forced to go to Baigu Mountain to find Yuan Springs because of the depletion of Yuan Springs to maintain the existence of their families. They also searched for a long time and invested a lot of manpower and material resources.

Relying purely on luck is really nothing but a fool's dream.

Of course, like a certain idiot in Beiyuan, it is really God who feeds you... that's another matter!

Speaking of how to find Yuan Springs, Qin Yiguan remembered a strange Gu - Drink water and remember its source.

It is a fifth-turn waterway Gu worm. After using it, you only need to drink the stream water to know the source and distinguish the difference in Yuan Qi. It can be said to be the best choice for finding Yuanquan.

Unfortunately, it is only a disposable Gu worm and will disappear after use.

It is hard to say which is better to exchange a fifth-turn Gu worm for a Yuanquan.

Every additional Yuanquan is a huge improvement in the foundation and financial resources of a force.

A small Yuanquan, from its formation to its disappearance, can produce at least 100 million Yuanshi in total.

Annual production of hundreds of thousands of pieces, lasting for hundreds of years.

If a large Yuanquan can be found, it will naturally make a lot of money.

Qin Yiguan grew thunder wings on his back, ignored the pairs of eyes in the rock wall, and flew out of the tiankeng.

Returning to the jungle, shuttling through the bushes, he rushed south all the way to the tiankeng where Qijiazhai was located.


With a glance, Qin Yiguan stopped suddenly.

In his pupils that had doubled in size, he saw a group of four people, looking hurried, climbing over the rock wall of the tiankeng and running towards the tiankeng where he had been before.

"Black belt, with shoulder armor, should be the Qin family in Qijiazhai!"

He had not been in Qijiazhai for a long time, but he could tell the seven Gu Masters apart.

"They are all rank three Gu Masters! What are they going to do?"

Scanning the belts of the four Qin Gu Masters one by one, he found that three of them were wearing silver three-character square pieces on their waists, and they were undoubtedly rank three Gu Masters.

The leader was actually rank four Gu Masters, and was the head of the Qin family!

The Qin family was just a small family, and the number and scale of rank three elders were far less than that of the Guyue family. It was naturally no small matter to mobilize the head of a family.

Qin Yiguan blinked his eyes, a little confused, and a little curious.

Watching the four Qin family members gradually go away, he got up and chased them.

However, he no longer used the Thunder Wing Gu to be so conspicuous and ostentatious, but instead used the third-level Shadow Rush Gu and the third-level Breath-Containing Gu, sneaking through the jungle between the tiankengs and following from a distance.

After chasing for half a quarter of an hour, the four Gu Masters of the Qin family stopped at a shallow beach at the bottom of the tiankeng, and the three elders scattered and searched carefully among the surrounding rocks.

"What are you looking for?"

In the distance, Qin Yiguan was crawling among the bushes on the cliff, activating the Eagle Eye Gu, silently observing the every move of the Qin family Gu Master at the bottom of the pit, and complaining in his heart.

Because the bottom of the world is extremely open, his idea of ​​entering the tiankeng and sneaking near the Qin family Gu Master to eavesdrop is unrealistic.

Only by observing from a distance can he avoid being discovered.

After a long time, the Qin family elder returned to the side of the Qin family patriarch, muttered a few times, and then tacitly formed a battle formation with the patriarch as the core, ready to fight.

Another quarter of an hour later, the sun was setting in the west, and the mountains were dyed red.

A lone figure flew from the other end of the tiankeng and headed straight for the Qin family's Gu Master.

"Here he comes!" Qin Yiguan was shocked, and he concentrated on distinguishing the appearance of the visitor, and was immediately shocked, "Uh, this is... Jia Gui? How did he..."


"Brother Qin, I'm late!" Jia Gui bowed his hands, and a smile filled his thin cheeks.

"Lord Jia Gui is too polite! The original appointment was at sunset, so it's not considered late." The head of the Qin family caught a glimpse of the hint of the family elder beside him, and said loudly, urging. "Hurry up and trade!"

"Okay! I got the news from Brother Qin, so I deliberately took a detour here. I hope I don't return disappointed!"

Jia Gui spoke calmly, his eyes were dim, and he glanced at the three Qin family elders beside him, and then took out several Gu worms from his empty cavity, all kinds of Gu worms.

A thumb-sized, silver-glowing, third-level Gu worm stands out among all the Gu worms.

The Drinking Water, Remembering Its Source Gu comes from a Tomato book friend with the ID Qingqing Zijin.

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