Raising a Fox Spirit in My Home

Chapter 802: I really don't believe this!

Whether it is Li Yundong or Su Shi, or the asters, Zhou Qin, and the foxes above and below the fox door, they did not realize that it is not a coincidence that the arrogance and frost are immediately behind Cao Kefei.

Proud and frost-free Since I made up my mind to start with the mysterious fox, the whole person is hidden in the shadows, and I have been watching Cao Kefei in the distance.

Although she has countless opportunities to start in these two days, but there is one of the most worrying places in the arrogance: this fascinating woman, is she a mysterious fox, or Cao Kefei?

If it is Cao Kefei, then I can take her life at any time. When the soul of the mysterious fox has not been completely integrated with the soul of Cao Kefei, as long as she breaks down her body and the furnace, Tianji Xuanhu wants to restore all strength through the robbery. That would be tantamount to idiots and dreams. As long as she is unable to cross the thunder, then Wang Yuanshan can easily defeat this once peerless powerhouse, and even Li Yundong can flatten her with one hand.

But if she is now a mysterious fox, then the arrogance and frostless sudden shot, there must be only one consequence: the anti-killing of the heavenly mysterious fox, even the spike.

Although she is not afraid of death, she does not want to die in such a plain and unreasonable manner. She practiced ** and cherished her life. Fox is no exception.

Tianji Xuan Fox is a woman who is both passionate and ruthless, gentle and cruel. She has all the characteristics and temperament of her hero, so she will never be the same kind of arrogant and frosty. She is also a descendant of Fox Zen. Passionate.

This is definitely a queen who is obedient to my death.

Therefore, the proud and frost-free has been very cautious, she kept quietly observing Cao Kefei these days, and did not dare to rely too close, and since the completion of the crew, Cao Kefei has been mixed with the post-production of the crew, and communicated with the director. Later, she and the invited Liu Feier went to Li Yundong's home.

Of course, it is impossible for the proud and frost-free to appear in the face of the mysterious fox in these days. Otherwise, it will definitely cause the vigilance of the celestial fox. But when she was surprised, she found that Cao Kefei went to Li Yundong’s home, which could not help but let it go. Amazing frost-free sigh: God gave her a chance to let her test Cao Kefei.

If this woman is still Cao Kefei, then she will kill her as soon as she has a little chance. If this woman is a celestial fox... then she must bear it, and endure that the thunder is coming, she will cross the thunder. When there is no precaution, do it again!

When the thunder was robbed, the practitioners sacrificed their own sun gods and swam in the rolling clouds of the Thunder, accepting the baptism of the Thunder, but this time the practitioner’s body is the most vulnerable. If there is no law, she will have no Any precaution, that is, a child with a knife can also kill the mysterious fox.

The spiritual **** of the practitioner comes from the cohesive change of the internal organs. If the sun is only floating outside the furnace, nothing will be done, and it will not be affected by any external forces. It will lose power every day. This is the "day." The reason is that the damage is more than enough to make up for the lack of", because the practitioners have lost the "human way, the lack of damage and more than enough" practice base.

This is the simplest philosophical reason that "the material determines the spirit, the spirit affects the material". Without the material of the flesh and the body, the sun **** representing the spiritual power wants to improve itself, or maintain its own strength, which is absolutely impossible because "The way of heaven, the loss is more than enough to make up for it."

When practitioners want to borrow from the sky when they are crossing the thunder, they must put their own gods in the thunder, let the Thunder smash their own gods, and then absorb the thunder in the process of re-gathering. the power of.

The reason why Yangshen can be dispersed in the Thunder and can be re-aggregated is that the physical body has a strong ability to recover and self-supply.

This is also the reason. If the practitioner is destroyed in the body of the thunder, then the spiritual **** of the practitioner will become a tree without roots, the water of the passive, once the thunder dissipates the yang of the practitioner God, unless it is cultivated in the realm of Jinxian, it is impossible to gather again, and it is impossible to recover. There is only one result: the gods are destroyed. This world has never had this character ever since. It won't appear now, and it won't appear again in the future.

Proud and frost-free, holding the little girl in her arms, although she looked at her with affection, but the light of her own eyes has been quietly looking at Cao Kefei, paying attention to her slight change of expression.

Su Shi is smarter, and she definitely can't guess that her master is daring to start with the celestial fox. She thought that her master would not come back again. Whoever thought of just talking about it, in the blink of an eye, her master would come back, she was proud. In the arms of the frost, I burst into tears, and in a moment I wet the clothes of the proud and frost-free chest.

Proud and frost-free, slaps Su Shi’s back and whispers: “Well, how old, don’t cry, don’t you be afraid of shame?”

Su Shi looked up in tears and looked at his master poorly: "Master, you will not disappear without a word?"

I am arrogant and look at the eyes and the ones who have been dependent on each other for ten years. She knows what she has to do. After she has died for a lifetime, it is very likely that she will not see her children in the future. She wants to be separated from her nephew. A pain in her heart, she smiled slightly and lied: "No, rest assured, I will not go back again after I come back this time."

As she said, she suddenly looked at Cao Kefei's body and then came back with lightning.

The other person did not notice her abnormality and thoughts at all. Although Li Yundong felt that the timing of returning from the frost was a little clever, but now it is just after the end of the new year, the joyful atmosphere is strong, not only him, but everyone else thinks this. It is the performance of "good things in pairs", no one thinks deep.

Moreover, I am afraid that even if Holmes regenerates, it is definitely not expected to be proud of the frost.

Li Yundong, Ziyuan and others are not expected, Cao Kefei naturally can not be aware of it. Although she relies on the woman's keen instinct, she feels that she has been consciously and unconsciously looking at herself secretly, but she did not think much, even It is purely thought that Su Shi’s master is "supervising and vigilant" for Su Shi, and does not let himself be closer to Li Yundong.

At this time, Cao Yi, Liu Yuehong and Ling Yue, all the little foxes of Fox Chanmen, also smiled and welcomed the return of the proud and frost-free return. For a time, the living room was full of joy and laughter.

After Li Yundong smiled and nodded to the arrogance, he turned his head and smiled at Cao Kefei and Liu Feier: "Have you ever had breakfast? How come so early?"

Cao Kefei had not had time to talk. Liu Feier, who was on the side, smiled and shouted: "I have heard that you have cooked up, so we are hungry for three days and three nights, just to vacate our stomach to eat you. Hey, Li Xianren, should you not slam the door to not entertain us?"

This playful joke said that everyone laughed. Li Yundong also smiled: "There are some flowers and cakes that were steamed out last night. You should eat some padding in the morning, otherwise you will have a big meal in a while. Your stomach is broken."

Liu Feier dressed up as a grimace: "Who wants to eat simple and ordinary things like flower cakes, we have to eat big meals, we have to eat a full feast!"

On the side of Cao Kefei smiled and pulled her: "Hey, you are crazy, don't make trouble!"

Li Yundong shook his head: "Manchu seats? This is not!"

Liu Feier also took Cao Kefei with her elbow, and then said to Li Yundong in a serious way: "This can be!"

Li Yundong laughed and laughed, and said in a serious way: "This is really not!"

Liu Feier deliberately showed a look of slyness: "There is no such thing, then what big meal to eat, and you still say that you cook well."

Li Yundong laughed and laughed: "I have never praised your cooking skills in front of you. Who praises?" He said, he couldn't help but look at Su Shi and Zhou Qin. In his opinion, I was afraid of this. It is estimated that when the two of them were accompanying Cao Kefei and Liu Feier in Hainan, one of them said.

Who expected Su Shi and Zhou Qin to be guilty conscience at the same time, have not crossed their heads, dare not go to see Li Yundong.

Li Yundong laughed out, so wow, you both have a share!

Liu Feier, who is on the side, does not care about this. He has reached out and grasped Li Yundong with a big hand. He said that you are looking at you. I don’t care, "I don’t care, anyway, you have to entertain us today, you can’t eat outside, you must Do it yourself, and I will eat a full feast."

Everyone knows that Liu Feier is joking, so he smiles and looks at Li Yundong, waiting to see him jokes.

Li Yundong thought about it as a difficult one, but said helplessly: "There is no man in the Han Dynasty, full of sweat, do you want it?"

Liu Feier couldn't help but smile and shouted: "Hey, stinky, dirty, and have no appetite for dinner!"

Li Yundong looked like a big smile: "I have no appetite? That's good!" Li Yundong said to everyone: "Small, no one wants to eat a full feast, why should we go!"

Everyone laughed and slammed, and Liu Feier suddenly screamed: "Hate, you are bullying me!" She said, she turned her face and looked at Cao Kefei with a pitiful look: "Cao Jie, look, your little ......" She wanted to say that your little family bullied me. Whoever expected Cao Kefei to hear these words came out, suddenly a spirit, immediately put a finger on her arm, and gave her the following words. Go back.

Liu Feier had a pain in her arm. She swallowed her words and changed her voice. "Your little abacus can’t be played, people don’t buy your account! Hey, I thought Cao Jie, how big is your face, it turns out that We can't eat the full man, let's go, it's too disappointing, it's too sad, let's go back to the armpits."

The big star said that he would go back to the nest and say who wrote it?

Cao Kefei was shocked by Liu Feier’s “sudden attack”, and there was a layer of hairy sweat on her back. She secretly took a look at Liu Feier, then her face sighed deliberately: “Yes, then we will go back first. Let's go."

A woman is born to be an excellent actor. Cao Kefei is also a person who rolls in the crowds all day long, long-sleeved and good-natured, acting versatile lv99-level characters, no less than any professional actor, she said this, grievous, If she doesn't understand her, she will think that she is really unhappy and wants to leave.

Li Yundong naturally knows that they are talking and singing, and they are joking. They know where they are, and she knows that Cao Kefei has just come, but she has a chance to meet her face to face and want to try her again. However, where to let Cao Kefei go so easily.

Proud and frost-free, I immediately blurted out and said: "Isn't it a full feast? I will!"

This statement said that everyone was suddenly dumb and shocked, Li Yundong and Aster all looked shocked and looked at the arrogance.

Dare to say that you will be full of feasts? No way? As the saying goes, real people don't show up, but... is this too unrecognizable? I haven't seen the proud and frost-free before, like a super chef who will be a full-fledged man!

Moreover, in the world today, how many chefs dare to slap their chests and say that they will be full of feuds?

Others don't know if they can do it or not, but Su Shi can't understand it anymore. If she wants to eat the sizzling cake to eat, she will be a full-fledged master. Laughing off the chick full of gums!

Su Shi’s eyes widened and looked proud and frost-free. The look was like seeing a ghost, and his face did not believe.

Proud and frost-free see Su Shi's expression, could not help but glance at her, made a look, seems to say: this you can believe!

Su Shi immediately shook his head and shook his head. He also looked back: I really don't believe this!

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