Raising a Fox Spirit in My Home

Chapter 811: Break the case like God!

When I heard this voice, everyone turned around and looked at the door.

Everyone saw a man about 50 years old, and his face came in with a smile. This man Li Yundong also knew that it was the director Gong who met at the emperor.

Zhou Qin looked at the side and smiled secretly: Hey, he was quick to respond, it was time, but how did he get the news so quickly?

Zhou Qin thought, his eyes involuntarily glanced at the back of the Secretary Gong, and at a glance, he saw the captain Liu of the Public Security Brigade follow him.

Zhou Qin suddenly stunned, it must be this guy ventilating!

The same is true. When I was in Emgrand, the captain Liu, who was still the body of Bai Ding, seemed to be more astute and sleek. At this time, after being promoted to be an official, he was deeply convinced that he had to rely on the mountain, and everything was requested. Today When he happened here during the day, he would know Mr. Gong for the first time, and he was appreciative. Now there is such a thing happening at night. Where can he report his boss in the first place?

Captain Liu reported that Rao is the director of Gong who likes to plan for the battle, and wins the command of the air. He does not have the habit of the scene, but when he listens to the identity of the deceased, another place where the incident occurred, and the suspects involved in the case, he suddenly became shocked. A cold sweat!

what? Director of the Municipal Party Committee Li died naked and Xiao San fell to the building? The suspect actually opened the land three immortals, even the governor and almost the entire Tiannan city government team to congratulate Li Yundong, also, **** Zhou Keqiang's daughter?

This, what is the name of this! But I took the two seals into the house!

The energy represented by these two old guys is a bit scary. As for the director of the city committee, he is also a bit of a background, but compared with the two giants, it is like a yellow croaker than a blue whale. Not on an equal weight.

Secretary Gong was keenly aware that he had to be there for the first time. He had to be a leader, and he had to make a good impression in front of the Li Gongzi and Miss Zhou. Although it was inevitable that there would be shameless It’s suspected, but if the two men mentioned their name in front of Zhou Keqiang or Li Yuanbo afterwards, it would be an endless use of things.

It is precisely because of this that Director Gong rushed to the scene at the first time. The speed of the visit was not much slower than that of the reporter. The others did not arrive, and the voice first arrived. The three criminal police who heard his voice immediately rose to salute.

Gong Zixian smiled and reached out and shook hands with them. Then he came to Li Yundong with enthusiasm. The smile was extremely brilliant and reached out: "Li Gongzi, I haven't seen it for some time, you are getting better and better."

Li Yundong smiled and shook hands with the director Gong. He said: "Mr. Gong is also unpredictable. How can you be alarmed today?"

Director Gong laughed and said: "Hey, where is the big thing happening, I naturally want to come. I heard that Li Gongzi and Xiao Zhou are all involved, then where can I still sit? Naturally, right away. Come back and you will be innocent."

He said, he turned his head and smiled at Zhou Qin: "Xiao Zhou, you are getting more and more beautiful!"

Zhou Qin smiled slightly and said with a sharp tongue: "Mr. Gong, don't say so early, the case is still not qualitative. We are also suspected. You can't handle this case." She pointed to the three policemen. Laughing and laughing: "We have to cooperate with the investigators to make a statement."

Gong Zixian frowned and frowned. He looked at the three policemen with a gaze, and then he smiled and said: "Where, the confession is for the prisoner. Even if you want to ask, please ask the two to help investigate and do some transcripts." ""

Said, Gong Zixian turned his head, Shen Sheng said to the three: "How are you doing a few transcripts? You are responsible for this case, you must uphold the fairness and openness, and you can stand up to the conscience of the heavens and the earth, and the good style of the civilians. If you want to find out the case, you must not let go of a criminal who has missed the net, and you must not fall into an excellent citizen!"

The director Gong is no longer shameless, and he is not willing to reprimand his subordinates in the face of Li Yundong and Zhou Qin. Otherwise, things will spread, how do you point yourself to others? Who is still working for himself?

Therefore, he said that he had said something like this. He said that he did not leak water and said that he was swaying, but the final focus was on "cannot frame a good citizen", and who is a good citizen? Isn't this clear at a glance?

The three criminal police officers were depressed, and the head of the national character face was a calm face. The belly was full of belly: You picked up these people when you came. Is this not disturbing the investigation? These people are obviously the biggest criminal suspects. They also recorded what **** records, and simply went back to sleep!

But this can only be said in the stomach, the face is absolutely unsatisfactory, the national character face is not pressing fast, and the muffled voice pleads with Li Yundong and Zhou Qin: "I'm sorry, Mr. Li, Miss Zhou, there are many offenses before, please forgive me. "Li Yundong's heart is like a mirror. He smiled slightly and knew that the other party was also a responsible policeman. He only had a strong sense of substitution. There was nothing wrong with him. He said with a warm voice: "Where, You have your duties, how to cooperate, tell us that we are, we will try our best to cooperate with you."

Li Yundong’s attitude made them feel a lot better in their hearts, and their faces slowed down. They began to ask questions and record them.

After completing the transcript, the three police officers paid a tribute to Li Yundong and others, and turned to leave. The director Gong also smiled and stood up, shaking hands with Li Yundong and Zhou Qin, laughing: "Li Gongzi, Xiao Zhou, what? Inconvenience, please also understand a lot, we must check the case clearly, and Li Gongzi, you are innocent."

Li Yundong smiled slightly: "The Qing Dynasty is self-cleaning, and the turbidity is self-turbid."

Director Gong gave a thumbs up: "Well, Li Gongzi is really good, good chest! Great!"

The Chinese character face and the two criminal police behind him saw Gong’s brazen and arrogant arrogance. He only felt guilty in his heart and quickly left after finding an excuse. After the three of them came downstairs, the four-eyed clergy police could not help but complain: "The Gong Bureau himself is also a criminal investigation. Why don't you understand the rules? Where is there such a thing? I have picked up the biggest suspects! Isn't this creating obstacles and troubles for us?"

The policewoman next to him sneered: "Childish! Didn't you see these people coming to the head? Gong Bureau wants to protect themselves, afraid that this case will involve them all, and avoid getting fired!"

The four-eyed clerk said with dissatisfaction: "What is it? The crime of the emperor is the same as that of the untouchables. Is it not a legal society?"

The smile on the face of the policewoman is more and more ridiculous: "You are naive, you are really childish!"

The four-eyed clerk retorted: "How am I childish?"

The two are about to quarrel, and the face of the national character has a long face and shouted: "All shut up, noisy here, like what! Go, go to the scene with me!"

The two men looked at each other and closed their mouths. The body that followed the Chinese character face came to the scene.

Although they have seen it before, but at this time, I can see that Director Li and Xiao San, who are one or two meters away from the side, are not adult, almost all become meat patties, and others can’t bear to witness.

The four-eyed clerk looked at the location of the corpse, the angle, and the direction and extent of the blood spatter. He couldn’t help but look back at the building behind him. He said with a strange look: "Hey, you said this man’s body and the building. It’s five or six meters away. How did they fall here? I don’t think it’s like being transferred to a corpse here? Could it be thrown out?”

The policewoman also looked around the corpse and shook her head. "Impossible. Who can throw a man of more than one hundred kilograms out of five or six meters? Do you think you are Schwarzenegger? Even if you can, look at it. This fell into this way. Is this the appearance of falling from the fourth floor? I want to see it. It falls from the plane and it is estimated that it will fall like this. From the height of the fourth floor, there is absolutely no drama!"

The Chinese character’s face also nodded. “Well, this fourth floor is thrown down. It’s absolutely impossible to fall into this. It’s at least thrown from the tall buildings of the 20th and 30th floors to fall into this look.”

This view, the criminal police with a little reasoning and observation ability can draw this conclusion. The most embarrassing thing is that there are no high-rise buildings nearby, and the tallest building that can meet this theoretical requirement is several kilometers away from here! How did the criminals throw the two guys from such a high place? Is it by plane?

Thinking of this, the Chinese character suddenly said: "Hurry and ask, is there any plane passing by tonight, or there is no private aircraft take-off record, go quickly."

The four-eyed clerk responded with a sigh of relief. After a while, he walked back with a look of frustration. When he met, he shook his head. "Hey, no! The airport plane in Tiannan City does not fly here, and There is no record of the take-off of private jets today. Moreover, the head, I just investigated the camera records of the community. After the two people entered the building, they never came out again."

This time, the three people really felt that they had entered a dead end. They wanted to break their heads and couldn’t think of it. How did the two people go up and how did they come down?

At this moment, the captain of the security squad, Liu, also came over and looked at the two men. They sighed and sighed and shook their heads: "Hey, it’s still alive during the day, why didn’t you have it at night?"

The Chinese character looked at him and quickly recovered his gaze. He said casually: "Captain Liu, what do you think?"

"My opinion?" Captain Liu turned his eyes and wanted to say "My opinion is that there is no opinion", but his eyes quickly saw the director Gong who came out of the stairwell. He took the opportunity to smile and said: "Yes. Was the Gong Bureau not used to be a criminal investigation? He used to break the case like a god, let him come and see, he must be able to see the clue!"

The Chinese character face was surprised and said: "Ah? Gong Bureau is a criminal investigation, and can't come out!"

Gong Zixian has always been known as a good old man in the bureau. He can’t tell that he used to be a criminal policeman. The captain Liu, who was on the sidelines, boasted: "You can underestimate our Gong Bureau, the previous four. That is, the Gong Bureau took the lead, but he broke the case like a god!"

The Chinese character face and others originally had some rumors about the Gong Bureau. At this time, I heard a little embarrassed saying to the Secretary of Gong who came over: "Gong Gong, you see, what is this?"

Director Gong listened to what they had said before. He glanced at Captain Liu and nodded secretly. He said: He did not cultivate him white.

Director Gong took a modest smile and waved his hand. Then he looked at the case on the spot and smiled confidently: "This case is very simple!"

The police officers around were shocked. They had guessed that they had been deducted for a long time, but they didn’t figure out how they would fall from such a high place and fall to death!

When Secretary Gong came, he only understood it with a glance.

This, this is really **** is old and spicy!

The Chinese characters and other people are more and more awe-inspiring, and they are respectful and respectful. Just like the primary school students facing the teacher, they ask: "Gong Gong, you give us some advice."

There are also curious policemen next to them: "Yes, Gong Bureau, let me talk about it, what is going on here?"

Director Gong laughed happily: "Isn't this simple?" He leaned over his hips and waved his face with a big hand: "This is obviously... suicide!!"

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