Raising a Fox Spirit in My Home

Chapter 816: Donglei earthquake

Liu Feier looked at the palm of the mysterious fox and photographed it on her head. She did not doubt that this soft and white fibrin hand could make her head melon into pieces with little effort.

"I didn't expect that I actually died in the hands of Cao Jie..." Liu Feier sighed in her heart, and her eyes flashed a trace of despair.

But in the eyes of her seeing the palm of the mysterious fox, she covered her own eyes, and the moment she was about to photograph her head, this prime hand suddenly stopped in front of her face.

Tianji Xuan Fox stared at Liu Feier with a blink of an eye. His face seemed to be ugly. Her palm was slightly trembling, and it seemed that she could stop falling in the air.

But soon, Tianji Xuanhu took a deep breath, his face suddenly became red on one side, and then quickly became pale. During her breath, her face changed a few times, and it slowly returned to normal.

The smile of Tianji Xuanhu slowly retracted his hand and said: "You and her relationship seem to be really good, hey, forget it, let you go!"

Liu Feier did not know that Tianji Xuanhu was in the palm of his hand. Cao Kefei’s memory and knowledge caused riots in the body of Tianji Xuanhu, which made her actions somewhat stiff and inconvenient.

She also thought that Tianji Xuanhu was thinking that she had a good relationship with Cao Kefei and let herself go. She is not a man who is bold and strong, and she is not a strong person who is not afraid of death. She is just a little girl. There is no reason to be afraid of death.

At the moment, the door was closed from the ghost gate, and a life was killed. Liu Feier suddenly seemed to be vain. The station was almost unable to stand, and the fear of the mysterious fox was at its peak.

She looked a little timid at the mysterious fox, some whispered: "You don't kill me? Why?"

Tianji Xuanhu smiled and said: "You will know later, now... let me go!"

Said, she rubbed Liu Feier in one hand and smashed her like a chicken. Her body flashed and disappeared instantly.

Just in the days of the mysterious fox and the arrogance of the law, in the urban area of ​​Tiannan City, Li Yundong was sitting alone in his room, sitting cross-legged, silently carrying his breath and thinking about what happened today.

It is a realm of danger to human beings, and this is the sixth sense of ordinary people.

However, the sixth sense of ordinary people is like the six-pulse sword of Duan Yu. When the time is not working, Li Yundong’s premonition is mostly accurate.

Although Li Yundong did not know where this danger started, he could vaguely feel that an inexplicable danger was being hidden from himself, and he seemed to be in the ocean, even though the sea was still calm, but under his feet. The undercurrent is soaring, and the sky is full of wind and clouds. It seems that the calm sea will start to scream in the next second.

Li Yundong wants to remind people around him to pay attention to safety, but it is just the New Year. Not only are the little foxes all happy to prepare for a happy new year, even Zhou Qian and others who have always been stable. Looking forward to it, I prepared everything early.

The atmosphere around him was peaceful, and there was no such thing as a mountain rain. The Yun Yundong did not want to disturb this. He was disturbed by their unwillingness to live a good year.

Although China’s “yearly taste” is getting weaker and lighter, more and more people are not paying attention to the New Year, but there are still many people who see the “New Year’s” as more than the day, even if it’s hard to suffer any more. Have a hot spring festival with my family.

Li Yundong’s parents are irrelevant. They have been independent since childhood, and their feelings towards their parents are very weak. At the moment, he sees the little foxes as their own family. They want to be happy for a long time. Of course, it cannot be disappointing

Besides, what is the headman doing? Is it for the sake of arrogance, the opponent's finger pointing? Since he is the head, he naturally has to take up this responsibility. Although Li Yundong now feels that this head is somewhat unreliable, Liu Wei is thinking about himself behind his own, but Li Yundong is a very responsible man, since he is here. Take a day in the position, then think about the day, do the duty of the day, pick it up silently, don't let the pressure transfer to Su Shi and the little foxes.

Thinking of this, Li Yundong sighed silently and just wanted to throw these troublesome things aside, and he heard someone gently knocking on the door.

Li Yundong smiled slightly. He didn't have to guess to know who it was. These days, almost every night, Xiaotoutou knocked on the door with a very unique rhythm, so that Li Yundong knew that she was coming.

After a while, the door was pushed open, and I saw the little girl squinting into the head and looking at herself with a smile.

These two nights, two couples are in love with rape, such as paint, such as glue, it is really uncomfortable to separate for a second, although there is a very unpleasant thing during the day, there is a bizarre murder case at night, but the little girl is slightly fixed. After the heart, I was looking for Li Yundong.

Li Yundong smiled and waved at Xiaoxiaotou, indicating that she was coming in.

The little girl slammed the door quietly and came to the bed with a thief-like hand. When she rolled out, she went to bed and fell in Li Yundong's arms.

Xiaotoutou looked up and looked at Li Yundong's face, but when he saw the hidden sorrow in his eyes, he couldn't help but ask: "Yundong, are you still thinking about that case?"

Li Yundong smiled and caressed her face and smiled. "Not just this thing, there are other things."

Su Shi thought about it, and it was very clever to ask: "Is it the sister of Aster?"

Li Yundong shook his head with a smile, but soon nodded again: "Is not it, the thing in Aster is just one of them."

Su Shi said: "Yundong, there are really a lot of things happening recently. Which one are you most worried about now?"

Li Yundong sighed: "My biggest concern is that these seemingly unrelated things, but actually one thing!"

Su Shi took a moment, and then his eyes widened: "You mean..."

Li Yundong nodded slowly: "I always feel that these things happen together. It doesn't look like a coincidence, but like a pair of invisible hands weaving everything..."

Su Shi said: "What do you think someone is controlling?"

Li Yundong whispered: "This is an alarmist! Although it is a matter of making people, but if you want to do something, you have to look at the meaning of God. Many of these things happen, some are artificial, but some are just like coincidences. But When these human factors and coincidence factors come together, it is really a headache!"

Su Shi sighed and understood Li Yundong’s meaning: "What you mean is that if it is purely man-made, then you can predict, you can deal with it. But when this man-made thing is mixed with accidents, it will lead to The whole thing slips into an unpredictable situation, is that the case?"

Li Yundong gently patted the shoulder of Xiaotoutou and said, "Yes, especially when I saw that Cao Kefei Cao always left, the uneasiness in my heart became more and more intense."

Su Shi couldn't help but ask: "If you are so worried, why didn't you leave her at the beginning?"

Li Yundong smiled bitterly: "Leave her? How to stay? Tell her: You may be the reincarnation of the mysterious fox?? Now, Cao Kefei has been possessed by the celestial fox, and the memory recovery of the celestial fox is only a matter of time. Someone outside to stimulate her, she will recover faster. Once the memory of Tianji Xuanhu recovers, then...what happens, no one can expect. Although I am now the head of Fox Chan, she is the fourth fox door. Acting on behalf of the head, but... I always feel that I will not have any good things happening when I meet her."

Said, Li Yundong turned his face and looked at Su Shi seriously: "Hey, if I fight with the mysterious fox, who do you help?"

Su Shi didn't want to, and he said: "Of course it is to help my uncle!" The little girl wrinkled her nose and smiled without heart, but she quickly smiled again: "But it won't be, everyone is after all People in the same door will not fight."

Li Yundong saw Xiaotoutou's innocent optimism. He couldn't bear to splash her cold water. He swallowed his heart's worries back. Without saying it, he smiled slightly and said, "I hope so, but this way, Cao is out there. It’s not a problem. If someone is discovered that she is the reincarnation of the mysterious fox, then it’s troublesome. After two days, I called and found an excuse to let her come. Seeing that it’s going to be a thunder, wait. When I am crossing the thunder, I can repair the magic weapon of Aster. Once the magic weapon is repaired, I will be able to separate Cao Kefei's knowledge and memory and let her regain her life."

Su Shi's hands clasped together, whispered: "Amitabha, I hope God bless, everything goes well!" She whispered for a while, suddenly thought of something, said: "Oh, I forgot to ask Master to ask how to break that ruin It's the matter! I remember this!"

The little girl was anxious, and when she jumped up, she wanted to rush into her master's room. Li Yundong immediately grabbed her and laughed and said: "How come you are surprised? What time is it, you still have to disturb your master. Not afraid of her hitting your ass?"

The little girl’s eyes turned and turned and smiled. “Well, I will go to her early tomorrow morning!”

Li Yundong smiled and clicked on her nose: "I only praised you growing up a few days ago. It seems that it is an illusion!"

Su Yuchong Li Yundong dressed up a grimace: "Nothing, people have progress! Besides, people are still small!"

Li Yundong smiled and said: "You are small? You are not small!"

Li Yundong’s discourse was puns, and Xiaotou’s Xiafei’s cheeks shouted: “I’m disgusted, saying a few words is not serious.” Her shy appearance made Li Yundong look at her heart, he’d say a few more In the sentence, I joked, but suddenly I heard a loud bang outside, but it was a winter thunder!

“Hmmm?” Li Yundong suddenly sat up straight, and his eyes suddenly shot an incomparably sharp look. “I thunder this season?!”

Xiao Shantou was also shocked to sit up from Li Yundong's arms and looked amazed: "No? Dong Lei Zhen Zhen! What is going on? Isn't there someone who is going to thunder?"

Li Yundong shook his head and said: "It's not very likely, but looking at today's weather, it is not the weather that will thunder. It is estimated to be the thunder that is led by man!"

Little girl whispered: "Who would it be?"

Li Yundong shook his head in awe-inspiring manner. He vaguely felt that the thunder was so familiar, but he did not dare to confirm that he did not want to take care of this matter, but soon the thunder came together and let Li Yundong listen. I felt a stunned jump.

At this time, other people in the family were awakened by the thunder, and they all walked out of the door. At this time, Li Yundong’s door was also ringed. Li Yundong shouted and invited, and Ziyuan walked in.

As soon as Shion entered the door, Shantou asked: "Have you heard thunder?"

Li Yundong looks serious: "I heard it!"

Although the look on the face of Aster is faint, there is a deep worry in the corner of his eyes: "What do you think?"

Li Yundong shook his head: "When the day of the robbery comes, the winter thunder is shaking, this is really not a good sign. Go, let's go out and talk."

Li Yundong walked out of the door, but saw that almost everyone in the room had come out, and he was shocked to see the direction of thunder. Li Yundong looked around and found that he was not proud of the frosty figure. He couldn’t help but wonder. Road: "Are the frost-free predecessors?"

Su Shi quickly said: "I am going to find her!"

Li Yundong nodded, and the little girl immediately rushed to the proud and frost-free room.

It didn't take long for him to hear Su Shi’s exclaimed horror. Li Yundong’s heart was fierce and immediately swept toward Su Shi.

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