Raising a Fox Spirit in My Home

Chapter 822: Unprecedented

Li Yundong said this, many talents understand that Li Yundong made such a big move, just to make Su Su happy!

In addition to Li Yundong, the other three are all women. They look at Su Shi with a glamorous look. I just want to have such a man to squat with this.

Aster and Zhou Qin looked at each other and secretly shook their heads in the heart. Zhou Qin’s heart was sour and soothed, and whispered: "This is a good opportunity to promote hype."

Shion looked at Li Yundong with a fixed gaze. He said, "If he is an emperor, he must be a guy like Zhou Youwang. In order to make a girl happy, he can also do things like a bonfire."

Zhou Qin looked at Li Yundong and sighed: "Yes, who is it?"

Aster suddenly saw Zhou Qin's eyes, and his heart was secretly somewhat strange. The sisters of Xia Dynasty, the self-satisfaction of the Shang Dynasty, the shackles of the Zhou Dynasty, and the singer of the Spring and Autumn Period, this is the four major foxes that have been recognized as the evils of the country. Also known as the four great enchantresses.

Zhou Qin’s words... It’s very good, very profound.

Zhou Qin saw Ziyuan's eyes and looked at herself meaningfully. She also came back to God and quickly waved: "I casually said, nothing else, don't think too much."

Aster smiled, did not speak, just the heart: Zhou Qin's words can not be a word to become a good.

At this time, the outside of the tea house was making a lot of noise. These people were attracted by this strange fragrance. One by one, they wanted to discuss a cup of tea. Li Yundong turned and smiled and said to Su Shi: "Do you want to give it?"

Su Shi met Li Yundong to make such a big move for himself. The heart was really sweet and mellow, and it was touched and guilty. She said with some fear: "Yundong, this, this is not very good?"

Li Yundong smiled and said: "What is wrong with this? The big land is not as big as you are happy!"

Su Shi’s eyes were tearful and he stared at Li Yundong and didn’t know what to say.

Li Yundong looked at Su Shi gently and smiled. "Don't be stupid, say a word, wait for you."

Su Shi just wiped her tears and broke her face: "Give it, of course, give it, today's New Year!"

Li Yundong laughed and shook his head and told Feng Na: "Go, put a long table and take a teacup."

Feng Nayan looked at Su Shi and turned away. At this time, the girls in the store did not wait for her command, and they all put together the tea tables, which were filled with small cups.

Li Yundong held the medicine Wang Ding in one hand and leaned slightly to pour the tea in the pottery into the cup.

Everyone saw that the copper tripod in his hand was not as heavy as twenty or thirty pounds. However, Li Yundong’s one hand was weightless. Although it was tilted to pour tea, especially on the tripod, there was no spout, but he did not splash a drop of water. Sprinkled on the table, showing a very high-handed effort.

The people outside this building are all practicing amateurs. Although they can't understand the doorway of Li Yundong's hand, the so-called layman looks at the excitement. Li Yundong's row of tea falls down, and the action is like a flowing stream. There is no slight hindrance. .

Everyone suddenly applauded, and Li Yundong said with a smile: "Come, one cup per person, see everyone!"

The girls who have just turned to the third place are holding the tea trays one by one, and the tea is sent to the crowd. The laughter is full of laughter, and the fragrance of the girls seems to be mixed with the tea, and the more and more people are fascinated.

When everyone took the cup and looked at it, they saw that the cup was the smallest cup. It can hold up to one or two cups of tea at the most. It’s OK, but if you change it with a thirsty cup, it’s really Thirst quenching is not enough, but the tea is clear and reveals a faint green color. Just selling it makes people think that this is the fairy tea.

Some people can't stand the temper, don't care about their face, and they will drink the tea like they drink white wine. Although the amount is small, this tea is led by Huangshan Maofeng, and Li Yundong is motivated by the boy's Yuanyang gas. Wang Ding refining, among the three, although the top grade Huangshan Maofeng is something that can be bought, Li Yundong’s rare boy, Yuanyang Qi and Yao Ding’s peerless immortality, is how much money can’t be bought. Arrived.

The three are combined into one, and the boiled tea is really infinite, which is equivalent to taking a panacea for everyone.

Some people drink it and suddenly feel that the tea is so refreshing and refreshing in the throat. A strange power spreads around the body, making the limbs light and clear, and the body is light and fluttering, as if it is floating like a fairy.

There were also some big reactions. I couldn’t help but burst into tears. Now I whimpered: "This is really a fairy tea. I have never had such a good tea!"

Some people who did not drink tea looked at the tears of these people, like watching a neuropathy, said: "I rely, is there such an exaggeration?"

They also rushed to the front and shouted with their arms out, "I want to drink, I want to drink too!"

For a time, the Sanxianmen Gate was crowded, and the market that had just been cold and clear suddenly became crowded.

Feng Na saw so many people huddled in the doorway, all of them stretched out their arms and shouted. It was really a voice, and her arms were like Lin. She was a bit stunned. It was the best time when the Sanxian business was the best.

And such a scene she only encountered in some large supermarkets discounted, male and female, old and young, a group of people and the death squad like to squeeze inside.

But this situation is even more exaggerated than the supermarket, the supermarket is discounted, and then cheap, then it still needs money, but now it is not money.

Although there are many tea shops in this year, please have a beautiful tea girl holding a tea tray on the road, please pass the passers-by to drink, but those teas are good, but where is the light now, it feels refreshing, as if young Such a magic effect?

Although everyone does not know the head of Li Yundong’s hands, he does not know where Li Yundong is sacred, but they only think that such a fairy tea is only afraid of spending money on weekdays. Today, I don’t take this opportunity to taste it. Have you tasted it, isn’t it a loss to your family?

Some of these people drank tea, Zhang mouth will praise, even if some people have rebellious feelings, want to send a different feelings from everyone, but after this cup of tea to drink, the mind is sensational, the body is stunned, the whole person It seems to be reborn, the ears are bright, the spirit is renewed, and there is a hundred words in the heart. I am also embarrassed to say that this is not the case with my conscience.

Drinking tea at the intersection of praise, one pass ten, ten pass hundred, some people even immediately pick up the phone to tell their family, ask them to come here to taste the rare tea of ​​this world, some did not drink tea I was only anxious to kneel and squat, and my arms were raised high. I was afraid that the tea girl could not see herself and leaked herself. While jumping and squeezing to the front, she made a group of people at the door with a flood. A wave.

When Feng Na saw the door, the group of people who refused to drink tea refused to retreat. They looked at Li Yundong and looked forward to seeing another cup of tea. And more people heard the news and blocked the street. The traffic is unreasonable, the scenes are lively, and it is much more lively than the opening of Sanxian.

At this time, the pedestrian street made such a big move. It didn't take long for the police of the security squad to come immediately. They originally wanted to disperse the crowd. Li Yundong, who was among the crowds, immediately recognized it: "I rely on Who is that one in that neighborhood? Even the Gong Bureau is very polite to him?"

If there is someone rushing out such a situation on weekdays, the police officers of the security squad will not rush to catch up, first arrest him, and then tell him a disturbance of law and order, affecting social order, and punish him for thousands of thousands.

But they recognized Li Yundong's presence. There were people who dared to move around. They had to stay outside to maintain order. Then reporters from the TV station heard the news. They wanted to squeeze in, but here is a crowd of people. It is said that it is a person, it is difficult to insert a needle into it. If a big man is forced to squeeze in, and his feet are lifted, the whole person can be squeezed to the ground and fall to the ground!

The reporter of the TV station looked at the scene in front of him and took a breath of air in the air: Is this the situation of Shenma? Exaggerated, right?

But after they smelled the smell of the fragrant tea, they felt that the situation seemed to be justifiable. I also wanted to squeeze in and have a drink. What kind of magic is the tea that makes everyone crazy?

These reporters couldn't squeeze into the crowd, but had to report the grand occasion here with a camera outside, but invisibly made a big free advertisement for the Sanxian.

Ziyuan, Zhou Qin and others saw that Li Yundong was a routine move, but it could also cause such a sensational effect. They could not help but sigh and smile.

The girls in the store even admire the stars in their eyes. They thought that this was Li Yundong’s thoughtful behavior, and he wooed his girlfriend and publicized the tea house. It’s really a multi-tasting, the first day of the new year, between people’s thoughts. I can think of such a way, no wonder people are the bosses, they are the waiters!

Li Yundong saw everyone crowded, more and more crowded, obviously there were many signs of porridge and more people, and he showed up with both hands. He said, "Don’t squeeze, squeeze is useless. Today, there are so many teas. I want to drink this later. Fairy tea, come to the land of three immortals, we welcome both hands! Everyone goes back!"

Everyone suddenly lamented, a sorrowful sorrow, some people were unwilling to curse, and some people immediately inquired when the three celestial beings opened the door, what price of tea, secretly made up their minds, change the children themselves must Come and drink this fairy tea early!

After Li Yundong finished speaking, he turned back to the tea house, but many people gathered in the tea house and refused to leave. They kept asking about the opening of the restaurant today.

Li Yundong smiled and said: "I don't open today, please come back, come back tomorrow morning."

There is an old man asking at the moment: "How early?"

Li Yundong laughed and said: "Day it."

Who would have expected this old man to say: "Then I will sleep here, don't go!"

Everyone laughed and someone laughed. "You are crazy, big winter, playing the ground here, just to drink a cup of tea, is it worth it?"

The old man had a squint of his eyes and pointed at himself: "I just had this tea, I was old, my eyes were dizzy, my chest was suffocating, my joints were sore, and I was a little bit trembled. I could drink this cup of tea and my eyes immediately lit up. The chest is not stuffy, the gas does not pant, the joints are not hurting." He said, he rubbed his foot hard and said: "I feel that I am all strength, like a young ten years old! I spent a lot of money to cure my illness, but I didn't expect to have a cup of tea in the Sanxian. You said, I am here for one night. Is this worth it?"

Some people laughed happily: "Value, of course!"

There are also ** channels that didn't drink tea: "You are a nursery! Don't say it, how could it be so exaggerated! Who can say it!"

The old man was furious and was about to talk, but suddenly heard the voice of a healthy old man not far away: "I believe!"

Everyone heard the sound and turned to see, but they saw an old man standing outside the crowd. He said that he was the old man because his hair was white and he could look at the face. This person had sharp eyes and eyes, but he was like a middle-aged man.

A well-informed reporter caught sight of the old man and suddenly became shocked: "Is he? How come he came?"

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