Raising a Fox Spirit in My Home

Chapter 825: Heaven and earth, yin and yang, double gas

Wuhua Mountain, Yinyang School.

This is a huge and spacious grotto, surrounded by mahogany shelves, with shelves and a wide range of medicine bottles.

This grotto sits north facing south and is extremely deep. Zheng Yuan spent a lot of painstaking efforts to find and build a treasure house. Although there are nine bends in the nine bends, there is a hole in front and three exits in the back. The directions are different. It can be said that it is the three caves of Rex Rabbit.

The stone cave was ventilated before and after, and there was a natural hole on it. The hole was almost straight to the top of the mountain. The naked eye could see the blue sky, and Zheng Yuan had arranged a precise array of holes on the top of the hole. If you are attacked from all sides by yourself, Yangshen can escape from this hole, but outsiders want to use the Yangshen to sneak into the hole from this hole, but it is impossible.

There is also a deep deep pit on the ground in this grotto. It is Zheng Yuan’s excavation for the refining of the Nether Five-soul Hood, which is not only densely packed, but also has dead bodies, drug dregs, and strong yin. Like hell.

For this spiritual practice, Zheng Yuan does not know how much money and time he spends. It is an excellent place to practice, not only to capture the magical creations of the heavens and the earth, but also to be uniquely crafted.

The practitioners practiced in this cave, there are stone caves in the sky above the head, and there are deep pits under the feet. It can be said that it is nine days in the sky, and it is divided into nine places, one between the other and the other, and the world is full of yin and yang.

The Yin and Yang School is a great practice in the Chinese practice circle since ancient times. This school has an extremely ancient origin and can even be traced back to the Yellow Emperor himself.

When the Yellow Emperor asked the practice of Yan Bo Xiu, he would let the vegetarian girl teach the harvesting technique of the Yellow Emperor Yin and Yang. This is the "Su Nian Jing", the Yin and Yang School originated here.

The practitioners of the Yin and Yang School have a concept of practice and unshakable practice. The concept is that the mortal mortal is hurt by the yin and yang.

The meaning of this is that the reason why ordinary people are getting weaker is because they are injured in improper manners in yin and yang.

Therefore, the Yin and Yang School used this as the fundamental doctrine, and proposed in reverse: The reason why the saints are stronger is that they benefit from the yin and yang.

Although only a few words have changed, the meaning is completely different. The practitioners of the Yin and Yang School believe that since the ordinary people do not know how to make up the technique, they will behave improperly during the handover, resulting in a kidney injury and a debilitating injury. The quantity changes into a qualitative change, and the strong one slowly becomes a weak one; then the saint who knows how to practice can use the correct way to carry out the cross-harvesting in the yin and yang cross-over, so that they can improve their body and gain reinforcement.

So what is the right way?

The yin and yang priests of the Tang Dynasty, Zhang Ding, once wrote a collection of the eternal sects of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the Yin and Yang dynasties. On the book.

This book is considered to be: Everyone is born with the most natural things. In the place of people, there is no desire for the house. The sky is like the sky, the yin is from the sun. If you realize the reason, you will be able to grow your age; if you are slow, you will hurt your life.

The meaning is that the matter of **** must follow the law of heaven and earth and follow the principles of yin and yang, so that it can prolong life and strengthen the yuan.

This method of practice was originally a worldly principle, the great man of the world, the yin and yang faction was once strong, but because of the big branches of the tree, during the Wei, Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties, the Yin and Yang School used to confuse the country’s fools and fools, yin秽 秽 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Subsequently, during the Northern Wei Dynasty Emperor Wudi, the Northern Tianshi Road, Qian Qianzhi launched the Taoist reform, publicly abolished the house-in-law in the practice of Taoism, and listed this practice as “forbidden law”. The CCP and the yin and yang were greatly declining.

Until the Tang Dynasty, the Tang people opened up, and the Yin and Yang Schools rose again. This is why Zhang Ding wrote a book, and the book "Dong Xuanzi" promoted the yin and yang harmony. The yin and yang sent the time to the Wang Hougong, down to the Li people, and became popular. .

But unfortunately... At this time, the fox zen door rises. These foxes have learned the postoperative yin and yang. When it is really more powerful, more and more enchanting, many practitioners can’t hold the word on the word “color”. Leaking yuan, fattening a bunch of foxes to repair, they have become a "drug residue" waste.

The behavior of Fox Chanmen naturally caused great anger in the practice circle, especially the appearance of the mysterious fox, and the yin and yang sects followed a lot of black pots. The practitioners in the practice circle rushed away from the celestial fox. Over-the-counter counter-attacks against the Yin-Yang faction, killing a lot of Yin and Yang masters.

After the Tang Dynasty, the yin and yang sentimental stagnation, until the Song, Yuan and Ming Dynasties, the first one has a unified teaching and unification of the rivers and lakes, followed by the rise of the whole true religion, there is no place for the yin and yang faction in the world.

To this day, this super-small sect of the past, where there are people in the place where there are yin and yang sects, has been smashed into a small sect that is lingering.

Although Zheng Yuan is old, he has an ambition and has been eager to revitalize the Yin and Yang faction. Therefore, the fly camp **** manages this bleak martial art. It has accumulated and developed for decades. There are also dozens of disciples, who have their own gods, and even Out of the extremely overbearing "Netherland Wuzhang Hook Soul".

But all this... With Ding Nan’s sergeant taking power, everything has become a bubble.

For Zheng Yuan, this is his great misfortune, but for the extremely old practice sect of the Yin and Yang School, this is a great blessing.

Although Ding Nan is a half-way monk, she is intelligent and intelligent, and she is not in Zhou Qin. Ding Nan takes over the position, quickly dispels dissidents, and masters the power of the sect. The yin and yang double repairs that the crickets of the world are ill.

Ding Nan abolished this yin and yang double repair, in fact, the reason is very simple: because she is a virgin, can not understand this practice, and she is a proud woman, the man under the sun in addition to a Li Yundong, if Li Yundong looking for Her yin and yang cross-harvesting technique, she is naturally willing to be willing, but other people, she is not in the eyes, and where is willing to give their virgin body to other stinky men?

If you can't make it, you can't do anything with yin and yang. But the head of a yin and yang faction doesn't repair the yin and yang. What is it?

In desperation, Ding Nan had to learn from the practice of the Northern Wei Dynasty, and pointed out that the yin and yang double repairs can greatly increase the true elements of the practitioners, but the power is too fast. Too light, so the practice of yin and yang is more frivolous and boastful. The inner dan of the body is not solid enough. When encountering a thunderbolt inside Li Dan, which has been tempered by Li Yundong, it is really vulnerable.

At the same time, Ding Nan announced that he would abolish the yin and yang recovery methods, and he must re-establish the practice method of the Yin and Yang School.

As soon as this matter was announced, the yin and yang factions were really awkward. Ding Nangang did not take long to take office. Actually, he would abolish the dogma left by his ancestors for two thousand years.

The sects have been talking about the next time, and the hearts of the people are floating. Although Ding Nan’s wrists are over, they will be obediently obedient, but many people still have a cold-eyed heart and want to see what Ding Nan can do.

At this point, Ding Nan sat on a squat on the knees, his eyes were light, and the lips were lightly opened. She slowly inhales and slowly exhales. Whenever she breathes a breath, there is a white gas like a profit. The arrow is usually shot. On top of her head, the Baihui point is wide open, and a white gas that is visible to the naked eye is transpiration. This white gas runs straight down the stone cave at the top of the head, and at the same time has a relatively light white gas from this stone. The cave was slowly lowered, as if it was the nine days of Ding Nan’s own enthusiasm, and in her deep pit in front of her, there was a constant sigh of darkness emerging from the ground, as if she was from the nine places. The nine places that are drawn up are yin.

These two breaths were continuously drilled in the body of Ding Nan, and they soon gathered together. Everyone saw that Ding Nan was covered in a group of white gas and a black gas. It’s like fighting, but it’s not long before the two breaths are slowly condensed into one, turning into a huge yin and yang pattern, slowly flowing behind Ding Nan.

Sitting next to Ding Nan, a lot of yin and yang practitioners, including Alba and the most trusted Song Guohua, these two people stared at Ding Nan, and the atmosphere did not dare to breathe. .

They all know that they are Ding Nan's cronies. If Ding Nan loses his faith, the disciples who have been taught will get up early, and they are afraid to follow the bad luck. Therefore, Ding Nan can "create" a brand new yin and yang in public. The double repair method comes, this is a big event related to their safety.

Orb's practice time is still short, and I can't see the clue of Ding Nan's body. It can be regarded as a layman watching the fun, but Song Guohua has a long time next to Zheng Yuan, which belongs to "will not make poetry." Half-slender practitioners, how many know some doorways, he glanced at Ding Nan to integrate the yin and yang of this world into one, and control freely, especially her body exudes a faint golden light as if the golden body is already present, which really excites him almost. Tears are full of tears.

Although he is a flatterer, but who does not want to have a boss who is arrogant, who does not want his sect to be able to bombard one day?

But now, Ding Nan let him see hope!

At this time, it is the timing of the beginning of the horror. The heavens and the earth are full of aura. It is the best golden period of practice. It can be described as the time of day. The Wuhua Mountain is beautiful and the mountains are like the five dragons. It is called the dragon and the tiger. The blessed land, and the grotto, is the place where Zheng Yuan spent decades carefully crafting the temple. The ordinary people simply can't ask for it. It is a place of interest; and Ding Nan was in the Tianshan Peak of Huangshan, because of the chance to inhale the fairy tales of the Yuanyuan Lingdan. Although her practice time is short, she is already a reinvented body. She is also intelligent and savvy. She has a strong foundation and qualifications. She is a human being.

This day, the place, the people, and the three together, suddenly created Ding Nan's amazing life in the future.

Ding Nan, although she strictly forbids the abolition of the yin and yang double repair between men and women, she carries forward the double-repair of yin and yang between the heavens and the earth, advocates the yang of the sky, the yin of the land, the two Put yourself in the heart of the furnace to fight and attack, and you will yin and yang, strengthen yourself!

Although this method of practice is not original, it is indeed the "yin and yang double repair" method in the highest realm of yin and yang sects. Although some people understand the truth, they do not have this ability to practice, even if Zheng Yuan does not work, because he is not a reinvention of the spirit. The body can not stand the yin and yang of the heavens and the earth.

Ke Dingnan has withstood her, her successful breakthrough has reached the golden realm, although in the thunderstorm period, there is no way to directly put the sun **** in the thunder and temper, absorb the aura of heaven and earth, but wash at the edge of thundercloud A small bath, it is OK to take advantage of a small price.

Ding Nan succeeded in catching up with the last bus of "crossing the thunder and robbery", and also successfully shocked the younger brothers under his own hands. When she received the work, she grew up and opened the eyes of the superb, this stone room All of them have already landed on the ground.

In the past, they were brazen and flattered to praise Ding Nan. They screamed "the head of Wuhua, the power of the gods; the world, only I am alone", and there is no feeling of disgust in my heart, but in order to survive, I have to be cheeky.

But now, Ding Nan has let them take the oral convictions one by one, so young can easily practice the golden body with the highest cultivation method of Yin and Yang! This is really shocking!

Jinshen, this is a realm that practitioners dream of. To cultivate this realm means that a practitioner has the ticket for “crossing the thunder”, although it may be because of their different cultivation, the “position” after admission. It’s not the same, but it’s a good person who is qualified to face the thunder.

The ability to cross the thunder, which means that this practitioner has the hope to become a sanctified, means that a martial art can revitalize and carry forward with this person's own power!

In the future, they will no longer have to look at the teachings of the sects and the sects of the sects!

Therefore, this time, they shouted eagerly and eagerly: "The head of Wuhua, the power of the gods, the world, only me!"

At this moment, they all believe that the world of practice will be greatly changed because of their head!

Ding Nan, she also looked at her hands at this time, she felt an unprecedented powerful force filled in her own body, this power made her can not help but want to look up and laugh, she knows that her cultivation is finally After catching up, she finally had the qualification to stand in front of Li Yundong with him, and she finally had the strength to defeat Zhou Qin!

Ding Nan suddenly held the fists tightly, and the eyes flashed with amazing ambition and excitement: "Li Yundong, I will not let you yell at me, you can hate me, yell at me, hate me, but I will never let you despise me, ignore me! I must surprise you! Also... Zhou Qin, you are waiting for me, I am Ding Nan, come!!"

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