Raising a Fox Spirit in My Home

Chapter 873: Borrow your head

The practitioners of the Chinese and Japanese schools saw that Li Yundong was using the four treasures at the same time. Under the cooperation of Su Shi, Ziyuan, Zhou Qin and Ding Nan, the soul of the mysterious fox was finally separated.

However, they did not expect that the celestial fox is the most tyrannical fox in the past 100 years. Her art daring is bold, and at this moment she shows unparalleled observation and decision-making power.

Tianji Xuanhu has never seen the magic weapon of Tongtian glazed mirror. I don’t know that this magic weapon has the ability to penetrate time and space under the refining and transformation of the Taoist Quanzheng Li Zhichang and the Tibetan Mikhail Spartan two masters. But she Seeing that one of her souls and three scorpions were pulled out of the body, she simply swayed her heart, and her own yang and soul were also cast toward the mirror.

She went very fast, and in a blink of an eye she caught up with Cao Kefei's soul, wrapped in her soul and followed the colorful light of the glass mirror to the Zijin Luoyu plate.

Li Yundong was also the first to use this magic weapon. He did not expect that the celestial fox would be so courageous that he would not give up his other soul and sorrow, and would rather break the can of the can. Flying inside his own magic weapon, and not wanting his soul to be completely separated.

At this moment, Li Yundong must immediately face an extremely serious problem: whether to immediately stop the glass mirror of the sky, or let the soul of the mysterious fox stalking Cao Kefei fly into the Zijin Luoyu plate.

If you stop the glass mirror, then this will be abandoned. The mysterious fox will definitely escape. At that time, if you want to find her, it will be difficult to get to the sky. Cao Kefei will be completely saved.

But if you don't stop the glass mirror, the soul of the mysterious fox flies into the purple gold jade plate, but it is equal to the soul of Cao Kefei to find a place of refuge. If you want to find her again, you have to enter the purple gold jade plate. Inside the small world, where will happen, then I really don't know.

Li Yundong only hesitated, and the soul of the mysterious fox has been drilled into the purple gold jade plate. For a time, the soul of the mysterious fox has disappeared. Only the colorful light of the glass mirror is straight. On the top of the purple gold jade plate, only the golden lines on the purple gold jade plate are flowing with colorful light.

This brightly colored light is like the skylight brought by the gods, and the places that are dozens of kilometers away are clearly visible, shining and spectacular. It is amazing.

Everyone looked at the sky and looked at it all the time. After a while, I reacted: What is the mysterious fox? Is it dead?

Everything that happened just happened between the electric and the Flint. Some of the repairs did not even see what happened. I saw a white light and a blue light flashing. Then there was a colorful sunset that seemed to overflow. They all become colorful, like a layer of carpet.

Only a handful of high-cultivating talents have faintly discovered that the Tianji Xuanhu seems to have penetrated into the purple gold-colored magical weapon that is like a plate. The development of the Linggong School has not fallen very far now. ** Bao has only eight wild and six swords, and most of the other two magic weapons are not famous. There are still many people in the Chinese practice community who don’t know the origins of these two magic weapons. Not to mention the Japanese practitioners.

Ise’s cloud was really right at this time. She couldn’t help but widen her eyes. She said to the Ise Shenguang next to her: “The celestial fox... Has it been sealed?”

In the eyes of the Japanese, the soul of the celestial mysterious fox was inhaled into this magic weapon by Li Yundong. It is obviously a sure thing to seal this big demon.

They are all scared by the mysterious fox, and they are not expected to completely eliminate this horrible demon. As long as someone can seal her, as soon as it is released, it is no longer a time to think about it. .

The last time she sealed her, it was sealed for 900 years. This time, even if there is less time, how can I seal it for a hundred and eighty years?

As for the things after one hundred and eighty years... I have already ascended to heaven, and I have become a Buddha. Who cares?

The French emperor Louis XV said well: After I died, which floods were in the sky?

What did our predecessors do in the early 900s? At the beginning, if they did their due diligence, as for the Japanese martyrdom today, how many people died? It’s really a gossip!

Ise Shenguang is also somewhat uncertain. He looked at the purple gold Luoyu plate in front of Li Yundong with amazement. He felt that this magic weapon is not like a powerful magic weapon, but he did not dare to question it, so he looked helplessly. I looked at the cloud and told her with my eyes: I don't understand, don't ask me!

Although he has a style of lang, he can admit in public that he does not understand this kind of thing, and he will not do it. Otherwise, he will leave a message in the future. Other sects will play the role and say how the Ise Shinji is. That damage is not only his reputation, but the entire martial art will be implicated.

His silence was so ridiculous that Ise couldn’t help but screamed: "Strange, is it sealed?"

Ise Izumo is an extremely rare beauty in the practice world. On a weekday, there is a pair of icebergs. At this time, the icebergs are a little bit of a sign of melting. Her biting lips make her feel a little more popular. Some people who loved him next to him couldn’t help but stand up and said, "I don’t have to worry about Izumo, I will know if I ask."

Said, this person will speak loudly to Li Yundong, and the meaning is probably asking: Boss, you sealed the secret of the mysterious fox? What is the situation now?

But he did not expect that Li Yundong is also stunned at this time!

However, at this time, his practice was extremely high. When his heart was stunned, his face did not have a little expression on his face. He could not see the joys and sorrows, let alone the inexplicable horror.

Li Yundong is a little dazed. He doesn't know what is going on in the moment. The soul of the mysterious fox and the soul of Cao Kefei have entered the Zijin Luoyu plate. What should I do? Want to chase in? Yang Shen chased in, what about the body? How is the body brought in?

If it is chased in, and it is killed by the celestial fox, then what should I do?

Li Yundong stayed in the same place, and he couldn’t make a sound for a while. Su Shi, Ziyuan, and Zhou Qin were also facing each other. They had big eyes and small eyes. Ding Nan couldn’t help but swallow and asked: “Li, Li Yundong, now is what's the situation?"

Her voice just fell, and the Japanese on the opposite side of the mountain were screaming at Li Yundong.

Li Yundong’s head was awkward. Although his expression remained the same, he looked at the asters with a strange look: “What do they say?”

After Aster also secretly translated the words, Li Yundong thought about it and said, "You tell them that the mysterious fox has been sealed."

As soon as the asters sighed, they wanted to say something, but they couldn’t hold back, and they looked like they were talking.

Li Yundong glanced at her and said: "I know what you want to say, but it is not the time to say this. The soul of the mysterious fox has been blocked in the purple gold jade plate. As long as we look at this magic weapon, she must be one and a half. Will not run out."

Su Shi left the body after the soul of Cao Kefei and Tianji Xuanhu, and flew quickly to the body of Cao Kefei, and caught her body, lest this lost the mana and the soul of the soul. If you smash it, it will be bad.

She was holding Cao Kefei on the side, and whispered: "Yundong, let's go back with Cao's body, go back and think slowly."

Li Yundong glanced at her and smiled and nodded.

The heart of the Aster secretly sighed. Although this war is not unprecedented, it is also a rare war in the practice circle in the past 100 years. The Chinese and Japanese practitioners have suffered heavy damages, especially this fight has come to an abrupt end. Some people are puzzled, and they have not been able to do their best for the mysterious fox. Although her soul has been separated from the body, she has lost her strength, but she has smashed the body of Cao Kefei’s body. In the magical treasure of Zijin Luoyupan, Ziyuan shook his head and shook his head. He turned his head and said to Li Yundong’s words in the Japanese language practitioners in the Japanese practice. The hills in the Japanese practice circle suddenly boiled, and the rest of the life was full of robbing. The cheers, the sound of "helping the plug" is like a tsunami in the mountains.

At this time, on the other side of the hill, the Chinese practitioners were also unbelievable: "Win? Is the Tianji Xuanhu sealed like this?"

"This is the end?"

"Are we still alive?"

Some of the most difficult and undead practitioners looked around and saw some of the same door and friends who had been handed over on weekdays. Some of them had been sleeping in this foreign country. They couldn’t help but feel sad and happy at the same time. It is hard to say.

At this time, many people in the ecstatic Japanese practice world were shocked by the tragic war of this war. The Japanese practitioners who had shouted before said loudly: "Ming Wang Shizun, please destroy this magic weapon of the mysterious fox. Never suffer!"

When Li Yundong heard it, his heart was secretly angered: destroyed the magic weapon together? Speaking lightly, feelings are not your magic weapon, this is the magic weapon of the spiritual school! Moreover, destroying the magic weapon, what should Cao Kefei do? Mom, standing and talking, no pain, a group of bastards!

Li Yundong was upset in his heart, his voice sank and said: "I need to manage things when I do things?"

This is a bit arrogant and unreasonable, but Li Yundong surrendered to the mysterious fox at this time. The Japanese practitioners felt that there was nothing wrong with him and he was not right. One could not help but bow down. Only the promise of Nono, the former practitioner who shouted was also a look of fear, bent over, facing Li Yundong, sincere and fearful returned to the crowd.

Despite being scorned by Li Yundong, the faces of practitioners in Japan are hard to hide, and everyone in the Chinese martial art school is happy, but they seem to have forgotten the other two initiators.

At this time, at the foot of the Nasuno mountain range, Liu Wei was looking up at the head, desperately looking at the sky, and could hardly believe his eyes. He worked hard for more than a decade, and it turned out to be a bubble.

Liu Wei’s whole person seems to be standing on the ground like a petrochemical. He is motionless. There is a sigh of sighs beside him: “People are not as good as days! Liu Zhangmen, you are miscalculated!”

Liu Yutou did not return, slowly squirming his lower lip, and his voice said dryly: "I can save a mysterious mysterious fox, and then save the second time! Wan Zongzhu, you will not give up like this?"

Wan Zhenyuan stood next to him and smiled and said: "Where, I want to make a comeback! However, before that, I want to find Liu Zhangmen to borrow one thing."

Liu Wei’s voice was low and asked: “What?” His voice just fell, and he saw the passing of Wan Zhenyuan’s voice: “Let you use your head!”

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