But once, three or five times, potato-flavored onion chips began to wonder who the nimble user was. So instead of killing the main member of the guild, potato-flavored onion chip decided to stand by with a silver lining nearby.

It's past midnight. Potato-flavored onion chips have recently discovered that the unidentifiable nimble user appears no matter how fast it is the earliest.

The main member of the guild stepped out to the field like a herbivore who knew nothing. Obviously, there was only a guild member on the screen, but potato-flavored onion chips had a gut feeling that there must be an agile user. When potato-flavored onion chips try to change the item into a set of agility and speed increases for tracking,

[General] Jin Ma-kwang: Oh, my ᄆᄎ놈.

The hiding Assassin character appeared. Nickname is... zlzoneseshinshink? You're from 2002? Potato-flavored onion chips were peacefully cursing the user's nickname, but their lives were in urgent need for Jin Ma-kwang, the main guild member. Jin Ma-kwang quickly pulled the character back using his mobile skills after drinking a rejuvenating potion.

Knock, knock!

But the trap was triggered precisely as if it had been predicted. The character of Jin Ma-kwang was given a poison divuff. I would have known if there was a PVP user like him. With the advent of a new reclusive master, potato-flavored onion chips have a big mouth. He quickly opened the window of his equipment.

"No, you crazy... You spent a damn lot of money. ”

Potato-flavored onion chips muttered. The agile Assassin was wearing a welcome full set, the most capable of PvP equipment available now in gold and cash. Although the grass has not been reinforced yet, it will be easy to adjust the whole-body equipment. How much did you reinforce the Jin Ma-kwang who didn't have a kill in the surprise attack of Assassin wearing this equipment?

While potato-flavored onion chips were thinking, zlzon seshink was playing a complete game of Qin Ma Guang. The trap was triggered when the Qin Ma Guang went to the right, and the dot damage trap went off when it went to the left. However, when I ran back, I would be caught quickly because I was a nimble-cat Assassin with a high basic speed of movement, and if I went forward, zl John Sassink stood still. Assassin's not a PVP deep-rooted evil for no reason.

Potato-flavored onion chips have been cheering for zlzon seashink from some point on.

Jin Ma Kwang is dead.

Perhaps tired of playing around with Jin Ma-kwang, the character of Zl John Sae-Shink rushed in at once and cut the neck of Jin Ma-kwang character with a dagger. When the brilliantly knife-wielding motion was over, Jin Ma-kwang's character turned gray and fell over the field.

zlzon seshink. hermitage I should turn off the game and search for my character in the PVP ranking. We'll wait until he teleports to town, in case we get caught following us.

The potato-flavored onion chip, which had been waiting so long to close its connection, was so surprised at the moment that it almost fell back in its chair.

The zlzoneseshinshink used the skill.

The skill lifted the grace of potato-flavored onion chips. I... I was hiding. Where do you think I am? Get your skills.

But before asking anything, zlzonshinshink rode a teleport to the village. The dumbfounded potato-flavored onion chip stood on the field with the corpse for a long time.

What's he doing?

[Review of the work]

[Sleeping]: Free Bulletin

[PK]: An abbreviation for Player Killing. The behavior of a user attacking another user. generally refers to the act of one-sided attack without the consent of the other party.

The character profile and guild member character related settings have been added to the work settings!

I'll be back at 5 at midnight tomorrow!!

Thank you!

You're so precious. You're so shabby.

[Can Robots: Air Force One Today]

[Can Robot: Why did you do that?]

[Huridisco: Are you lonely?]

[Can Robot: ♡♡]

[Can Robot: Take the Road]

One Saturday evening in October. The Hast Guild members gathered in front of the Guild Castle. This is because there was a notice from the tin robot, the deputy guild master and attack team leader. The engineers huddled together and waited for the announcement of the tin robot.

[Can Robot: Final candidate for engineering now]

[Can Robot: Taking Guild Castle]

[Can Robot: ᄀᄃ]

[North Korean Cheese Burger: How many?]

[Can Robot: 3]

[Yonggari Flame Shot: Oh, there's a lot.]

[Massification: ᄃᄃ]

A small light flashed and shone four times in front of the guilders who chatted.

Today, the characters of a can robot wearing a green metal armor appeared first, and three characters appeared for the first time ever since.

One of them was wearing a yellow metal armor similar to a can robot and even a helmet. The tin robot keeps sending thumb motions to see if they really like the user, and the user in the yellow armor will blow a hand kiss motion......... I was very sick.

[General] HAMSTER: Hello~

[General] The Seven Wonders of the World: ᄋ요

[General] I am Lee Man-gap Reform: Hello.LOL!!!

A user wearing a yellow tin robot look and blowing a hand kiss motion, while a Lancer user holding a large window next to him was a double-blade double-blade, I Man-gap-oh Reform.

The Hast Guild members also greeted the prospective engineers.

[General] Yonggari Fireworks: Hello~~~~~

[General] Bukhansan Cheese Burger: Hello!

[General] Letta: ᄒᄋ

[General] OvO: Hello.ᅲᅲᅲᅲᅲ

[General] Can Robots: Oh, my... In a shabby place... The people who are precious people.

[General] Bukhansan Cheese Burger: Our conditions are a little... Wasn't it tight?

The character of Bukhansan Cheese Burger took a crying motion.

[General] The Seven Wonders of the World: LOL

[General] The Seven Wonders of the World: 단단단

[General] OvO: LOL, LOL, LOL

[General] Yonggari Fireworks: ᄌᄌᄌ

[General] Letta: Pass 합격^

Can Robots: ♡♡ ᄂᄂᄂ해해해

Can Robots: Serious.

[General] Letta: Okay

Guild members all laughed as if they liked the jokes of the Seven Wonders of the World. The character of the tin robot hit Letta's head with a toy hammer.


[General] North Korean Cheese Burger: I got a healer.

[General] HAMSTER: Huck...

[General] HAMSTER: Who is this...

[General] HAMSTER: He's...


[General] Hiljulangmulang: Hello.

[General] HAMSTER: My condolences...

Hiljul and Malang bowed, and Hamstead knelt down and prayed.

[General] Yonggari Fireworks: LOL LOL

[General] Letta: LOL

[일반] OvO: 우리말랑님어카뮤ᅲᅲᅲᅲᅲᅲᅲᅲᅲᅲ

[General] Point out: ?

[General] OvO: Huck

[General] HAMSTER: The intellectual's mate... To a lot of people who couldn't be...

[General] HAMSTER: mourning...^^

[General] Pointing out: lol

[General] Alumni: LOL LOL

[General] Point out: Hamsteen out.

[General] HAMSTER: ?

[Formal] HAMSTER: Why?

[General] Pointing out: Lookgurim

[General] Can Robots: Ejecting College (G)

[General] Point out: You're a guild kickout.

[General] Letta: LOL

[General] HAMSTER: ᅲᅲᅲ

Hamstead's character shone brilliantly. It was an effect that appeared when changing the costume projection. Soon Hamstead's character in striped pajamas was revealed. He still had a yellow helmet on his face.

[General] North Korean Cheese Burger: LOL

[General] HAMSTER: Please take a look. ᅮ

[General] Pointing out: lol

[General] Pointing out: What do we do, Mr. Malang?

[General] Hiljulangmallang: haha

[Formal] Hiljulmulang: I'll let you go when you take off your helmet.

Hamstead grabbed the yellow pitch and shook his head. It is a tin robot that cleans up the front of Guild Castle, which has become a mess. He was also an engineering major for no reason.

[General] Can Robots: Less bitter and interviewing.

[General] I am Lee Man-gabo Reform: I am nervous.

[General] HAMSTER: Ready.~~~

[General] Seven Wonders of the World: Me, too.

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