Instead, let's make sure that those who do that will never again! He was burning his will like a flame and trampling on the enemy team so that he could not dream of a word of hope. The heads of the Lumbisco, Hx, OvO, and Mer Shangqiu Association, thrust their heads all the way to the northern occupied area and cut their shoots so that they wouldn't be able to reach out to the central occupied area.

Around the time when Yonggari Fireworks shot, which was guarding the southern occupied area, shouted "Hey, can't you stream the beautiful user Jeongui Guhyeon?" about three times, Choi Soo-bin kindly recommended a shift.

Yonggari cried and hugged the hilly and soft three times. Then he climbed onto the Naphda dragon and bounced to the central base.

In other words, Choi remained alone in the occupied southern region.

Pointing out that the enemy team seemed to have lost their will after ordering hard in the beginning, but turned off the microphone after failing to overcome the annoyance. Thanks to him, Choi was able to sit peacefully in the stump without listening to his voice.

The southern occupied area was piled up with old huts, stumps and piles of wood that could not be contained because it was the concept of a woodcutter's hut. And it was very quiet. Quiet is, you know,


This means that even the small footsteps on the grass can be heard delicately.

Choi Soo-bin rose right from his seat and beat the non-targeting wide-area attack.

Holly Divine!

Assassin's grace, which was approaching from the back, was lifted. Assassin stood dumb as if embarrassed. Either you're on the move, or you're on the attack as soon as you're released. It was funny to see him not doing anything right. You can't fight back right away, but you're being stupid. I'm completely disqualified.

Choi Soo-bin fainted in a sour way. Assassin failed to make a proper counterattack and lay down in the grass as a gray corpse.

"What, did Assassin go there? Are you okay?"

Sung Cha-hyun hurriedly turned on the microphone and asked. Choi Su-bin looked down at the gray-colored body of Assassin and answered.

(Hiljulang: It's okay.)

(Hillumallang: This must have been Newbie, too.)


(OvO: You're a genius.)ᅲᅲ))

I could hear Sung tapping on the keyboard. What's he telling the party members why he sent Newbie to the occupied land alone? Choi Soo-bin smiled with her chin in her hand. The occupation score was almost full.

Joyful Justice

Guild members who came out of the unintentional pursuit of justice were in high spirits. Hx clapped his hands in the midst of a clamor.

[Hx: Ah right]

[Hx: Before Early Morning Ranking]

[Hx: A real ghost story goes around here.

[Jigsaw: What is it?]

[OvO: ;; a ghost story;]

[North Korean Cheese Burger: Weakness]

[Hx: Even a ghost story that matches a ghost]

[Hx: No, don't be scared... Haha]

[OvO: As long as a ghost does well]

[OvO: You're going to like it.ᅲᅲ]]]

[Hx: Ah^^ If a ghost died while PvP]

[Hx: Welcome.^^]

[North Korean Cheese Burger: Bring popcorn?]

[Huridisco: Receipt Coke]

Guild members huddled in front of Hx. Hx did a pondering motion and continued.

[Hx: I'm a regular Ranking player]

[Hx: But about... Two weeks ago?]

[Hx: Dawn Tom Matching and I saw a really good Assassin.]

[Can Robot: If it's the early morning match of Hex's victory stand]

[깡통로봇: ᄅᄋ 만나는 애들끼리 만나지 않음?]

[Hx: Yes, we know each other.]

[Hx: Everyone's surprised at the sudden appearance of a new face]

[Huridisco: Bucha?]]

[North Korean Cheese Burger: Bookadabuca]

[Hx: Not a bouquet]

[Hx: His style of play was really unique]

[Hx: So we compared the dead to each other]

[Hx: None of the people I've met recently.

[Hx: And the real... Because I'm really good at it]

[Hx: He's good enough to pray for us to meet him on the same team]

[Huridisco: ᄃᄃ 얼마나 How well you do]

[OvO: What's Nick?]

[Hx: Nick's a little funny]

[Hx: Like Nick in 2004]

[Hx: What the hell? zlzoneseshinshink?]

[slrspdla: Ah]

[slrspdla: The Man]

The merchant, who was still looking into the auction house, pretended to know. Do you know each other? As the guild members tilted their heads one by one, the merchant took over a package of ingredients from the wealthy.

[Hx: Do you know who it is?]

[slrspdla: I bought gold a while ago]

[slrspdla: bought 2 billion at a time]

[OvO: 2 billion is 200 million won?]

[Huridisco: Use a man's book?]

[slrspdla: ᄂᄂ 안쓰는데]

[slrspdla: He was very pricey]

[slrspdla: remembered by bad nicknames]

[slrspdla: zlzoneshinshink]

It was definitely a memorable nickname. I didn't know anyone would still use nicknames that would be popular in the 2004 maple leaf game. While Hx praised Jeezon Assack for being really hard on people and dirty, the guild members returned to their original conversation.

[Huridisco: Come to think of it, Mal-nim]

[Huridisco: Sh 쇼ke?]

With the sudden appearance of the head of the Musangchu Association, they entered the PVP in a round and round and round and even carried out justice as a result, but their original conversation topic was the Awesome Showcase of Asta Chronicles.

[Hillin' Soft: Ah... That's what it's... it'

[Hillumala: You did it in Ilsan, right?]

[Hx: Yes, it's Ilsan event hall]

[Yonggari Fireworks: We're not going to eat!!!]

[OvO: I hope you come too.ᅲᅲ]]]

Good-natured guild members lured Choi Soo-bin, but Choi Soo-bin's reply was slow. What's this about? Sung Cha-hyun was a little nervous and corrected his posture.

[Healin' soft: My house is far from Ilsan]

[Letta: Fat?]

[Hill and dry: It's Seoul, but...

[Huridisco: ᅲᅲᅲ]ᅲᅲᅲ]]]]]]

Where in Seoul is Ilsan far away? I live alone in Seoul for now. Are offline game events a bit burdensome, unlike the guild members who are still stuck in Goil?

Sung Cha-hyun is in agony. If it had been usual, I would have let him go without thinking. No, you wouldn't have thought of going to the showcase with me in the first place. But now, Sung felt very sorry. What's wrong with this? Do you think this is because you love the showcase coupon items that you give only to showcase visitors?

Eventually, Sung whispered to Choi Soo-

I live in Seoul, too.

Where in Seoul do you live?

/Heal in the ear: Oh, me.

I'm in Seongbuk-dong.

Seongbuk-dong? Really? Sung Cha-hyun smiled for a moment unknowingly. Because he also lived in Seongbuk-dong.

Oh, I live nearby, too.

Hearing: He said he'd give me a ride.

/Early point: I'm going to ask the psychic.

If you don't mind, would you like to come with me?

I'm so sorry. I'm talking about.

It's too much of a hassle. I'm sorry.

I don't even have a ticket.

That's not a problem. I'm sure one of these dead body guilders has one more ticket. After finishing the speculation, Sung converted the chat into a group chat and typed.

{Intellectual: Who gets a ticket for the show?}

{OvO: Hull}

Marlang, come here.

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