[Jigsaw: ᄎᄎ]

[Letta: Death of Disco]

[LETTA: LOL] [He's not dead, either dead]

[OvO: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh]

[OvO: It's a shame for a cow, Scooh]

[OvO: You should cut it in half and do a double.]ᅲᅲ]

[OvO: Dumbledore will make a deal even if he dies]

[Huridisco: --]

[Huridisco: I don't call it a no-fun job]

[LETTA: ᄏ타]

[North Korean Cheese Burger: To eat chicken@@@@]

[Yonggari Fireworks Shoot: Quick delivery]

[North Korean Cheese Burger: Neckbone sent to you]]]

Sung Cha-hyun went to the auction house's bulletin board regardless of whether others made a noise or not. Slrspdla, covered in a pink rabbit mask, stood like a stone in the net.

Slrspdla. Nickname in Korean. As the owner of an insincere nickname, password password password, he was the big hand of the Asta Chronicles 1st Server, the Nostri Server.

He was so famous that he didn't miss out on the server's name list, but he added a lot of exaggeration every season that there was even a rumor that if Slrspdla folds the game, one-third of the auction house on the Nostree server would disappear. Of course, the party snorted.

[slrspdla: If you earn that much from games, you'll have a game academy in Daechi-dong...]LOL]

Everyone was surprised to learn that slspdla is not a Chinese auto, rather than what the comments said. There was also a conspiracy theory that the translator was turned around, but it died down when foreigners refuted whether they knew Daechi-dong and the academy. Anyway, no one wanted to type in English in the chat window, so everyone called him a merchant or a man.

The merchant always stood tall in front of the auction board in front of Guild Castle. The collection and supply of materials are carried out by the wealthy, and the main car is equipped with a systematic system of standing in one place to check the market price and only running the production of the main equipment.

Of course, there was a suspicion that it would be a macro to keep it like that. However, when someone said they were buying items or buying gold, they shouted "Sell as if they were waiting" and the doubt disappeared.

Of course his numerous buccas were macros.

Sung Cha-hyun clicked on the merchant's character and whispered secretly.

/Early point: Do you have a Justice Lobe sale?

/Earslspdla: o.

/Early point: Justice Lobe 1 Advanced Awakening Sculpture 50 Faith Stone 500 Lux Equipment 1 Set

/Earslspadla: by mail

/Early point: OK

The character of the merchant, who was secretly commissioned by Sung Cha-hyun, began to move busily. The guilders, who were running around without anything to do, stopped running. The movement of the merchant's main character means that there have been cases of money, and at this time, he could get a share of the money if he was next to him.

Guild members gathered near the merchant and settled down on the stone floor, as if drawn to a magnet. Regardless of whether guild members gather or not, the merchant opened the production and uploaded the materials.

Not long ago, a waist disco, whose wallet was robbed by the reinforcement of the Sodmaster equipment, was opened.

[Huridisco: G꾼nim]

[Huridisco: What made?]

[slrspdla: Justice Lobe 1 Lux 1 Set]

[OvO: Is that expensive?]

[slrspdla: ᄂ Request]

[Yonggari Flame Shot: Who's Requested?]

[slrspdla: Gilma]

[Attention: 0 Intellectual Healer Full Item?]

[Intellectual: Of course it's a full item]

[Intellectual: I'll give it to you]

[Hx: To Malang?]

[North Korean Cheese Burger: ????]

[Massification: ᄃ;;;]

[Can Robot: ♡♡♡♡]

[Huridisco: My monitor must have tasted it]

[Huridisco: strange chattering]

[OvO: You too? Me, too.

[North Korean Cheese Burger: Too Surprising]

[North Korean Cheese Burger: Chicken Spit]

[Letta: 3 Second Rule]

[North Korean cheeseburger: picked it up in 2.58 seconds]

[Letta: Good]

Nothing was said in the chat room after that. It was a quiet guild, and only the sound of a merchant beating on an anvil was heard.

Hast was a guild of game singers. However, no matter how much you play the game, you can't completely neglect reality. One day, when the access rate of guild members who were hit by reality was lowered and it was difficult to maintain the guild ranking, the criticism made a decision.

[Intellectual: Ah--]

[Intellectual: You've topped the guild rankings, so you can play more comfortably]

[Intellectual: Don't worry about ranking]

In the end, Hast abolished the difficult conditions of joining guild members and the specification cut. It was thanks to the strong approval of the office guilders. The tin robot, who was singing about wanting to raise a Newbie, was excited to bring a newbie. And if they feel they've grown to a certain extent, they've become independent.

Sung Cha-hyun said, "I couldn't understand the robot, but I just wanted to. It was either the one who walked the life of an alchemist in the poop job or the one who brought in Newbie to raise him and make him independent.

Since then, countless newbies brought by tin robots have passed through Heist, but the point has never given Newbies equipment and look-tems. Whatever he gave, his drunk father gave him Goldman as if he were giving him pocket money. The reason was clear.

'It's better to buy what he wants with money than with my items.’

Sung Cha-hyun had a natural talent for wrapping indifference with consideration.

That kind of criticism gives Newbie an item? Not only equipment, but also expensive costumes? Most of the Hast Guild members were quick-witted. This is... ...angle.

The point without conscience is to make the cute Newbie Hilljulang a healer for her partner!

"Would he be shocked by the harsh conversation coming and going in and out of the cute Newbie Hilljulang Malang chat window?" Lumbisco quickly switched to a group chat."

{Huridisco: No way... Gilma, Malang, are you taking Shinhwa Con?}

{North Korean cheeseburger: A...…}

*North Korean cheeseburger: No matter how much you don't have a conscience, haha*

{OvO: I don't have a lot of conscience, but...…}

{North Korean Cheese Burger: I'm not going to take a month-old Newbie...}

As soon as the atmosphere was about to be solemn, the spirit was more realistic.

It's been a month since I posted a letter for engineering students.

{Attention: No way he hasn't come into contact yet.;}

You're just trying to take care of him.

{Yonggari Flame Shot: That's right ᄒ}}}}}}}}}}.

{Intellectual: He didn't come?}

Guild members doubted the eyes. He rubbed his eyes because he wondered if it was time to wear glasses.

The chat of criticism hasn't changed.

[OvO: ♡♡?]

[Review of the work]

[One-tickle]: An abbreviation for One Tri Clear. This means that he cleared it with just one attempt.

Thank you for leaving us comments, recommendations, and pre-production! It really gives me a lot of strength. *^^*

Oh, my God. Heels like this.

{Yonggari Fireworks: Didn't they come?}

The Yonggari Fireworks shot was so surprised that he stopped speaking in a conceptual way. The point was answered with a lukewarm response.

{Intellectual: Ah}

{Intellectual: Pudil contact has been so numerous that it has been completely filtered out of the logarithm.}

{Intellectual: Final interview will be held soon}

{Intellectual: Fudillo to rub against the annual deal}

Just in time, a brown-skinned character in a red Hawaiian shirt and a straw hat ran over the fishing rod. He was a former engineering graduate who ran away from an engineering college in line with his nickname "Yeon Yeon" and a dual blade annual.

The years of his smart sunglasses showed what the real Nick value was. Even if you take annual leave in reality and go to Hawaii, you won't be able to do that.

The annual training was a single digit in the dual-blade career rankings, and the dignity of No.1 pure dealer at Heist Institute of Technology approached the merchant, showing off his appearance as if he had thrown all of them into fish's rice.

I've got 50 lats and eels. Haha]

[slrspdla: Thank you for your hard work]

[Annual: Hehe]

[slrspdla: Mmm]

[slrspdla: I need a wilderness pepperoncino]

[YEARY: I'll get it.^^]

[slrspdla: Yes]

The annual train threw a fishing rod and picked up a sickle. When the character clapped his hands, a plump duck ride popped out. The annual train disappeared, fluttering its Hawaiian shirt. Sung Cha-hyun kicked his tongue.

{Intellectual: Somehow a person was fine}

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