Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6422: : Break in

A group of immortals looked at their bodies and showed their veins, which made me say a little bit. Of course, everyone thought I was getting smaller. I looked at Li Poxiao and said, "Relatively true sermons. God, this kind of strength is not enough. Everyone needs to stabilize their foundation and become stronger with the existing resources. Only then can Li Xianzun become stronger and play a role in dealing with foreign enemies."

"This... what Xia Xianzun said is indeed the case." Li Poxiao asked me to say this, and finally had nothing to say, because when he wanted to come, the foreign enemy was Xia Ruize first, and then Zheng Daotian, but Zheng Dao He didn't understand the situation of the sky. Now everyone's time is running out.

"It's up to you to mobilize here, Li Xianzun. From now on, this world depends on you, and you also depend on this world, but you have to learn to do everything." I whispered to Li Poxiao.

Li Poxiao coughed lightly and began to brew.

He is not ignorant of the way of being a king. He has been ruling the star realm for many years, and he has not done much. At least he has no fault. The people's livelihood and peace are very valuable. Therefore, his remarks have made all the witnesses have a lot of opinions. .

I waited for him to speak with a lot of immortals with hope, he thought about it, and soon he began to publish his long talk: "You don’t need to be polite, my Qiongtian world is no more secular, there are rules here, but no respect. The humble point, in my Qiongtian world, the rules of my Qiongtian world are..."

"Well said! As expected of Li Daozun!"

"Li Daozun is really a benevolent lord!"

"Good! There are rules, no respect!"

"Look at Big Brother Xia, Li Daozun is indeed quite knowledgeable. There are rules here, but there is no distinction between inferiority and inferiority. It is simply deeply rooted in the hearts of the people." Zi Jiang looked at me with envy and immediately looked at me. It would be nice if it could be like this.

"I'm going..." I stared at Li Poxiao, dumbfounded.

"The immortals have seen each other... I created... Well, not long after the foundation of the world, all industries are waiting to be flourished. There should be less friction and more cooperation." Li Poxiao glanced at me shamelessly from the corner of his eyes, and then again. I boiled up the medicine according to my prescription, and only replaced the words Chuangshitian with Qiongtian world, which is really shameless.

"Big Brother Xia, look at Li Daozun, he is a good friend of yours." Su Tian couldn't help saying.

"He is my younger brother, so I learned the kung fu from the scriptures, but the creativity is lacking..." Of course I refused to let this Li Poxiao pirate, but when I said this, several women looked all over. Looking at me in disbelief, I was immediately discouraged, too lazy to talk about Li Poxiao any more, and turned off the topic, and started chatting with a few women I knew.

After all, it’s different from Jiuzhongtian’s system. They borrowed the veins of the Heaven’s Dao here to become Dao. They are destined to be tied to Qiongtianyu, but this is not a big deal. I want to see them only in a flash. As a result, they directly proclaimed the Dao to gain immortality, this alone is not the envy of ordinary immortals.

"Great! Unexpectedly we are so lucky!"

"Yes, I actually proved it! Since that is the existence of the Qiongtian world, we will exist, right?"

"Of course, we are one with this Qiongtian world! So is Brother Xia!"

I smiled and explained the principles of their enlightenment, as well as the way to stabilize the Dao Foundation. Of course, I also exchanged intelligence ideas with Emperor Huan Di and Mo Jianzun. After all, they each brought a group of heads. It is Li Poxiao's right arm.

"You stabilize the foundation of Dao, and then practice to break through the extreme imprisonment of Dao. Then, when you have derived a Dao lineage that is different from Li Xianzun, you will be able to prove Dao in Creation Heaven and regenerate a new line." I and Zi Jiang, Peng Jiao, and Su Said the girls like Tian, ​​Xin Mi, and Ji Wan.

After all, everyone is more interested in my base camp, so it is logical to ask about these things.

Asked Li Poxiao to open the back door for the little girls. After parroting his tongue just now, this guy knew that he could not criticize me. In exchange, he arranged a nice place for them to practice. I also relaxed and prepared to return to Jiuzhong. God.

But before going back, Li Poxiao held me back: "I want to go back too, my family Mu Qing's marriage..."

"Oh... I almost forgot about this important event, so let's use the ghost body, can you accept it?" I clapped my hands and immediately thought of this idea. After all, there is also Li Poxiao who can live in the body, otherwise he will continue. Nine Heavens can't, it's a bit too much.

"Alternatively, I can't learn from you as a bug, right? I have to be like you." Li Poxiao knew that I had the body, so of course he wouldn't be a bug.

"How long can you hold Qiongtian Dao Body down?" I became a little curious.

"Anyway, there is no way below to threaten the existence of me. I came up after the marriage for my child." Li Poxiao said.

I nodded. It's not easy to say no. In fact, it is more of his psychological factor, so I said: "You, as the guardian of the boundary wall, can't stop this matter any more, remember."

"Doesn't this require your consent? It will take a few days to ask for leave." Li Poxiao snorted softly.

"Okay, you are well-behaved, Ben Chuangshi Xianzun allowed you to take leave." I laughed, and Li Poxiao was relieved. The so-called keeping the rules in his place, he did a good job.

I quickly returned to my deity's body with a thought. As for Li Poxiao, he said when he arrived. When I woke up, I was already lying on the library interface and found that my breath fluctuated. Li Zhier hurriedly flew from outside. Entering with excitement on his face.

"What? Is it too late to come back? What's the situation with Han Shanshan?" I smiled.

"Kun Peng brought the floating island back. Sister Shanshan has already invested in other research. Everyone is waiting for you to come back now. Moreover, the wind of the enlightenment has made everyone's hearts float, and they all want to go to the enlightenment heaven. After all, the Chaos Qi has been greatly reduced recently. Perhaps the boundary wall has begun to change the Chaos Qi. It only takes a long time, and it will be difficult to prove Dao. If you don’t do Dao, your cultivation will fall to the 9th layer sooner or later. It's heavenly." Li Zhier also looked like he wanted to prove the truth.

"Well, if you want to go up, hurry up and look for the principles of the Dao, or I will find a thing for you to prove the Dao. You take it and let Li Xianzun open the back door to get the Daotian." I touched her. Face, then said: "When you have all preached, I don't have to come down here all the time. After all, there will be a big battle in Chuangshitian. I am afraid it is a recent event. I already feel that Chuangshitian's exterior is about to move. , I just don’t know who the first intruder was."

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