Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6447: : Husband and wife

Xijun is avoiding these black snake-like monsters not far away, and the two immortals are constantly harassing near her, even if these two immortals are also surrounded by long snakes, they will snipe each other and let these long snakes. Can often cling to them.

The spells cast by the two parties in this sea of ​​blood are completely different from the spells cast outside. The energy density here has been as full as the ocean. The spells are swallowed up as soon as they leave the body, and there is even the danger of backlash. So Xijun's one-on-two is almost in the form of close combat.

Once in close combat, these black blood snakes quickly clung to Xijun’s arms, legs and feet, but Xijun did not feel any pain, because of the presence of the shield, after being aware of these blood snakes, Xijun protected his body. The colored flames immediately burned the blood snake!

Seeing the arrival of Fairy Haoxi and I, the two immortals exchanged glances, and immediately dispersed and left. Fairy Haoxi and I did not catch up with them, but watched them leave far away.

"Are you okay?" I asked with concern. While Xijun shook his head, he said with dissatisfaction: "Why didn't my brother kill them?"

I glanced at Haoxi and said, "Fairy Haoxi and I both belong to Daoji other than this Blood Demon Daoji. Since there are different laws, the reason why you can stay here is because you are of the same kind, or are close to each other. The Dao Foundation that can exist in harmony is the Dao Foundation with the possibility of Dao Demonstration. Therefore, the existence of the Dao that we cannot prove cannot kill anyone here and destroy the cause and effect here."

"Ah? Isn't that elder brother unable to help us?" Xijun was a little disappointed suddenly.

"At the critical moment, I will kill them all." I said faintly, Xi Junxi smiled, and Fairy Hao Xi stared at me with her eyebrows, and said, "Chuangshi Immortal Venerable, why have you gone back again."

"Xianzun Haoxi, I don't remember what I promised you." I said blankly.

Hao Xi shook her head, and then said: "If you choose this way, I will send you back to Chuangshitian then."

"Hu Meier! Do you dare to talk to my brother like this!" The ten divine swords that Xi Jun shrank in his hands instantly showed through his sleeves, colorful like sharp feathers, this set of heaven-opening magical soldiers is still me Personally built.

"Xijun, you can't beat her." I stretched out my hand to stop Xijun from coming forward, turned my head and said to Hao Xi: "If you have this ability, then try it."

"Oh... funny man, just kidding, why bother to be so serious." Fairy Haoxi said.

I know that Fairy Haoxi is not joking, she is not Jieyuhua, she just inherited her memory, how could she be born with such a fledgling Taoist immortal like me, who has experienced thousands of worlds and countless years. Emotional entanglement, besides, feelings are nothing to her.

She extinguished the emotions and desires, and all her smiles were tangible, and I had never even seen her angry. For this kind of person, the most important thing is the benefit. Together we benefit from each other, and if we don’t agree, we divide.

"It seems to be... the breath of supreme?" Xijun suddenly seemed to sense something when we were talking, so he flew towards that side quickly, and I also smelled a strong ghostly breath, as if in blood The icy cold in the sea makes people feel refreshing.

I hurriedly chased the icy cold. Of course, groups of blood snakes continued to gather towards us, as if something was really controlling them and rushed towards us!

Of course I also released the law of perception, and spent time exploring the peculiarities of these blood snakes, because as long as I find something wrong with a blood snake, it is likely to be the controller of all blood snakes, which is the seven poles hidden in it. Open the blood core!

However, it’s too big here. I’m just a different law here. It’s very difficult to get information here, so I didn’t find the slightest bit of information along the way. Even the blood snakes are very smart, and I can’t tell which one is. Puppet, which one is the real blood snake!

As I explored this way, after a while, the aura fluctuated more intensely. It was certain that the sister-in-law and sister-in-law had been here, and it was not just her, she also brought other members of the female legion!

Not long after, I saw a group of blood snakes from the immortal family fighting in the sea of ​​blood ahead, or they were hunting these blood snakes!

"Xiaojiao!" Xijun enclave is the fastest. Of course, it is not that she is faster than me, but that she is more sensitive here than me. Perhaps it is because she is compatible with the laws here, so she can sense greater range.

"Xijun! Ah! Master!?" Xiaojiao's voice came from the sea of ​​blood. When the voice fell, I saw Xiaojiao in tight-fitting practice clothes. Xiaojiao is the top one-eyed true dragon among the monsters, Xiu Xian. After taking shape, it is extraordinary. Although it is unexpected to appear here, it is not unacceptable.

"Xiaojiao! Where's Jiuer!?" I hurriedly asked.

"Uncle Master!" Just when Xiaojiao was about to answer, Yuan Muying's voice also came from the depths of the blood sea, which left me with endless surprises.

"Are you here too?" I couldn't help being surprised. Yuan Muying had an expression of annoyance at me, and said: "In the eyes of Uncle Master, I will always be the child who needs Uncle Master to stand firm!"

"I didn't mean that." I smiled bitterly.

"Yes." Yuan Muying smiled.

At this time, Xiaojiao finally came to me and said: "The lady is right in front. We are helping to find the core of the blood demon. The lady said that the core of the blood demon is the foundation of the law of proof. You can find the way to the seven poles!"

"It seems that Jiu'er knows more than me." The worries in my heart have been eliminated. Of course, I am also curious about who else is here: "Who else is here?"

"Sister Daimei, Sister Nuan Nuan, Ao Shuang, Qiu Shui, Xiao Chanyu, they are all by the lady's side!" Xiao Jiao said hurriedly.

"Great, take us to meet them soon. By the way, there seems to be a group of people here. Didn't you run into it?" I felt relieved at once, but I didn't expect my sister-in-law to bring so much. People came to the central area of ​​the Blood Demon Heaven.

"How can I not bump into it? I have taken photos here a few times. They seem to have come prepared, and they don’t want everyone to find the core of the Gorefiend separately. Relying on the large number of people, they sent a group of people to harass us and use the quantity. More people are looking for the core of the Gorefiend! It's too cunning!" Yuan Muying explained.

We encountered each other all the way, and not long after, a man's voice came from a distance.

"Let you Mrs. Tiancheng switch to our **** emperor, you guys are pretty, after our **** emperor proves the way, how about marrying us?"

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