Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6468: : Catch the wind

After I got the jade medal, I read the information in it. This is the road map for Xue Qingcheng to walk in, and the situation of the Seven-Earth Daoji Universe is different from what I thought. It is completely different from the Gorefiend Sky. In the world of Blood Demon, the blood and fog are vast and endless. It seems that it is a world of treasures in a small world. After all, treasures do not have too many ideas, and it is not surprising that a group of bad impressions is formed.

Everyone’s Dao-based law proves that the universe has a self-improving Dao-based world, which can be called a small universe of the self. Therefore, every self-contained law reflects one’s most desired point. The Gorefiend has a huge plasticity. Greed by nature, it should be what I saw before.

According to the description of the jade card, this place called Shenyi Daoji is like a mature world body. Mountains, rivers, clouds, and rivers are like dreams and illusions, as well as endless. Of course, because it is not artificial Control, not the concretization of thought, and no one has given it the conclusion of heaven. Without the framework, the Daoji universe is distorted and scattered, and it is more difficult to explore. Everything changes due to changes in Daoji. This kind of world contrasts with blood demons. As far as the sky is concerned, it is even more difficult to explore, and it may not be too easy to unearth the roots of the foundation.

"It doesn't seem to be a good place." I put the jade card in my bag, what should Shen Ningqi do.

Li Zhi'er saw me hesitate and said, "Husband, why don't you invite Sister Zhao to go? Not only can she pinch, she can find people and things very well, but also knows all about these spatial changes. If you take her there , This matter may not be difficult."

"What you said is actually what I thought. I was afraid that Qingcheng saw the unhappiness in her heart. She wanted to go to use the Divine Will Dao Foundation to prove the truth, but she never wanted to get caught in it, and Cici has stated that she does not fight for this Divine Will Dao Foundation. , Now I went again, it is unavoidable that I have to tell people about volatility. I wonder if I can find someone else to go with me, but once I think about it, I feel that there is no good choice." I smiled bitterly.

"Husband, why didn't Sister Xue think so in the camp? But now that I am sending you a request for help, it is obvious that I have thought about other methods, and there is no way to even come and go several groups of people. If you hesitate, I am afraid Sister Xue is also dangerous Now." Li Zhier said.

"Have you been to a few groups of people? Okay, I'll go and invite Cici." I immediately transmitted the sound to Zhao Qian. She was handling the beginning and end of the banquet, and came over when I heard my transmission. Of course, Jade’s call for help, I also found it difficult to deal with the matter, but after hearing that the people who asked for help had gone for a few calls, I didn’t dare to judge the gains and losses anymore. I hurried back to prepare my own things and went to Shenyi Daoji universe with me. .

Shenyi universe, command post.

Apart from bringing Zhao Qian, I did not bring anyone else this time. After all, I have the ability to search here, plus I searched for everything that other people could find.

Sun Mochen and Li Ciyin didn't wait for us to enter the temporary command post, so they flew over and you said everything in one word, which also gave Zhao Qian and me a bottom line.

"In other words, the original information was still very comprehensive, but I didn't know what happened later. Some of the liaisons scattered in it all suddenly disappeared? You didn't investigate these liaisons? It's like checking what happened before they disappeared? Like being stolen, or destroyed by the remnants of the gods?" I asked.

"We have checked, but these communicators just disappeared without a trace. Moreover, the remnants of the gods are not so easy to find. Since the blood of the demon sky, most of the remnants of the gods have indirectly proved the way, or there are some remains of the chaos. Xian, but there is no sign of man-made damage to these communication devices..." Sun Mochen said.

"Yeah... we have also searched it, but some places were either moved away because of Shenyi Daoji's confusion, or we didn't see these contacts at all, besides... the contacts are not very useful, and some contacts have been counted. The sub-region shift has long disappeared... and..." Li Ciyin is timid, and although he is not an unmanned girl, when he looks at me, his face is always red.

I smiled and said, "No hurry, you said this and what is it?"

"And... there are other aboriginal people inside... We stayed outside, and we caught one who fled." Li Ciyin gasped.

"Oh? And the aborigines, what is going on?" I stared in surprise.

"We don't know, so this Divine Will Universe is a bit like the Qiongtian Jade World, and this Divine Will World seems to be far more mature than the average Daoji..." Sun Mochen said.

"Is this aborigines still there? Were you injured during the arrest?" I asked with my eyebrows.

"Not really, the aborigines are there!" Sun Mochen said quickly.

"Take me to see." I am still very interested in the aboriginal people. This is tantamount to being a creature in an ancient unknown world, indicating that this is also a mature Dao-based universe, and it is a way of survival in the original ecology. Ji Universe, this is a bit like opening up a small world of self in Dao Ji.

Soon, Sun Mochen took us to a confined space in the command post.

It is said to be a confined space, but it is actually quite good. There are all kinds of living facilities inside, but it is just a locked space, and the aborigines are not allowed to run out.

And when I looked inside, I couldn’t help being surprised. This aboriginal is a female fairy. To escape this Daoji universe, she must have a certain celestial power, and she doesn’t look very different from the human fairy. , But it’s not indistinguishable. It can even be said that she is quite different from a normal person. Except for her hair is snow-white like a waterfall, her eyes are also purple, and her ears are as big as a child's slap. Of course, other than that, she looks like a normal person. It's the same, the melon seed face or melon seed face.

I don't know if it sensed our existence or something, the other party suddenly looked at us.

"Strange, shouldn't this be an isolated space? Why does she seem to be able to see us." I couldn't help but become curious.

"Husband guessed right. Although she can’t really see it, she can see that we are here, and several people can see, even if there is a barrier of space, even if there is a gap in the space we are in, as long as it is The intersecting points of the space are the same, and her pair of purple pupils can be seen. After our interrogation, we heard that all the aborigines have this ability, and husband, look at her big ears." Sun Mochen pointed to the fairy. Ear, said: "Those ears are very sensitive. Legend has it that they can hear movement from a hundred miles away."

"Brother Tian, ​​it's a bit like clairvoyance and wind ear..." Zhao Qian looked curious.

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