Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6471: :clean

"As long as you really want to save yourself and help us eliminate the Jufang family, if there is any kind of gratitude, just say it. It is necessary to help each other!" Bei Chenxian said.

"We know the situation of the Nine Heavens, we know best. Just now we have issued an order to let the major forces of the Nine Heavens to search for the news of this Jufang family. I think there will be no news yet, but we have a group of friends entering yours. The Shenyi world is missing. We want to take advantage of the time period before the news comes, and enter it to search for our friends. I wonder if Miss Beichen can help us?" Zhao Qian asked.

Bei Chenxian looked at Zhao Qian differently, of course it was not easy to brush her request, but she ran out with great ease, which inevitably made her feel entangled, and said: "I came out so easily, so I must not return, I Think... I advise you to not save your friends, you can't do it, it must be saved, right..."

"Naturally, it is necessary to save, presumably Beichen girl will not give up any of the Beichen clan members, right?" Zhao Qian asked back.

"Of course! We Beichen help each other, so that we can survive the many difficulties!" Bei Chenxian said, but soon she said with a low expression: "But it is not good to say, I am afraid it is the people you go in, if It’s not because of our Beichen clan or the common people living in Ming. To live well, it is to fall into the You, it is almost impossible to survive, so either there is no need to save... or it is impossible to save, so I think you Don't go in, it's fine if you can't get it out, if you fall into the secluded, you will be dead..."

"Girl Beichen, even if they fall into the You, we have to go in and rescue them! Please also ask the girl to help us!" Zhao Qian said hurriedly.

"This..." Bei Chenxian held his cheeks in his hands, with a distressed expression. This posture is also cute. This should be their special expression. Hesitated, Bei Chenxian said: "I can introduce you To my people, let them help you..."

"But what should we do if we enter the You directly?" Zhao Qian asked.

"Then we can only wait to die... In fact, we are in Ming, no matter the clansmen or the common people, we are also very afraid, because the patriarch also said that after the opening of the sky, our divine will world will be in chaos, and those living in the Ming need to observe the rules. The minimum survival criteria, the smallest noise is the goal to live, and the clansmen try their best to find a way out and lead the civilians to leave Ming. This is also because it is very likely that when the sky is opened, You and we will alternate with each other, which means that there is a high probability that Jufang will break through. Entering our side, if the clansmen and civilians run too far and hit the Jufang clan, they will definitely die!" Bei Chenxian warned us.

"So that's the case, isn't the world you are in now very dangerous? Why not go back with us and look for an exit to take the civilians and people away?" Zhao Qian asked.

"But I'm here to help you eliminate the Jufang family, not looking for an exit." Bei Chenxian's head was rather awkward.

"The Jufang family is definitely going to be wiped out, and our immortals are preparing to do so, but haven't we found the news now? Taking advantage of this time, we go in and find the exit, bring people out in time, and chase down this man when we come out. That's Fang's." Zhao Qian said.

"No..." Bei Chen pursed his mouth, as if it was an expression expressing his unwillingness.

Zhao Qian is inevitably a little anxious. I smiled and said, "You can't even save the tribe, but you still need to save our Nine Heavens? It's better to save ourselves, and for fear that you hesitate, the tribe will kill the Jufang clan. Up."

"You!" As Bei Chenxian frowned, she made a weird gesture to me, and said unhappily: "Your talent will be wiped out by the Jufang clan! If you don't want me to save your people, I can ignore it!"

"Who rarely saves you? Now it's the people we went in to save you." I learned the girl's angry gestures and expressions, and she was irritated: "Okay! If you don't want me to save, then I will go back!"

"Go back, open the door to see you off." I waved my hand to signal Meng Zhiqiu to open the way, not to mention that Beichenxian disappeared in front of me in an instant!

However, I am very good at capturing breath. I also appeared in front of her in an instant, and directly fixed her with the law of time: "The escape speed is fast, but unfortunately the strength is a mess, so I am afraid of life when I go to this Jufang family. No guarantee..."

"Brother Tian, ​​don't do this." Zhao Qian stopped me quickly. I could only cancel the time. The girl was shocked when she saw me standing in front of her, but soon she planned to run away again. This time I did not directly pause, but slowed the time to an acceptable level.

Seeing me holding my hand gently and skillfully, Bei Chen's eyes slowly widened, preparing to show an angry expression, but the next moment, with a swish, I broke into the world of the gods, and Zhao Qian could only follow me all the way into it, and after a short while, she broke into a folding space!

"Sure enough." I smiled faintly, and Zhao Qian quickly said: "Brother Tian, ​​do you already know how this Divine Will Dao Foundation World is formed?"

"Well, although what the girl said is not true and false, and added a lot of their cognition as aboriginals, I roughly understand the situation here, after all, the Qiongtian world is there." I laughed She smiled, and immediately looked at the girl with purple pupils and big ears. She couldn't help but feel a little interest in her heart. Especially when she saw her big ears, it was even more interesting, so I could not help but take the opportunity to touch it, which is slightly cold and feels cold. But great ears.

"Brother God! What are you doing!" Zhao Qian hurriedly came over and patted my hand. I laughed, and immediately let go of the woman: "I didn't hold it back for a while..."

Zhao Qian hurriedly hugged Beichenxian, and I also lifted Beichenxian’s time sluggishness law at this time, but what I didn’t expect was that the girl not only turned red quickly, but even the pair of big bewitching ears suddenly turned up. Red to the root of the ear! When Zhao Qian saw this scene, she also knew that it was very impolite, and quickly forced me to apologize: "My God, you are too much, don't you apologize!"

"Girl, I'm really sorry, I couldn't hold back it for a while..." I just wanted to play a prank, but I didn't expect the girl to react so much, so now I feel that this is very inappropriate.

Bei Chenxian not only blushed, but even tears rolled around her purple pupils: "You are innocent and I will kill you!"

I was shocked, watching her suddenly drew out a long sword full of thorns and stab me, and quickly avoided: "Isn't it? Just touching your ears, how can you be innocent?"

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