Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6477: : Diaodan

This time, Zhao Qian didn’t need to do it. My time law directly fixed the Jufang’s movements. This time he was shocked and planned to break away from the law, but Zhao Qian had already regained control of Xiyang, countless The particles then turned into sharp flying swords and whirled directly towards Ju Fang's!

Jufang was horrified, but my time law at the moment has reached the six poles, which fixed him to death, so Zhao Qian’s flying sword beat him into a sieve like crazy rain. Zhao Qian is not the sweet spot of the past. The little girl is now, killing and decisive, without hesitation at all.

But very quickly, those decomposed bodies quickly turned into soils, and under the influence of Jie Li, they once again became the Jufang clan. Now Zhao Qian and I couldn't help but freeze our eyes. It seems that Beichen before. The history described by Xian is still credible. A Jufang clan almost wiped out the tribes here. Needless to say, it certainly has its strengths.

Zhao Qian reacted very quickly. After I anchored the opponent again, she pointed out ten fingers. Soon these soils that were not controlled by the opponent immediately did not break and swell. All of a sudden, the soils became the size of a football field!

Of course, in order to completely eliminate the Jufang clan, the expansion Xiyang suddenly compressed into a cube the size of a fist under Zhao Qian's control!

"Brother Tian, ​​let this soil age!" Zhao Qian said hurriedly.

I pointed two fingers, and the square began to age in an instant, and soon it became like a black crystal.

At this moment, the aging soil is no longer able to lower the veins and orthodoxy, and this Jufang family will naturally be eliminated.

I took this cube into my hand and looked at it carefully: "This is Jufang's? It looks very bold."

"Brother Tian, ​​this is the soil, just let Jufang take advantage of it." Zhao Qian smiled, and after receiving the aging bricks of the soil, she said: "The boundary force has been swallowed up by the law of time. It is dead, of course, if the law of bounding force and the law of vitality are injected at the same time, it will regenerate."

"Oh? You know this too?" I looked at Zhao Qian curiously.

"Brother Tian, ​​who do you think I am?" Zhao Qian couldn't help but smile, and then said: "But it's okay for me to inject it, but this vitality law only has Girl Bingxin."

I nodded and said, "What if you use the fruit of life?"

"The same is true, after all, the soil is living soil." Zhao Qian said.

"This Jufang clan is unlucky when we run into it. It is clearly safe now. Let's go to the tribe quickly and see if there is any place for this Jufang clan to patronize before then." I proposed.

Zhao Qian and I thought of going together. She anxiously summoned the world flower, and dragged me to gallop towards the place of luck. However, after about a short time, our Xian family encountered several waves. I even ran into those few people who had been traveling with me before, and they were embarrassed for a while, but they were always going around in this bright place, and couldn't find the tribe!

I condensed my eyebrows and said, "It's very strange. Maybe it's because of the large spatial formations set up, or the Beichen clan exists in a certain spatial specific place. We came from outside and couldn't find their tribe. If this Beichen fiber Just be there."

"It should be a large array of space, and a large array with built-in boundary force, but there will be no boundary force on the outside, otherwise it will attract the Jufang family, but in this way, there should be some token or Things like keys that can trigger the breaking of the world are right... I’ll try it.” Zhao Qian said that he activated the space jump and penetration ability of the world flower. This is a very costly way, but at this moment, in order to find the tribe Where, we can't continue to wander outside!

Sure enough, as expected, shortly after we were flying in the direction of the convergence of Qi Luck, there would no longer be any cluttered areas where the Celestial Immortal family left aura, and there was even only the aura radiated by a certain boundary force. This should be a certain The power remnants of the space-shifting big array started.

"It seems that I have broken through this moment." Zhao Qian breathed a sigh of relief.

However, when we just stopped, a few breaths rushed over before us. Zhao Qian and I could only stand in place and wait until two men and one woman appeared in our sight!

These three are all handsome men and beauties. They look similar to Beichenxian, and they are completely the same in particular. They are all big ears and purple eyes. This is the standard for Beichen. If a woman grows up like this, it would be quite a lot. It's cute, but the man looks like that, he looks a bit piggy. I couldn't help laughing when I saw the two handsome men with big ears.

The other party used to use the old language with some doubts, but when he saw me laughing out loud, he suddenly became angry. Several people murmured in front of me. Just when we were about to explain something, one of them suddenly Flying over to me, and stretched out his big hand, the surrounding space immediately gave him a seal and twisted, and my whole person was like an invisible shackle!

Zhao Qian was stunned, watching the other party use space to lock me up, and immediately preparing to use Jie Li to meet the enemy, I hurriedly said: "Think about Bei Chenxian, you can no longer be this Jufang family."

Zhao Qian didn't dare to continue to act. This divine will universe is actually full of boundary forces, so the space is inherently unstable, because if the boundary forces cannot be effectively used and controlled, it will easily lead to chaos. It is better to be clear here. If it were replaced by Youdi, it would be the same as before using the sky to see Xue Qingcheng within a short distance, and the space would directly become chaotic and twisted.

"But Brother God, you have to break free! This area of ​​control spells is nothing to you, right?" Zhao Qian muttered, because I let the other party tie me up.

"Don't worry, they are the guards of the tribe. It's better to catch them than to fight? What will they do next? Naturally, they want to bring us into the tribe, isn't it?" I said.

Zhao Qian suddenly came over: "Brother Tian is still smart!"

"You turned into a silly girl when you followed me." I laughed, and Zhao Qian snorted, and couldn't help but jokingly said through the voice transmission: "It's all of the old husband and wife, and you still molested me like that..."

I smiled, and the man who rushed at this time pulled out the thorn sword in Beichenxian's hand, and swung a sword at me!

Zhao Qian hurriedly prepared to rescue. I stopped by the voice transmission. Sure enough, the other party just used a sword to hold my neck in order to signal Zhao Qian not to act rashly.

Seeing that Zhao Qian wanted to do it but stopped, the man was very satisfied. After saying a few words with two other young men and women who were worried, he pushed me happily and flew eastward. If I guess right, this It should be the direction of the tribe.

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