Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6480: : Heaven

"Haha... Back then, those nine supreme immortals cast Jiuding and reveled in the nine heavens. Countless immortals did not follow them to prove the Dao, or they were willing to reincarnate and fall into the nine heavens. There are always some immortals who are not willing to listen. The persuasion of these supreme immortals is unwilling to reincarnate and live under the nine heavens... Therefore, I think of the super Dao foundation that already exists in the Nine Heavens. These Dao foundations are like a disease that is difficult to remove, even if Jiuding removes them. Seals can’t completely wipe them out. Therefore, apart from our Beichen clan’s immortals, together with this Jufang clan, they secretly discussed a method, which is to prove the Dao among the selected Dao foundations here, and wait for it to open again. At the time of the sky, this is the beginning of our ancestors hiding in a secluded place, and then falling into this bright place..." The old lady smiled lightly, as if she had taken these things lightly, and she said it as if to tell an unrelated story. general.

This can make a group of Beichens stunned and shocked for a while.

"Then if we are the same existence as the Jufang clan, shouldn't we be hiding in a secluded place?"

"Yes, why is there a bright spot again?"

Several disciples asked unwillingly, this quiet place vaguely became a place where powerful people lived in their hearts, after all, their god, the ancestor of the Jufang family was also on it.

"It is recorded in the secret book that in order to find ways to hide in the Daoji universe that is not easy to be swallowed by Jiuding, everyone actually spent a lot of effort to investigate, and later selected several can be used Daoji, so everyone held the test. The idea of ​​trying to prove among them, of course, most of them choose their own similar Dao foundation to prove the Dao... Many of them have the Blood Demon Heaven, and our Shenyi Heaven, there are also the Youhuang Heaven, the Three Vehicles Heaven... these, all It's the Daoji that all the Supreme Immortals have been screened and discarded..." The old lady sat there quietly telling stories, but she told me the history that interests me very much.

"These nine supreme immortals opened the Qiongtianyu after casting the cauldron, and then they all used their avenues to prove their Dao, some of them have become the octagonal Dao, and some of them are the 7-pole Dao and have another chance after proving the Dao, but they all stand tall in all. Above the Enlightenment Immortal, then why are there no other Enlightenment Spiritual Heavens or Three Vehicles of Heaven who successfully went up to the Enlightenment? And these Enlightenment Dao foundations seem to have high and low points. I don’t know if these are described in the secret code?" I asked Tao.

"Xianzun’s question is good. In fact, this is also a place where we back doors are baffled and unable to comprehend. However, the old woman has referred to the secrets for many years, and it can be regarded as some reference. These supreme immortals are all related to us. They are different, they all have a common point, both rich and noble from birth... Hehe, Yuanzuxian created the heavens and the earth, turned into countless turbid air to form a chaotic sky, and its vitality made trillions of living beings. These living beings are born and exalted. Those who are born with mayfly, the universe is so simple and unfair, as for those supreme immortals... who is not born to be supreme? Of course, there are still many born and supreme people in the world, but the luck is different. , So even if you were born to be supreme, you also need to resonate with the number... For example, the ancestors of the Jufang family and our Beichen family, even if they were born to be supreme, there is no number of resonances. In the end, it can only end up like this..." The old lady said with a smile, but she didn't see the slightest pity.

I quickly asked: "There are indeed many Supreme Beings born in the world. After all, they are the vitality of Yuanzuxian. I know this, but what is the number of resonances?"

"The number of resonance is the number of the Dao of Heaven. There are twelve in total, and the highest number is the same number. It is the supreme number of the Dao, and it is the Dao of Heaven without any doping." The old lady wrote one by one. Then he said: "This Dao is the foundation of the Dao of Heaven, and even those who are born with the Supreme will never have this Dao, because this Dao is only the source of everything, the Supreme Dao of Heaven, that is, the supreme of all the Dao... Counting, the second number is like two rituals, like the universe, like two qi, like cause and effect. No one who has obtained this way has ever heard of it. Yuanzuxian is in this way, this is under the supreme way of heaven. As for the third number, then Too many, such as the Three Tais of Taichu, Taisu, and Taishi; the three talents of heaven, earth and man; the three days of Qing Weitian, Yuyutian, and Taichitian; the three realms of Yuqing, Shangqing, and Taiqing; three The emperor of the emperor, the emperor of the earth, the emperor of the human... and so on, and this number can get the Promise Heaven. For example, among the supreme immortals, there are those who have achieved the Taiqing, Yuqing, and Shangqing... You know it when you think about it." The old lady calmly talked about the way of heaven that even shocked me.

This mystery contains Promise, and it has the root of the vast and infinite Tao, and it makes me instantly fascinated. After all, even Yuanzuxian is only a second number.

"Since the three numbers are already so complex, why are there only nine supreme immortals in this world? It stands to reason that if you get them, it will be no less than the nine?" I continued to ask curiously.

"Haha... the universe is boundless, we don’t know too much. Even those who perform this mystery are not sure whether the twelve numbers of the heavens are correct, and even if they are the same number, there are all Don’t forget that you still need to resonate with the difference between high and low. The strength of resonance will also affect the level of this number. So, is it complicated and random?” The old lady sat and said, she is indeed a wise man.

"It is true that all the possibilities will pass this resonance. It is all based on the luck of the Dao. Even if the Dao is shipped, it will be divided into primary and secondary because of whether it fits the path. If the resonance of one's own Tao is not up to standard, it is just coexistence, but it can't become the root of this Tao. Even if it successfully meets the root, it will be different due to the strength of control, right?" I asked .

"Yes... we Beichen clan and Jufang clan proving the Dao here at Shenyitian, because, as you said, it became a foil for this Dao in the end, and no one can match the root cause, so we live in seclusion, and because of our philosophy They are different and stand alone, cutting off the land and entrenched in one side, contradicting each other over the years..." The old lady shook her head and smiled bitterly.

At this time, only the old lady and I could match the conversation. Even Zhao Qian was confused, let alone the other disciples and grandchildren. They looked unclear and felt mysterious and mysterious, so they could only keep chewing and remembering. .

"In this way, I already know the origins of the Jufang family and the Beichen family, but I still want to dare to ask more about the four numbers..." I laughed.

"Four numbers, such as the Sun, Shaoyang, Taiyin, Shaoyin of the Four Elephants, such as the four poles of Donghua, Antarctica, Xiling, and Beizhen, such as the four heavens, Hao, Min, Shang...This number is even more infinite It's hard to tell, if Xianzun really wants to go on, how about the old woman handing this heavenly Taoist secret to Xianzun for her own study?" the old lady asked.

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