Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6594: : Ruthless Horn

"Xianzun Yuan Hao said that, it seems that it is really the case." I had an expression of epiphany. Which of the two princes pulled out was definitely a ruthless existence. They wouldn't be because of you. Honoring them will give you good fruit, and you will have a place in front of benefits.

"That's not it? These three heavens have always avoided the important and the slightest. The first-level battlefield can’t do anything, so they hide in the second-level battlefield and do their best. Now they are mixed into the third heaven, they will challenge you to create the world and even secretly instigate you. The relationship between me, if our two families don't unite, they will surely be eaten by them sooner or later!" Yuan Hao Xianzun is sinister and cunning. Of course, the three old immortals of San Taitian are not much better.

As soon as San Tai Tian heard that Yuan Qi Xianzun could bite so much, why would he let me and San Tai Tian work together to bite them? At the beginning, he said: "Little brother, you have to think about it. Even though our Santaitian has an appointment with you in the creation day, we still act according to the rules, and we will not deliberately act like these Sanyangtians. Bully you, if you unite them to attack us, we won't talk about those rules anymore, just swallow your creation heaven, and don't dare to take us if you want to come to Sanqitian, after all, we are fulfilling our promise. That's it!"

I secretly scolded these three Taitians for being really shameless. I thought in my heart that I should look at the situation first and pretend to be hesitant for the time being. As a result, after I said this to this Taichu, the obvious resistance of Yuan Hao Xianzun slowed down. , The meaning is simple, he intends to let Santaitian distract us to hit us first, at least we played hard to understand them before they entered the field.

"Hehe, you are right, you created the world without paying attention to the rules first, and launched the Heavenly Dao War against San Qitian ahead of time. This violates the war script and the rules of Sheng Daotian! We are not three Taitians now. It is to punish you for Tian Xing Dao, but it is just to fight San Qi Tian, ​​and indirectly it is to perform the battle book duel, which is basically a matter of course!" The shameless old man Taishi Xianzun also took the opportunity to laugh happily, San Qitian withdrew He left his hand free, and of course he turned the gun.

I secretly said that the princes of the Daotian Daotian are indeed too cunning. Turning their faces one by one is faster than turning the book. How can I turn them over? Instead, I was the bottom. Besides, these three Qitians are obviously cheaper. I swallowed about one and a half of my octopole dao base before. It can be said that I have made a lot of money. This magical gods gene is concentrated, and it is fundamentally different from mobilizing those. It's easier to swallow, and now everyone is different from the Heavenly Dao battle. They are all made by hard work and hard work.

"At this moment, the decisive battle, is it not taking advantage of people? My way is unstable, if you swallow my Chuangshitian, what will the next Xianzun say? Is it possible to watch your Santaitian do this? You usually deal with it. It’s okay to avoid the enemy when you are a foreign enemy, and now you are taking advantage of the fact that your friends in the camp are weak and swallowing them. Are you so vicious and cunning, are you San Taitian's methods? Now even the war book can’t restrain you, so I was so anxious, so I came to swallow me That's it, I can't say we can practice with each other!" I gritted my teeth and stubbornly said San Tai Tian, ​​and looked like I was going all out, turning all the laws of time and Dao Ji to attack San Tai Tian!

For a time, Daoji spreading like a galaxy crazily counterattacked and San Taitian twisted with San Qitian, so that the three of them suddenly gritted their eyebrows and quickly turned their strength to counterattack me. Not to mention, these San Taitians It was through this battle that they gradually accumulated enough capital, but they are also veteran powerhouses. Even because of this plundering momentum, their morale is quite astonishing. There are many six and seven immortals. It's a very strong rule, and it took the offensive on my side all at once!

My creation day has recently risen, and my luck is like the shining radiance of stars and galaxies, and these three heavens are also three kinds of star energy clouds that have existed in ancient times. They are immortal, and it is difficult to completely suppress them if they swallow each other. I even mobilized Xia Ruize and the others to recoil, but they weren't sure enough. No wonder San Taitian came to deal with me deliberately. Taichu, Taisu, and Taishi have their own characteristics. The first time I confronted and tried, I would inevitably be in a hurry.

The war of heaven is not a battle between two armies on a plane, nor is it possible to achieve a strategic effect by relying on sand table deduction. They have different laws and abilities, and they all need to find ways to deal with each other. Whose heaven is more perfect and more responsive , To fight against each other to get huge results.

Although my side is complete, the special laws for their laws are actually weak. Without the blessings of the astrolabe, it is definitely difficult to deal with. So it didn’t take long for me to target them, and I immediately lost the points. Of course, locally During the battle, Xia Ruize's god-ridden heavenly complex and the heavenly ways of his wife's sister and Li Guxian all demonstrated unstoppable strategic significance.

But what I am most looking forward to is Xijun’s law of swallowing gods. Although she has a low level and is hidden in the heavenly path of her sister-in-law, she has eaten a lot now, and eating has become a super law that cannot be underestimated. The Qiji is not far away, and sooner sister-in-law will be able to attack a higher level quickly, and sooner or later she will be the Qiji Daoji.

However, there is still a big difference between the part and the whole as a whole. The Genesis Day that I control by myself is larger than they add up. It is not a volume. For one thing, it cannot carry out targeted attacks, and secondly it cannot be used. The astrolabe is used to condense the strength at one point to break the enemy's strong shield, and I am afraid that my side will be eaten up in the end.

However, I didn't want to rely on this reckless performance to win this battle, but to make a posture. As long as San Qitian did not leave the battlefield of Heavenly Dao War, everything would be unknown.

Sanqitian didn’t stop the many avenues under his hand from eroding luck. They wandered around our battlefields. The luck inevitably overflowed during the war. There are opportunities everywhere, so just watch others fight with integrity. It became a simple opportunity for them to take this opportunity.

"Yuan Qixian Zun, we are facing Zheng Daotian at this moment. You are still staying around this battlefield and eating away our leaked luck. What does this mean? Is it possible that you want to participate in the battle and fail? Is this legal?" Tai Su, this old lady has a bad temper. But when I was picking up the leak, it was inevitable that one party would be picked up more, and I deliberately transferred the elite to her side to attack, she inevitably leaked more luck. The old woman felt that she was at a disadvantage.

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