Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6805: : Filter

"Xianli, instead of sitting and waiting for death, we still have to find ways to leave. Fate is still in our own hands, so don't think I am complicated. There are always people who think more than us, and no one knows what the crazy old man thinks. Don't forget, when I was injured, he was not a good person." I looked at my shoulder.

Only then did Xian Li feel a sense of fear, but it is not so easy to change her mind. She immediately asked: "Then how do we escape? There is a big stone blocking it, and the cave is reinforced with a large array both inside and outside. It’s impossible for us to break through the wall and the window to leave." Xian Li looked worried.

"I thought about it a long time ago. The spring below this is the entrance to the underground river. It may be the place where we broke through. We can die from there and leave." I proposed.

Xian Li was surprised and quickly said: "Then what are we waiting for now?"

"When I make two simple storage bags, I will leave." As I said, I went to the pile of materials, picked a few materials, and then went to the workbench to make a fuss.

My understanding of the Liangyi universe comes from Lingyi, and Lingyi is best at the rules of the small world. The storage bag belongs to this type, so it is not difficult for me to make an openable storage bag. The injury prevented me from making this storage bag, but it won't be a problem for me now.

After making the bag from the fur of the fierce beast, the inner surface is depicted with the space magic circle, and then the larger piece of the Danjing is used to inlay the outer part of the storage bag as the memory switch of the space, and all this is done. Convergence, I gathered mana out of thin air and opened the space array of the storage bag. This step was very laborious. With my current strength, I only opened a multi-square space, and finally I used Dan when I couldn’t expand it anymore. The crystal maintains its space size, so that a simple storage bag is completed.

Seeing my successful refining, Xian Li was stunned. After I tried to put the Dan Jing directly into the storage bag, she couldn't help asking: "Tung Ren! When did you learn it?" The refining device? Why didn’t you say that you are capable of these unique skills before?"

"Hey, I've read the old man's refining book these days. I don't know the complicated one. But can't I make it simple? Besides, the storage bag is not an advanced thing. As long as it has materials, it can be The production was successful.” I laughed. Actually, it is not easy to open the space magic circle. This is a waste of my boss's skills. The normal foundation stage immortal family certainly won't work, because mana can’t force the space magic circle to open.

Xianli looked at the storage bag in my hand and said enviously: "Tong Ren, that is, Master only has such a storage bag, but you can make it... You can still try it and you will succeed. I don't know if... Sister... Sister makes one too?"

"You don't need to say that I will too." After I finished speaking, I emptied the Danjing again, and then gave the ready-made storage bag directly to her: "Hey, this is your storage bag."

Xian Li was extremely happy, and immediately, regardless of the smell of the beast on the storage bag, she kissed directly, but she retched because of nausea. I couldn't help but smile and made Xian Li embarrassed. Up.

I quickly re-made one myself. Although it is no different from the first one, it uses two slightly larger Danjing, which means that it is a double storage bag, that is, outside the encrypted space. A spare space that anyone can open.

Regardless of whether this spare space can be easily opened by anyone, in fact, this space is filled with unimportant and worthless things, and in the encrypted space that requires my own six spiritual roots to open, it hit Dan. Jinghe various important treasures, so that even if someone seizes them to view, they will only open the one without the password, so that I will not find that my fairy house in the foundation construction period actually collected things that did not belong to the foundation construction period.

After putting the Danjing into the encrypted space, I picked some tools and materials that were not important to the old man and put them in. Then I started to use some fierce beast materials to draw a rope for several kilometers, and then I wore a look. Xianli, worried about gains and losses, arrived at the spring.

After giving the end of the rope to Xian Li, I said, "I will go down to find the way first. When I pull ten times to stop, you will pull me back. This means I am lost or in danger. If I pull twenty times in a row, you will follow the next spring, because I may have found the exit, understand?"

"Oh..." Xian Li looked at me worriedly, and then said: "But what if there really is a spirit beast under the water? You don't have a good skill..."

"It's okay, don't worry about this." Will I have no spells next to me? Of course it is impossible.

"How can I not worry? Since you came to the mountain gate, you have not had any decent skills. The six basics of Taoism, swordsmanship, marksmanship, boxing, palming, and **** are all imperfect, and none of them satisfy Master. Should the world go down?" Xian Li hesitated.

"No need, besides the spring water is so clean, there won't be too many fierce beasts, at most some small fish and shrimps." I laughed.

"What are small fish and shrimp..." Xian Li was surprised again.

"That's... it's the little spirit beast." I can only explain it in full.

In these two universes, the little monsters all call it spirit creatures or spirit beasts, and naturally they don't understand what little fish and shrimp are.

After strapping a tough rope around my waist, I took a knife and carried a piece of luminous fluorite, jumped out of the spring, and swam into the depths.

It’s difficult to see things in the dark ahead. With my current cultivation level, of course, I can’t see things at night, so I rely on this luminous fluorite to illuminate the surrounding space. This is also why I need to use ropes to be safe, in case I really suffocate. It takes too long to come up, it is really mortal.

Regardless of the fact that you can do many things that mortals can't do in the late stage of foundation building, the flesh is completely finished without being separated from the flesh, and then I can only wait for the spiritual body to seize the house. This is what I don't want. Things you want to see.

If my old experience is overturned in the gutter, I might be able to report to Han Shanshan, who is going back to work, to laugh for a few years.

Not long after, I had already dived deep into the bottom of this spring. As expected, some changes were made below. The old man is not stupid. Is it possible to let other little beasts come up with the spring? So a filter was added below, and the gap was filled with a seal.

But it is not difficult for me, the knife in my hand is for this filter.

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