Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6853: :decline

After hearing the news of the enemy’s situation, I walked out of the cabin. The two warships came at us at first sight. There were more than a hundred disciples on each ship. weak.

There are thirteen starlights on the erected sails on the ship. This flag can be seen at a glance that it belongs to a certain martial art, and it is probably a battleship of the Star Soul Sect that I have never seen before.

As expected, Fox Xia next to me stared with surprise, and called out the three words "Star Soul Sect".

"Why is the Star Soul Sect here? This should be the entrance to the valley of Luomu Valley!" a fairy family said in surprise.

"Elder, what should we do now? They seem to be chasing over!" The old patriarch who provided the Mu Tianzhou hurriedly asked Chang Jie.

Chang Jie looked at me, and I immediately ordered: "Avoid, enter the Luomu Valley, and talk about other things if you chase."

The Mu Tianzhou is not fast. At least I have taken many warships. This speed is not as fast as my Huamuwu. Of course, its advantage is that it can carry more people and can sail in the air without obstacles.

Mu Tianzhou quickly bypassed the forward and landing line of the two warships, but when the two sides met in the wrong boat, dozens of spear-like crossbow arrows suddenly shot from the opponent's crossbow, and only a whistle was heard. The swish of the crossbow shook the wilderness, and then the crossbow bolt blasted on the wooden sky boat.

The wooden sky boat swayed, and then it shook violently. That's because the arrows of these huge crossbow arrows are made of spar. Once the warship is hit, the spiritual power will be limited immediately, and the speed will also be affected by this. slow down!

"It seems that the other party does not intend to let us go." I waved my hand as soon as I finished speaking and ordered an immediate counterattack.

Bang bang bang!

Our crossbow arrows were also fired. Like the opponent's crossbow arrows, these warships have their own means to deal with their own treasure ships, but there must be no hot weapons such as the main gun, and the opponent’s speed is reduced. Without him, it is a battle on the side.

Dozens of immortals leaped high from the ship and hurriedly leaped towards our warship. They either had swords in their hands or spears and knives. Many of them were bare-handed, and the next moment they attacked, it was raining. Boom!

These immortal families of the Star Soul Sect were all dressed in uniform black clothes. There were also thirteen stars on the black clothes, which were much more uniform than those of us who looked more like Luo Mu Gu Sanxiu.

Bang bang bang!

All kinds of boxing shadows blasted over, and the sword wind also slashed the ship's body everywhere. I immediately ordered the fight and fled towards Luomu Valley.

Chang Jie is the pioneer. She is the magic fairy of the wood spirit root. Just watching her wave her hands high, countless vines rushed towards each other, and the star soul sect disciple who rushed in front was immediately rolled into flesh. The flowers on the vines are sprayed with weird venom, which can corrode the flesh immediately when it touches a person.

After all, it was the existence of the late stage of the Spirit Realm, and Chang Jie's attack put a huge crushing pressure on the enemy, and the forty or fifty people who rushed over all bypassed her.

Of course, while the enemy's battleship turned around, one of the middle-aged men wearing different Star Soul Sect clothes also flew towards the Mu Tianzhou at a very fast speed, at least it was a fairy family with a spiritual realm!

It seemed to be a acquaintance. After seeing the middle-aged man, Chang Jie immediately stopped paying attention to other enemies. Instead, he asked coldly, "Desolate Country, although your Star Soul Sect has never dealt with Luo Mu Gu, but Don't worry about pushing us to the Nuling Palace, right? When we join forces with the Nuling Palace, you are not afraid of the Star Soul Sect sect changing hands?"

"Haha, Chang Jie, I didn't guess wrong as expected. You took the lead in this Luomugu abnormal movement? You are going to rebuild the Luomugu valley. Have you ever asked us about the Star Soul Sect?" Huangguo asked coldly.

"We need your Star Soul Sect in the ward to rebuild Luomu Valley. When Luomu Valley was besieged by the righteous way, why didn't you see your Star Soul Sect? Since you are here prepared, you can't kill us, just die under my hand!" After Chang Jie finished speaking, he immediately stretched out his hand in the direction of the deserted country, and then countless vines rushed towards each other frantically!

The Star Soul Sect is dominated by Lei Linggen, and Desolate Country is the leader among Lei Xiu. With five fingers and a grasp, five thunderballs rushed towards the vines, and soon the two attacks collided together, and There was a terrible thunderstorm!

Of course dozens of immortal families came towards me, but Hu Xia and I were guarded by a group of immortal families, and there was no chance to make a move.

The immortal family who rebuilt Luomugu here are all very strong, and they don’t give too much to the disciples of the Star Soul Sect. Of course, if you continue to fight like this, once there is a loss, Luomugu will not be able to hurt it. The current Luomugu is not a star In the soul sect, the loss of talents is tantamount to a disaster of extinction.

So I can’t be idle either. I don’t need to be protected at all, now that I have reached Dzogchen’s crystallization, I immediately persuade everyone to go away. I made it into meat sauce!

Seeing my bravery, a group of immortals immediately shouted in applause, and Fox Xia naturally inevitably followed suit. Their Nuling Palace and Star Soul Sect had always been at odds, and their enemies would inevitably fight.

A ship’s battle has already been tied, and if another ship catches up, it will inevitably crush us, so I won’t let this happen, so retreating is the best solution right now. Tao.

Of course, it is not easy to retreat. The speed of the ship is now slower unless the opponent's ship speed becomes slower.

So in the face of the warship that was about to encircle and cut our way forward, it was necessary to do some tricks, but when I was thinking about what to do, the voice of the desert country suppressed my idea of ​​preparing to attack first: " Senior Sister Fengsu, it's up to Senior Sister to stop the remnants of Luomugu!"

After I listened, my expression suddenly changed, and their Star Soul Sect actually came to two immortal houses with spiritual realms, which was beyond my imagination.

"Junior Brother Huang must also be careful. Chang Jie is already a spiritually consummate cultivation base. We are only in the mid-term. You must not tremble with her!" Feng Su, who was opposite, also gave the other party an order. It seems that they came to two spiritual realms. I am also afraid of Chang Jie's strength.

"What can I do now? Lord Valley?" The old patriarch who was driving the boat panicked and didn't know what to do for a while. I looked to the left and right, pointed to the canyon on the right, and said, "Descent into the canyon below. In the middle, let the crossbow arrows be ready, aiming at the front warships, slowing down their ships, and not being able to ride in two to surround us, so that the elder Chang Jie can protect our rear."

The old patriarch suddenly understood that he immediately sailed down, and the enemy wanted to intercept it, but because of our descent, it could only be followed by the descent.

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