Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6861: : Yaoxian

"What? The roof?" Now even Hu Xia was so surprised that he didn't know what to say, but Xian Li was really happy, and said quickly: "Dong Ren, why did you think we didn't think of this?"

"Hehe, in fact, I haven't come into contact with such a complex array. It is usually a hidden array. It may not be easy to see the difference. However, it is not difficult to repair it, but the hard part is a spell. If it is impossible to crack the unique teleportation A spell, it’s probably not easy to send it into the medicine field.” I laughed.

"Master Gu, then you have to worry too much. I think that the old man also searched for the method of transmission in this medicine field. I have learned this spell from the medicine boy who took care of the medicine field back then, so you can rest assured, just repair it. After the big formation, you can use the spell to enter." Chang Jie said happily, but soon his expression changed abruptly: "But the roof has collapsed. Is it possible to pick up a piece of stone to splice it? I am ignorant. I didn’t take the Heaven Array into consideration when repairing the Earth Array. I was furious, I was afraid that many of the remains of the Roof Heaven Array would be broken into dust by me. I’m afraid..."

"Ah? Master, what can I do then?" Xian Li became anxious again for a while.

"I knew it was not that easy." Hu Xia was speechless. Although she didn't dare to speak directly, it didn't mean she didn't dare to mention it.

"Since it can't be repaired, let's build another one. The Heaven Array is not difficult. It contains the principles of the Heaven of Two Instruments. Let me have a look..." I compared the rune marks of the lower Array, and immediately In my mind, I drew the heavenly formations of the two rituals, and after a while, I already had the answer in my mind.

"Does that have to build a roof?" Xian Li asked.

"No, I will draw a cracked array. Although the medicine field will definitely be used in the future, it is changed to a double encryption method. The array does not need the sky array anymore." I finished speaking quickly. The normal line map of the Heaven’s Spiritual Pulse Array added to the Earth Array was handed over to Chang Jie: "Although I have obtained the result of the large array, I am not able to draw it on the large array, so I will trouble the elder to do it for you. ."

"I thought you were very good, so I can't paint or write." Hu Xia finally found the entrance to me.

"Then why don't you draw one?" Xian Li said angrily.

I smiled speechlessly, and said: "Drawing is different from writing. Drawing requires layers of calculations. It is a creative process. Writing is a copy of the type created, but writing well requires skill. Both are equal. It’s important, it’s indispensable."

"The master of the valley is right, but one thing is not fully stated. This draws a large formation, which shows the skill of the formation more. The old man is ashamed and has lived so long in vain. Compared with the master of the valley, the attainments in the formation are simply It's too young." Chang Jie's words immediately blocked Hu Xia's mouth.

Soon, after Chang Jie took out the sword and the materials for meticulous drawing, a brand new big formation of heaven and earth was completed in her hands.

Of course, I have to check it. After I found out that it was correct, I took out some spirit crystals and placed them on the starter of the large array, and then chanted the spell. After a while, the large array really lit up and began to emerge. Shadow, this shadow floats up, and begins to spin.

I looked to the left and right, and found that no one was paying attention to the situation here, so I said: "Okay, all of them are in the formation, I started to teleport."

"Is this all right?" Even Chang Jie couldn't help but ask, it can be seen that after so many years of failure, she still can't believe it.

"Well, it's all right." After I finished speaking, I walked into the big formation, and Xian Li followed closely, and then both Chang Jie and Hu Xia came in.

I snapped my fingers, and then only heard a swish, and immediately after a burst of white light, we immediately appeared in a place that seemed to be overgrown with weeds!

The reason for the overwhelming weeds is not that weeds have grown in the medicinal fields, but that the large formation we are in has been abandoned for a long time, so that it looks messy.

On the contrary, looking at it, in the space beyond the front line, the medicine fields are unexpectedly clean and tidy, and even the house that manages the medicine fields farther away does not look like it is deserted!

This abnormal scene made Chang Jie and I couldn't help looking at each other.

"How is this possible?" I was taken aback.

"Ah? What's wrong? Is there something wrong?" Xian Li asked with a dazed expression.

"I don't know this. I was surprised because it was not right. Looking at the medicine field, there are no weeds and they are too good, right?" Hu Xia didn't see the essence.

Chang Jie said decisively: "Impossible, how come a hundred years have passed, there are still people living here!"

I was so scared that Xianli grabbed my hand. I was actually shocked. I can live in this place for a hundred years, and my loneliness is unimaginable, because Yaotong’s cultivation level should not be as high as that. A super fairy house like Shunhua sleeps for ten thousand years!

Sure enough, not long after our voice fell, a slightly fat middle-aged woman hurried out of the house. When she saw us, she cried out with a wow, even more surprised than us!

And at first, she was babbling, almost unable to say a word. It can be seen that she has been alone for a long time, and even her language ability has been somewhat frustrated.

"Okay, shut up! Listen to us, we are not evil immortals." Chang Jie yelled, and the middle-aged woman was so scared that she held the goal post and did not weaken.

"Very good! You just need to nod and shake your head, no need to say anything else, we are all immortal family of Luo Mugu, we will not harm you, can you understand it?" Chang Jie looked at the middle-aged woman quickly Nodded, looked at me and continued, "This is the current Lord of Luomugu Valley, and I am the current Great Elder of Luomugu Valley, and when you were still in this medicinal field, I thought it should be a human being. My name is Chang. Jie, it was already an elder at that time."

The middle-aged woman shook her head suddenly, which made Chang Jie's face sink: "Don't you recognize me?"

The middle-aged woman was so scared that she nodded quickly, and I quickly reached out to stop Chang Jie from continuing to ask, but smiled: "Elder, she should have been just a medicine boy at the time. On the other side, it has been a hundred years, and it’s not surprising that you don’t recognize you. Let me ask next?"

"Yes, Lord Gu." Only then did Chang Jie's complexion improve.

"Since you are the medicine boy here, you should be more than you. Where did the other medicine boys go? Why are you alone? Are they all dead?" I asked casually, while looking around. In fact, there shouldn’t be much that the other party can say, so it’s better to see it with your own eyes.

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