Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6882: : Snacks

Just before my tongue touched this elder crystal-like thing, the smell of smell came out again, but even so, the little beast on the opposite side suddenly retched and looked sideways at me looking down on me. Suddenly I woke up again.

I didn't continue to put this thing in my mouth, but observed it again. This time I finally found something that was not completely dried like viscose. This was the reason for the smell.

Is it the secretion of what animal?

It is like the ambergris used as a fragrance and perfume. Its essence is the dried product of the intestinal secretions of the sperm whale. Isn’t this also a product of digestion? If you explain it in this way, it's not difficult to guess why this thing is everywhere. Don't look at this little guy with a cute and cute appearance, I'm afraid he is also a master of Lazard everywhere.

Looking at the surrounding attic again, I couldn't find any of the treasures, and there were places like thief holes, which looked almost like digging three feet in the ground.

It's not easy to survive a hundred years. This little beast looked like it had gnawed everything, and the colorful stuff here must have been excreted over the years.

I thought for a while, and immediately threw a few treasures from the storage bag. As expected, after the little beast glanced at me, he didn't hesitate to pounce on it. Whether it was a hard treasure or a soft soft armor, it They were all crunchy and eaten into the stomach.

"It turned out to be a golden swallowing beast, I said it earlier." I was a little bit dumbfounded. If this guy didn't eat his own shit, so if I looked like I was going to eat it, I might really eat shit.

While rejoicing secretly, I watched it cleaned up the treasures I threw to it, and threw a lot of treasures to it. Among them, there were materials, all kinds of medicines and treasures of heaven and earth, this guy. It was true that those who came would not refuse, and they swallowed everything that was readily available.

"Hey, good job, even after eating so much, I don’t see any growth..." I smiled and fed the little beast, but before I finished speaking, the guy immediately ran to a clearing and just squatted and pulled. Tuo shit.

I watched these sheep shit-like crystals fall one by one, and large and small beads were piled up like a jade plate. I couldn't help but be grateful that I didn't eat it, no wonder even this guy felt sick.

I took another look at the crystal in my hand. No matter how much the fragrance is scented, I still feel that it is not so scented, but the energy contained in it is real. These are the clean energy obtained after removing all the impurities, or This also explains the reason why the little beast's body is hard, it is like a strange treasure in itself.

I walked towards it happily, and took out a bunch of treasures and pills in my hand. Of course, the little beast was happy. After all, someone fed it, even if it was cute, it would be a good thing.

I’m actually more happy. This guy is a living alchemy furnace, and he doesn’t pick any materials. As long as he absorbs enough energy, he can immediately pull out a bunch of granular crystals. The energy of this thing fits my current practice very well. , Even far better than the purity of Danjing ten times.

"Little guy, come here, I will give you some delicious food." While throwing the treasure to it, I also want to get closer. It is best to subdue it, so that I can work on it later. With it, I don't know if Luo Mugu will usher in a change, but I am sure I will definitely take off.

After carefully studying its **** structure, after crushing it to dissolve and absorb some, I found that although it has rich properties, it may come from the various treasures, gold and iron hidden in this secret realm, but it seems to be eaten after it is eaten. , Can also easily convert and excrete these spiritual powers, and the most important thing is that there is a special attribute that occupies a lot of its ingredients, that is, the wood attribute.

This is actually easy to explain. Luomugu is dominated by wood spirit roots, and of course most of the magic weapons, treasures and various heaven and earth treasures are of wood attributes, which also leads to the small color of this head. Wood attributes accounted for the vast majority of the **** pulled by the beast.

What if it is fed with the individual herbs of the medicinal field? What will happen? This really makes me curious.

While I was throwing food while watching it happily swallowing, as I approached, I couldn't help but reach out to touch its head, ready to draw close to it.

However, it seemed to be too close. This guy started to make a bluffing nasal sound like a dog protecting food. I could only spread my hands and look like I didn’t intend to treat him, and then still threw something for him to eat. , Continue to ease its nervousness.

Not to mention, I have never seen a stranger who can move, and it is actually quite interesting to me, let alone feed it.

Of course, I also found that after pulling a shit, even if I fed it a lot of things, I couldn’t let it go to the tub again. It seems that swallowing a spiritual realm before is the key. After all, the high-level Daxian family's body contained amazing power, but it made it half full at once.

I thought for a while, and simply took out the Patching Pill to feed.

The result was beyond my imagination. After eating one or two, this Tian Tian Dan was so attractive to it. When I saw this thing, it was as happy as a child seeing candy.

Of course, it is too wasteful to feed the patch of heavenly pill. This is something that can sell 10,000 spiritual crystals. Moreover, the conversion rate seems to be mediocre, so I don’t plan to feed it anymore, it can only be used as a snack Give it sweet mouth.

After studying the role of this guy, I don't plan to continue feeding it, because only if it thinks you are important, can it continue to tame this little beast.

After there was no food, it stared at my cuff, and even threatened to come over and bite my cuff. Of course, it was slapped away by me. How could I let it kick my nose? On the face?

However, this little beast is really wild. Don’t look at it’s cute appearance and fluttering with two small wings. In fact, once you don’t feed it, it immediately starts to make noise and is photographed dozens of times. , Is still persevering to eat.

I had some bad ideas in my mind, so I took out some elixirs and threw them to it.

As soon as this guy saw the shining Pill Crystal, he immediately rushed forward, and I secretly said in my heart that there are so many things, you can eat whatever you want.

However, what surprised me was that after sniffing the pill crystal, it looked at me with disgust, showing how you feed me this stuff.

"Isn't it? Even you foodie hates Pill Crystal? When you ate those treasures before, why didn't you dislike its compound attributes?" I muttered, and I was thinking about why.

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